
uPortal-web-components - Vaadin Add-on Directory

A collection of uPortal Web Components and JavaScript utilities uPortal-web-components - Vaadin Add-on Directory
# ESCO Content Menu [![NPM Version](]( [![Maven Central](]( [![Build Status](]( ## Demo ## Installation ```bash # install with npm npm install @uportal/esco-content-menu # install with yarn yarn add @uportal/esco-content-menu ``` _install with maven_ ```xml org.webjars.npm uportal__esco-content-menu {version number goes here} ``` _install with gradle_ ```gradle compile 'org.webjars.npm:uportal__esco-content-menu:{version number goes here}' ``` ## Usage as Web Component ### The hamburger menu This is the main component that show a hamburger menu and that open an entire page with `content-menu` component. #### Html ```html ``` For some integration you could need a bit more, like into uPortal you will need to add a parent div and to apply on his closest parent `section` a style `float: left`. #### Properties - `context-api-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal`, usefull to provide a different uPortal context on which to do request - `favorite-api-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal/api/layout`, the uri/url of the favorites api - `layout-api-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal/api/v4-3/dlm/layout.json`, the uri/url of the layout api to request the favorite list in the oser defined order (only needed to get favorite's order defined by the user) - `portlet-api-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal/api/v4-3/dlm/portletRegistry.json`, the uri/url of the portletRegistry api to obtains user authorized portlet list - `userInfo-api-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal/api/v5-1/userinfo`, url/uri on which the api request is done to obtain user information and the jwt token - `organization-api-url`: type: `String`, optional, an uri/url of an api to retrieve organization informations, any json format is accepted, but configure `user-org-id-attribute-name`, `user-all-orgs-id-attribute-name`, `org-logo-url-attribute-name` to work with. - `sign-out-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal/Logout`, an uri/url to call when user logout (for a logout button), - `default-org-logo`: type: `String`, required: true, an url/uri to provide an institutional picture when none is found from an optional api (not provided into uPortal), - `user-info-portlet-url`: type: `String`, default: `''`, an url/uri to the user information application, - `switch-org-portlet-url`: type: `String`, default: `''`, an optional url/url of a rest api to obtain institutional organization information, - `favorites-portlet-card-size`: type: possible value `auto|large|medium|small|smaller`, default: `auto`, define the size of portlet-cards component into `favorite-content` component part, - `grid-portlet-card-size`: type: possible value `auto|large|medium|small|smaller`, default: `auto`, define the size of `portlet-cards` component into `grid-content` component part, - `hide-action-mode: type`: possible value `auto|always|never`, default: `auto`, define if we should show the actions, `auto` don't show on `small` breakpoint, - `user-org-id-attribute-name`: type: `String`, default: `'ESCOSIRENCourant[0]'`, the attribute object path to obtain the id of the organization to retrieve from the organization's api - `user-all-orgs-id-attribute-name`: type: `String`, default: `'ESCOSIREN`, the attribute object path to obtain all ids of the organizations linked to the user and to retrieve from the organization's api - `org-logo-url-attribute-name`: type: `String`, default: `'otherAttributes.ESCOStructureLogo[0]'`, the attribute object path to obtain the organization Picture from organization details obtained from the organization's api - `debug`: type: `Boolean`, default: `false`, for the demo/debug mode to be able to run in a standalone way (disable api call). #### Slots The HTML content of the component can also be modified using [slots]( ##### Menu Icon The `menu-icon` slot permit to apply a custom icon replacing the default Hamburger one. As example: ```html
``` ##### Menu Content The `menu-content` slot permit to apply an other content than the esco-content-menu sub-component. ```html
``` ### The content menu This component is a main one as it will load into one page all main elements (the user + organization information, the favorites and the list of services ) #### Html ```html ``` #### Properties This use the same properties from the `hamburger-menu` (see on `hamburger-menu` details): - `context-api-url` - `favorite-api-url` - `layout-api-url` - `organization-api-url` - `user-info-api-url` - `portlet-api-url` - `sign-out-url` - `default-org-logo` - `user-info-portlet-url` - `switch-org-portlet-url` - `favorites-portlet-card-size` - `grid-portlet-card-size` - `hide-action-mode` - `user-org-id-attribute-name` - `user-all-orgs-id-attribute-name` - `org-logo-url-attribute-name` - `debug` and with additional properties to work with the `hamburger-menu`: - `call-on-close`: type: `Function`, default: `{}`, provide to this property a callback function to call after clicking on the header-button close of the `header-buttons` component. - `is-hidden`: type: `Boolean`, default: `false`, used by the `hamburger-menu` to indicate the state of the page. - `id`: type: `String`, default: `null`, provide an id to be able to select the dome element, as example if you want to manage manualy an `hamburger-menu` ### The content grid This component provide a flexbox way to show a list of `portlet-card`, depending on uPortal rest-api. #### Html ```html ``` #### Properties Standalone properties: - `background-color`: type: `String`, default: `rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)`, to apply a different background-color - `call-after-action`: type: `Function`, default: `undefined`, a callback function to call into `portlet-card` embeding `action-favorite` after adding portlet to favorites, - `context-api-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal`, usefull to provide a different uPortal context on which to do request, - `favorite-api-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal/api/layout`, the uri/url of the favorites api - `layout-api-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal/api/v4-3/dlm/layout.json`, the uri/url of the layout api to request the favorite list in the other defined order (only needed to get favorite's order defined by the user) - `portlet-api-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal/api/v4-3/dlm/portletRegistry.json`, the uri/url of the portletRegistry api to obtains user authorized portlet list - `userInfo-api-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal/api/v5-1/userinfo`, url/uri on which the api request is done to obtain user information and the jwt token - `portlet-card-size`: type: possible value `auto|large|medium|small|smaller|custom`, default: `auto`, define the size of `portlet-cards` component. - `hide-action: type`: `Boolean`, default: `false`, define to hide or not the `action-favorite` button defined into `portlet-card` - `show-footer-categories`: `Boolean`, default: `false`, define to display category dropdown filter near bottom of grid - `hide-title`: `Boolean`, default: `false`, define to remove the title area from the grid, useful when a basic grid is desired - `debug`: type: `Boolean`, default: `false`, for the demo/debug mode to be able to run in a standalone way (disable api call) and additional properties to work with the parent component `content-menu`: - `parent-screen-size`: type: possible value `large|medium|small|smaller|custom`, default: `medium`, permit to indicate the breakpoint view of the parent. - `portlets`: type: `Array`, default: `undefined`, used if the list of portlets is loaded and provided from a parent component, - `favorites`: type: `Array`, default: `undefined`, used if the list of favorites portlets loaded and provided from a parent component, #### Slots The HTML content of the component can also be modified using [slots]( ##### Header Left The `header-left` slot permit to apply a custom title replacing the default "All services" one. As example: ```html


``` ##### Header Right The `header-right` slot permit to apply a custom title replacing the default filter on right. As example: ```html
``` ##### Footer The `footer` slot permit to apply a custom title replacing the default filter on footer. As example: ```html
``` ### The action favorite The component `action-favorite` is really simple, it show a start button that permit to add or remove from favorites a portlet. ### Html ```html ``` #### Properties - `call-on-toggle-fav`: type: `Function`, default: `{}`, a callback function called after the click event on the button, - `chan-id`: type: `String`, required: `true`, the portlet id to add or remove from user favorites, - `favorite-api-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal/api/layout`, the uri/url of the favorites api, - `user-info-api-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal/api/v5-1/userinfo`, url/uri on which the api request is done to obtain user information and the jwt token, - `fname`: type: `String`, required: `true`, the portlet fname that permit to identify the portlet into favorite's list, usefull for the callback function and apply a css class, - `is-favorite`: type: `Boolean`, default: `false`, provide the favorite state, - `back-ground-is-dark`: type: `Boolean`, default: `false`, permit to apply a style depending on background color, as the component is used as embeded, - `debug`: type: `Boolean`, default: `false`, for the demo/debug mode to be able to run in a standalone way (disable favorites api call) ### The content favorites The component is functional only into the `content-menu`, it needs that a portlet list and favorite list is passed Somme work would be needed to move on the `content-carousel`. ### The content user This component permit to show user information with his organization information. Few work would be need to be able to use it as a standalone component: like having a fetch service like for portlets or favorite. But some parts are institutional developpments to be able to obtain organization informations, so we are waiting new usecase before to do something. #### Html Need some work for a standalone use. #### Properties - `context-api-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal`, usefull to provide a different uPortal context on which to do request - `org-info`: type: `Object`, default: `{}`, the current user organization detail object, - `other-orgs`: type: `Array`, default: `[]`, all other organizations details object when the user have several, - `user-info`: type: `Object`, required: `true`, the user information object, - `switch-org-portlet-url`: type: `String`, default: `'''`, an url/uri where the user can switch of organization when having several (tenant use part), - `default-org-logo`: type: `String`, required: `true`, an url/uri to provide an institutional picture when none is found from an optional api (not provided into uPortal), - `user-info-portlet-url`: type: `String`, default: `''`, an url/uri to the user information application, - `org-logo-url-attribute-name`: type: `String`, default: `'otherAttributes.ESCOStructureLogo[0]'`, the attribute object path to obtain the organization Picture from organization details obtained from the organization's api. and additional properties to work with the parent component `content-menu`: - `parent-screen-size`: type: possible value `large|medium|small|smaller`, default: `medium`, permit to indicate the breakpoint view of the parent. ### The portlet card This component render informations about a portlet as a card. #### Html ```html ``` #### Properties - `portlet-desc`: type: `Object`, required: `true`, the portlet description object - `size`: type: possible value `large|medium|small|smaller|custom`, default: `medium`, the fixed size of card to apply - `hide-action: type`: `Boolean`, default: `false`, define to hide or not the `action-favorite` button - `back-ground-is-dark`: type: `Boolean`, default: `false`, permit to apply a style depending on background color, as the component is used as embeded, - `is-favorite`: type: `Boolean`, default: `false`, provide the favorite state (passed to the `action-favorite` component), - `call-after-action`: type: `Function`, default: `{}`, callback function to call after click on `action-favorite` button (passed to the `action-favorite` component), - `icon-background-color`: type: `String`, default: `Transparent`, could be used to apply a background-color behind a portlet icon - usecase if there isn't background on icon. - `favorite-api-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal/api/layout`, the uri/url of the favorites api (passed to the `action-favorite` component), - `user-info-api-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal/api/v5-1/userinfo`, url/uri on which the api request is done to obtain user information and the jwt token, (passed to the `action-favorite` component), - `debug`: type: `Boolean`, default: `false`, for the demo/debug mode to be able to run in a standalone way (disable api call). ### The content grid category filter This component is an external version of the filter built into Content Grid that allows for arbitrary placement on the page. #### Html ```html ``` #### Properties - none ### The ellipsis This component permit to apply an auto-fit/trunc or a line-clamping to a text when the div size should be limited. It avoids to apply an overflow: hidden and permit to manage an ellipsis on several line. #### Html ```html ``` #### Properties - `message`: type: `String`, default: `''`, the text to "ellipsise", - `line-clamp`: type: `Number`, default: `0`, when we want a number of line, else will apply an auto-fit on te available size (the parent should have a defined height), - `line-height`: type: `String`, default: `'22px'`, the line heigth of the text is required for the auto-fit, - `end-char`: type: `String`, default: `'...'`, a text to apply when a trunc appear, - `end-html`: type: `String`, default: `''`, a text to apply at end of the html. ### The header buttons This component render a header part with some main buttons, like closing the page menu or to sign out. #### Html ```html ``` #### Properties - `call-on-close`: type: `Function`, default: `{}`, callback function on click on the close button, - `sign-out-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal/Logout`, an uri/url to call when user logout (for a logout button), ## FAQ - Q: What does "ESCO" mean? - A: "ESCO" is an abbreviation of "e-scolaire", French for Online School. ### Theming Currently this component supports [CSS Variables]( for overriding button colors. Defining the following variables will change the colors for the component accordingly. They will fall back to the colors described below. **_NOTE:_** This is only supported when the size attribute is set to `custom`. You should define this in your custom stylesheet. ```css :root { --content-gridcard-padding: 5px; --content-gridcard-border: none; --content-gridcard-bg-color: white; --content-gridcard-border-radius: 5px; --content-gridcard-shadow: none; --content-gridcard-shadow-hover: none; --content-gridcard-size-w: 180px; --content-gridcard-size-h: 180px; --content-gridcard-icon-size: 75px; --content-gridcard-icon-size: 75px; --content-gridcard-title-fontsize: 16px; --content-gridcard-description-fontsize: 16px; --content-griditem-margin: 20px auto; } ```
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uPortal-web-components version 1.12.0
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.12.0 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome#^3.1.2 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.1.0

uPortal-web-components version 1.12.1
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.12.1 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome#^3.1.2 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.1.0

uPortal-web-components version 1.13.0
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.12.1 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome#^3.1.2 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.1.0

uPortal-web-components version 1.13.1
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.12.1 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome#^3.1.2 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.1.0

uPortal-web-components version 1.13.2
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.13.2 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome#^3.1.3 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.1.0

uPortal-web-components version 1.13.3
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.13.3 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome#^3.1.3 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.1.0

uPortal-web-components version 1.13.4
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.13.4 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.1.0

uPortal-web-components version 1.13.5
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.13.5 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.1.0

uPortal-web-components version 1.13.6
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.13.6 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.2.1

uPortal-web-components version 1.13.7
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.13.7 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.2.1

uPortal-web-components version 1.14.0
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.14.0 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.2.1

uPortal-web-components version 1.14.1
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.14.1 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.2.1

uPortal-web-components version 1.14.2
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.14.2 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.2.1

uPortal-web-components version 1.15.0
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.15.0 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.2.1

uPortal-web-components version 1.16.0
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.16.0 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.2.1

uPortal-web-components version 1.16.1
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.16.1 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.2.1

uPortal-web-components version 1.16.2
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.16.2 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.2.1

uPortal-web-components version 1.17.0
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.17.0 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.2.1

uPortal-web-components version 1.18.0
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.18.0 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.2.1

uPortal-web-components version 1.18.1
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.18.1 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.2.1

uPortal-web-components version 1.18.2
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.18.2 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.2.1

uPortal-web-components version 1.19.0
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.19.0 * lodash#^4.17.11 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.2.1 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8

uPortal-web-components version 1.19.1
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.19.1 * lodash#^4.17.11 * vue#^2.5.20 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.4.0 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8

uPortal-web-components version 1.20.0
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.20.0 * lodash#^4.17.11 * vue#^2.5.20 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.4.0 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8

uPortal-web-components version 1.21.0
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.21.0 * lodash#^4.17.11 * vue#^2.5.20 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.4.0 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8

uPortal-web-components version 1.21.1
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.21.1 * lodash#^4.17.11 * vue#^2.5.20 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.4.0 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8

uPortal-web-components version 1.21.2
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.21.2 * lodash#^4.17.11 * vue#^2.5.20 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.4.0 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8

uPortal-web-components version 1.22.0
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.22.0 * lodash#^4.17.11 * vue#^2.5.20 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.4.0 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8

uPortal-web-components version 1.22.1
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.22.1 * lodash#^4.17.11 * vue#^2.5.20 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.4.0 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8

uPortal-web-components version 1.23.0
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.23.0 * lodash#^4.17.11 * vue#^2.5.20 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.4.0 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8

uPortal-web-components version 1.24.0
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.24.0 * lodash#^4.17.11 * vue#^2.5.20 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.4.0 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8

uPortal-web-components version 1.25.0
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.25.0 * lodash#^4.17.11 * vue#^2.6.6 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.8.2 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8

uPortal-web-components version 1.26.0
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.26.0 * lodash#^4.17.11 * vue#^2.6.6 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.8.2 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8

uPortal-web-components version 1.26.1
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.26.1 * lodash#^4.17.11 * vue#^2.6.6 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.8.2 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8

uPortal-web-components version 1.26.2
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.26.2 * lodash#^4.17.11 * vue#^2.6.6 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.8.2 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8

uPortal-web-components version 1.27.0
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.27.0 * lodash#^4.17.11 * match-sorter#^3.0.0 * vue#^2.6.6 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.8.2 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8

uPortal-web-components version 1.28.0
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.28.0 * lodash#^4.17.11 * match-sorter#^3.0.0 * vue#^2.6.6 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.8.2 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8