Vaadin TreeTable - Vaadin Add-on Directory
A table implementation that supports displaying hierarchical structuresDemo: WorkLog app with one component
Demo: ImageBrowser lists directory on server containing images
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Issue Tracker
Vaadin TreeTable version 0.1
Initial release for testing and comments.
Vaadin TreeTable version 0.2.0
- package rename
- fixed issue with colunm icons
Vaadin TreeTable version 0.3.0
Bugixes + api to collapse/expand nodes via TreeTable
Vaadin TreeTable version 0.3.1
Bugixes + api to collapse/expand nodes via TreeTable. Needs 6.4 series build newer than changeset [13752]
Vaadin TreeTable version 0.4.0
* Note: Requires Vaadin 6.4.2 nightly build or newer. 0.3.1 supports all 6.4 builds.
* Scroll position now more stable when opening/collapsing nodes
* Improved keyboard navigation.
Vaadin TreeTable version 1.0.0
This is first stable release. From 0.4 several small issues were fixed + some API was renamed and documented.
Vaadin TreeTable version 1.1.0
Compatibility with Vaadin 6.5.0.pre1 (GWT 2.1.0) and later.
Please use version 1.0.0 for compatibility with Vaadin 6.4 branch (from version 6.4.6).
Vaadin TreeTable version 1.1.1
Fix for the problem where collapsed and expanded states were mixed up when Collapsible container impl was used
Vaadin TreeTable version 1.2.0
- setHierarchyColumn(Object) method
- supports IE9 and Firefox 4 when used with Vaadin 6.6 or later
- bugfixes
Vaadin TreeTable version 1.2.1
Fixed issues with keyboard navigation.
Vaadin TreeTable version 1.2.2
Fix: Item icon is now clickable to select row