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URL Parameter Mapping

Flexible URL parameter mapping for Vaadin Flow





URL Parameter Mapping for Vaadin Flow

While and are still in the works, the need for flexible parametrized routes still exist. This helper implementation lives on top of built in HasUrlParameter and provides support for named parameters.

Simple usage example:

import org.vaadin.flow.helper.*;


// Will match /example/12345/ORD223434, set exampleId = 12345 and
// call setOrder("ORD223434")
// Otherwise user will be rerouted to default NotFoundException view
class MyView extends Div implements HasUrlParameterMapping {
    // Note: parameter fields/setters should be public    
    public Integer exampleId;
    @UrlParameter(name = "orderId", regEx = "ORD[0-9]{6}") 
    public setOrder(String order) { ... }

The following features are implemented:

  • Support for Integer, Long, Boolean, String and UUID properties (with automatic regular expression checks)
  • Parameter placeholders: order/:orderId
  • Optional parameters: order/:orderId[/:rowId]
  • Parameters in the middle of path: order/:orderId/edit
  • Multiple alternative mappings
  • (Optional) Automatic rerouting to view.
  • Inline regular expressions: forum/thread/:threadId/.*
  • Custom regular expressions: @UrlParameter(regEx = "overview|samples|links")
  • Dynamic regular expressions for parameters
  • RequestHandler support
  • URL formatting
  • Query parameters support

Sample code

// Will match /example/12345 and /example/12345/678
// version property will receive null when missing 
// Will match /example/edit/12345
// Will match /order/detail/12345/edit
// Will match /order/detail/12345/edit and /order/detail/edit
Integer userId;
// Will match /new-message/123456, but not /new-message/1234567
// Will match (with HasAbsoluteUrlParameterMapping)
// - /forum/thread/12345
// - /forum/thread/12345/forum-post-title
// - /forum/thread/12345/67890
// - /forum/message/67890
import org.vaadin.flow.helper.*;


// Will match /example/12345 and call setExampleId(12345)
class MyView extends Div implements HasAbsoluteUrlParameterMapping {
    //                         note ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    public Integer exampleId;
class SomeView extends Div implements HasUrlParameterMapping {
    final static String ORDER_VIEW = ":orderId[/view]";
    final static String ORDER_EDIT = ":orderId/edit";

    public String matchedPattern;

    @UrlParameter(name = "orderId")
    public void setOrder(Integer orderId) { ... }

    public void beforeEnter(BeforeEnterEvent event) {
        if ( ORDER_VIEW.equals(matchedPattern) ) {
        } else {

@RerouteIfNotMatched(exception = OrderNotFoundException.class)
// --- OR ---
//@RerouteIfNotMatched(view = NoOrderView.class)
// Will match /order/12345
// Otherwise user will be rerouted to default OrderNotFoundException (or NoOrderView) view
// Will match /example/12345
// Will not show NotFoundException view if no matches detected
import org.vaadin.flow.helper.*;


// Will match /example/12345 and call setExampleId(12345)
class MyView extends Div implements HasUrlParameterMapping {
    static {
        UrlParameterMappingHelper.setDynamicRegex(MyView.class, "selectedTab", MyView::getSelectedTabRegex);

    @UrlParameter(dynamicRegEx = true)
    public String selectedTab;
    public String getSelectedTabRegex() {
        return String.join("|", backendService.getAvailableTabs());
class DownloadRequestHandler implements RequestHandler {
    public class ParameterMapping {
        public UUID uuid;

    boolean handleRequest(VaadinSession session, VaadinRequest request,
                VaadinResponse response) throws IOException {
		VaadinServletRequest servletRequest = (VaadinServletRequest) request;
        ParameterMapping mapping = new ParameterMapping();
        if ( !UrlParameterMappingHelper.match(mapping, servletRequest.getRequestURI())) {
            return false;
public Integer orderId = 12345;

public Integer orderRowId = null;


String url = UrlParameterMappingHelper.format(this,"order/:orderId[/:orderRowId]/:1", "edit");
// url = "order/12345/edit"

orderRowId = 78;
String url2 = UrlParameterMappingHelper.format(this,"order/:orderId[/:orderRowId]/:1", "edit");
// url = "order/12345/78/edit"
import org.vaadin.flow.helper.*;


@UrlParameterMapping(queryParameters = { "exampleId=:exampleId", "mode=:mode" })
@UrlParameterMapping(path = ":exampleId", queryParameters = { "mode=:mode" })
// Will match /example/12345 and set exampleId to 12345, mode to null
// Will also match /example?exampleId=34567&mode=edit and set exampleId to 34567 and mode to "edit"
class MyView extends Div implements HasUrlParameterMapping {
    public Integer exampleId;
    @UrlParameter(regEx = "edit|preview")
    public String mode;


(Loading compatibility data...)

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  • Removed banner.txt
Apache License 2.0


Vaadin 10+
Vaadin 11+
Vaadin 12+
Browser Independent

URL Parameter Mapping - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Flexible URL parameter mapping for Vaadin Flow URL Parameter Mapping - Vaadin Add-on Directory
# URL Parameter Mapping for Vaadin Flow While and are still in the works, the need for flexible parametrized routes still exist. This helper implementation lives on top of built in HasUrlParameter and provides support for named parameters. Simple usage example: ```java import org.vaadin.flow.helper.*; ... @Route("example") @UrlParameterMapping(":exampleId/:orderId") // Will match /example/12345/ORD223434, set exampleId = 12345 and // call setOrder("ORD223434") // Otherwise user will be rerouted to default NotFoundException view class MyView extends Div implements HasUrlParameterMapping { // Note: parameter fields/setters should be public @UrlParameter public Integer exampleId; @UrlParameter(name = "orderId", regEx = "ORD[0-9]{6}") public setOrder(String order) { ... } ... } ``` The following features are implemented: - Support for `Integer`, `Long`, `Boolean`, `String` and `UUID` properties (with automatic regular expression checks) - Parameter placeholders: `order/:orderId` - Optional parameters: `order/:orderId[/:rowId]` - Parameters in the middle of path: `order/:orderId/edit` - Multiple alternative mappings - (Optional) Automatic rerouting to view. - Inline regular expressions: `forum/thread/:threadId/.*` - Custom regular expressions: `@UrlParameter(regEx = "overview|samples|links")` - Dynamic regular expressions for parameters - `RequestHandler` support - URL formatting - Query parameters support
Source Code
Discussion Forum
Issue tracker

URL Parameter Mapping version 1.0.0-alpha1
Initial pre-release

URL Parameter Mapping version 1.0.0-alpha2
- Added `isPatternMatched()` and `isPatternMatched(pattern)` methods to `HasUrlParameterMapping` and `HasAbsoluteUrlParameterMapping` - Added support for `UUID` properties - [!] Breaking change: automatically reroute to default `NotFoundException` view if no matches found - Added `@RerouteIfNotMatched` annotation to change the default exception class - Added `@IgnoreIfNotMatched` annotation to disable automatic rerouting - Fixed regular expressions for `Integer` and `Long` properties

URL Parameter Mapping version 1.0.0-alpha3
- Added support for fields - Added `@UrlParameter` annotation with optional cutom regEx - Fixed broken patterns for optional parameters with custom regRx - Removed `commons-beanutils` dependency

URL Parameter Mapping version 1.0.0-alpha4
- (breaking change) Added `@UrlMatchedPatternParameter` replacing `isPatternMatched` - Added support for dynamic regular expressions - Added support for `RequestHandler`

URL Parameter Mapping version 1.0.0-alpha5
- Fixed exception when clearing parameter - Fixed mismatches when optional segment is at first position of pattern - [breaking change] Added rerouting to view in addition to exception based error rerouting

URL Parameter Mapping version 1.0.0-alpha6
- Added URL formatting

URL Parameter Mapping version 1.0.0-alpha7
- Added support for query parameters

URL Parameter Mapping version 1.0.0-beta1
- Removed `banner.txt`

URL Parameter Mapping version 1.0.0-beta2
- Remove `banner.txt`, this time for sure
