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A collection of uPortal Web Components and JavaScript utilities





ESCO Content Menu

NPM Version Maven Central Build Status



# install with npm
npm install @uportal/esco-content-menu

# install with yarn
yarn add @uportal/esco-content-menu

install with maven

    <version>{version number goes here}</version>

install with gradle

compile 'org.webjars.npm:uportal__esco-content-menu:{version number goes here}'

Usage as Web Component

The hamburger menu

This is the main component that show a hamburger menu and that open an entire page with content-menu component.


<script src="/resource-server/webjars/vue/dist/vue.min.js"></script>


For some integration you could need a bit more, like into uPortal you will need to add a parent div and to apply on his closest parent section a style float: left.


  • context-api-url: type: String, default: /uPortal, usefull to provide a different uPortal context on which to do request
  • favorite-api-url: type: String, default: /uPortal/api/layout, the uri/url of the favorites api
  • layout-api-url: type: String, default: /uPortal/api/v4-3/dlm/layout.json, the uri/url of the layout api to request the favorite list in the oser defined order (only needed to get favorite's order defined by the user)
  • portlet-api-url: type: String, default: /uPortal/api/v4-3/dlm/portletRegistry.json, the uri/url of the portletRegistry api to obtains user authorized portlet list
  • userInfo-api-url: type: String, default: /uPortal/api/v5-1/userinfo, url/uri on which the api request is done to obtain user information and the jwt token
  • organization-api-url: type: String, optional, an uri/url of an api to retrieve organization informations, any json format is accepted, but configure user-org-id-attribute-name, user-all-orgs-id-attribute-name, org-logo-url-attribute-name to work with.
  • sign-out-url: type: String, default: /uPortal/Logout, an uri/url to call when user logout (for a logout button),
  • default-org-logo: type: String, required: true, an url/uri to provide an institutional picture when none is found from an optional api (not provided into uPortal),
  • user-info-portlet-url: type: String, default: '', an url/uri to the user information application,
  • switch-org-portlet-url: type: String, default: '', an optional url/url of a rest api to obtain institutional organization information,
  • favorites-portlet-card-size: type: possible value auto|large|medium|small|smaller, default: auto, define the size of portlet-cards component into favorite-content component part,
  • grid-portlet-card-size: type: possible value auto|large|medium|small|smaller, default: auto, define the size of portlet-cards component into grid-content component part,
  • hide-action-mode: type: possible value auto|always|never, default: auto, define if we should show the actions, auto don't show on small breakpoint,
  • user-org-id-attribute-name: type: String, default: 'ESCOSIRENCourant[0]', the attribute object path to obtain the id of the organization to retrieve from the organization's api
  • user-all-orgs-id-attribute-name: type: String, default: 'ESCOSIREN, the attribute object path to obtain all ids of the organizations linked to the user and to retrieve from the organization's api
  • org-logo-url-attribute-name: type: String, default: 'otherAttributes.ESCOStructureLogo[0]', the attribute object path to obtain the organization Picture from organization details obtained from the organization's api
  • debug: type: Boolean, default: false, for the demo/debug mode to be able to run in a standalone way (disable api call).


The HTML content of the component can also be modified using slots.

The menu-icon slot permit to apply a custom icon replacing the default Hamburger one. As example:


The menu-content slot permit to apply an other content than the esco-content-menu sub-component.

  <div slot="menu-content">whatever...</div>

The content menu

This component is a main one as it will load into one page all main elements (the user + organization information, the favorites and the list of services )


<script src="/resource-server/webjars/vue/dist/vue.min.js"></script>



This use the same properties from the hamburger-menu (see on hamburger-menu details):

  • context-api-url
  • favorite-api-url
  • layout-api-url
  • organization-api-url
  • user-info-api-url
  • portlet-api-url
  • sign-out-url
  • default-org-logo
  • user-info-portlet-url
  • switch-org-portlet-url
  • favorites-portlet-card-size
  • grid-portlet-card-size
  • hide-action-mode
  • user-org-id-attribute-name
  • user-all-orgs-id-attribute-name
  • org-logo-url-attribute-name
  • debug

and with additional properties to work with the hamburger-menu:

  • call-on-close: type: Function, default: {}, provide to this property a callback function to call after clicking on the header-button close of the header-buttons component.
  • is-hidden: type: Boolean, default: false, used by the hamburger-menu to indicate the state of the page.
  • id: type: String, default: null, provide an id to be able to select the dome element, as example if you want to manage manualy an hamburger-menu

The content grid

This component provide a flexbox way to show a list of portlet-card, depending on uPortal rest-api.


<script src="/resource-server/webjars/vue/dist/vue.min.js"></script>



Standalone properties:

  • background-color: type: String, default: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), to apply a different background-color
  • call-after-action: type: Function, default: undefined, a callback function to call into portlet-card embeding action-favorite after adding portlet to favorites,
  • context-api-url: type: String, default: /uPortal, usefull to provide a different uPortal context on which to do request,
  • favorite-api-url: type: String, default: /uPortal/api/layout, the uri/url of the favorites api
  • layout-api-url: type: String, default: /uPortal/api/v4-3/dlm/layout.json, the uri/url of the layout api to request the favorite list in the other defined order (only needed to get favorite's order defined by the user)
  • portlet-api-url: type: String, default: /uPortal/api/v4-3/dlm/portletRegistry.json, the uri/url of the portletRegistry api to obtains user authorized portlet list
  • userInfo-api-url: type: String, default: /uPortal/api/v5-1/userinfo, url/uri on which the api request is done to obtain user information and the jwt token
  • portlet-card-size: type: possible value auto|large|medium|small|smaller|custom, default: auto, define the size of portlet-cards component.
  • hide-action: type: Boolean, default: false, define to hide or not the action-favorite button defined into portlet-card
  • show-footer-categories: Boolean, default: false, define to display category dropdown filter near bottom of grid
  • hide-title: Boolean, default: false, define to remove the title area from the grid, useful when a basic grid is desired
  • debug: type: Boolean, default: false, for the demo/debug mode to be able to run in a standalone way (disable api call)

and additional properties to work with the parent component content-menu:

  • parent-screen-size: type: possible value large|medium|small|smaller|custom, default: medium, permit to indicate the breakpoint view of the parent.
  • portlets: type: Array, default: undefined, used if the list of portlets is loaded and provided from a parent component,
  • favorites: type: Array, default: undefined, used if the list of favorites portlets loaded and provided from a parent component,


The HTML content of the component can also be modified using slots.

Header Left

The header-left slot permit to apply a custom title replacing the default "All services" one. As example:

  <h1 slot="header-left">Administration</h1>
Header Right

The header-right slot permit to apply a custom title replacing the default filter on right. As example:

  <div slot="header-rigth"></div>

The footer slot permit to apply a custom title replacing the default filter on footer. As example:

  <div slot="footer"></div>

The action favorite

The component action-favorite is really simple, it show a start button that permit to add or remove from favorites a portlet.


<script src="/resource-server/webjars/vue/dist/vue.min.js"></script>

<esco-action-favorite portlet-card-size="small" hide-action="false">


  • call-on-toggle-fav: type: Function, default: {}, a callback function called after the click event on the button,
  • chan-id: type: String, required: true, the portlet id to add or remove from user favorites,
  • favorite-api-url: type: String, default: /uPortal/api/layout, the uri/url of the favorites api,
  • user-info-api-url: type: String, default: /uPortal/api/v5-1/userinfo, url/uri on which the api request is done to obtain user information and the jwt token,
  • fname: type: String, required: true, the portlet fname that permit to identify the portlet into favorite's list, usefull for the callback function and apply a css class,
  • is-favorite: type: Boolean, default: false, provide the favorite state,
  • back-ground-is-dark: type: Boolean, default: false, permit to apply a style depending on background color, as the component is used as embeded,
  • debug: type: Boolean, default: false, for the demo/debug mode to be able to run in a standalone way (disable favorites api call)

The content favorites

The component is functional only into the content-menu, it needs that a portlet list and favorite list is passed

Somme work would be needed to move on the content-carousel.

The content user

This component permit to show user information with his organization information. Few work would be need to be able to use it as a standalone component: like having a fetch service like for portlets or favorite. But some parts are institutional developpments to be able to obtain organization informations, so we are waiting new usecase before to do something.


Need some work for a standalone use.


  • context-api-url: type: String, default: /uPortal, usefull to provide a different uPortal context on which to do request
  • org-info: type: Object, default: {}, the current user organization detail object,
  • other-orgs: type: Array, default: [], all other organizations details object when the user have several,
  • user-info: type: Object, required: true, the user information object,
  • switch-org-portlet-url: type: String, default: ''', an url/uri where the user can switch of organization when having several (tenant use part),
  • default-org-logo: type: String, required: true, an url/uri to provide an institutional picture when none is found from an optional api (not provided into uPortal),
  • user-info-portlet-url: type: String, default: '', an url/uri to the user information application,
  • org-logo-url-attribute-name: type: String, default: 'otherAttributes.ESCOStructureLogo[0]', the attribute object path to obtain the organization Picture from organization details obtained from the organization's api.

and additional properties to work with the parent component content-menu:

  • parent-screen-size: type: possible value large|medium|small|smaller, default: medium, permit to indicate the breakpoint view of the parent.

The portlet card

This component render informations about a portlet as a card.


<script src="/resource-server/webjars/vue/dist/vue.min.js"></script>

<esco-portlet-card portlet-desc="portlet" size="small" hide-action="true">


  • portlet-desc: type: Object, required: true, the portlet description object
  • size: type: possible value large|medium|small|smaller|custom, default: medium, the fixed size of card to apply
  • hide-action: type: Boolean, default: false, define to hide or not the action-favorite button
  • back-ground-is-dark: type: Boolean, default: false, permit to apply a style depending on background color, as the component is used as embeded,
  • is-favorite: type: Boolean, default: false, provide the favorite state (passed to the action-favorite component),
  • call-after-action: type: Function, default: {}, callback function to call after click on action-favorite button (passed to the action-favorite component),
  • icon-background-color: type: String, default: Transparent, could be used to apply a background-color behind a portlet icon - usecase if there isn't background on icon.
  • favorite-api-url: type: String, default: /uPortal/api/layout, the uri/url of the favorites api (passed to the action-favorite component),
  • user-info-api-url: type: String, default: /uPortal/api/v5-1/userinfo, url/uri on which the api request is done to obtain user information and the jwt token, (passed to the action-favorite component),
  • debug: type: Boolean, default: false, for the demo/debug mode to be able to run in a standalone way (disable api call).

The content grid category filter

This component is an external version of the filter built into Content Grid that allows for arbitrary placement on the page.


<script src="/resource-server/webjars/vue/dist/vue.min.js"></script>




  • none

The ellipsis

This component permit to apply an auto-fit/trunc or a line-clamping to a text when the div size should be limited. It avoids to apply an overflow: hidden and permit to manage an ellipsis on several line.


<script src="/resource-server/webjars/vue/dist/vue.min.js"></script>
<script src="/resource-server/webjars/uportal__esco-content-menu/dist/esco.min.js" defer></script>



  • message: type: String, default: '', the text to "ellipsise",
  • line-clamp: type: Number, default: 0, when we want a number of line, else will apply an auto-fit on te available size (the parent should have a defined height),
  • line-height: type: String, default: '22px', the line heigth of the text is required for the auto-fit,
  • end-char: type: String, default: '...', a text to apply when a trunc appear,
  • end-html: type: String, default: '', a text to apply at end of the html.

The header buttons

This component render a header part with some main buttons, like closing the page menu or to sign out.


<script src="/resource-server/webjars/vue/dist/vue.min.js"></script>

<esco-header-button call-on-close="function"> </esco-header-button>


  • call-on-close: type: Function, default: {}, callback function on click on the close button,
  • sign-out-url: type: String, default: /uPortal/Logout, an uri/url to call when user logout (for a logout button),


  • Q: What does "ESCO" mean?
  • A: "ESCO" is an abbreviation of "e-scolaire", French for Online School.


Currently this component supports CSS Variables for overriding button colors. Defining the following variables will change the colors for the component accordingly. They will fall back to the colors described below.

NOTE: This is only supported when the size attribute is set to custom.

You should define this in your custom stylesheet.

:root {
  --content-gridcard-padding: 5px;
  --content-gridcard-border: none;
  --content-gridcard-bg-color: white;
  --content-gridcard-border-radius: 5px;
  --content-gridcard-shadow: none;
  --content-gridcard-shadow-hover: none;
  --content-gridcard-size-w: 180px;
  --content-gridcard-size-h: 180px;
  --content-gridcard-icon-size: 75px;
  --content-gridcard-icon-size: 75px;
  --content-gridcard-title-fontsize: 16px;
  --content-gridcard-description-fontsize: 16px;

  --content-griditem-margin: 20px auto;


(Loading compatibility data...)

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Leave a comment or a question below. You can also join the chat on Discord or ask questions on StackOverflow.



  • @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0
  • @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.16.1
  • datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1
  • vue#^2.5.17
  • vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3
  • vue-i18n#^8.2.1
Apache License 2.0


Browser Independent

uPortal-web-components - Vaadin Add-on Directory

A collection of uPortal Web Components and JavaScript utilities uPortal-web-components - Vaadin Add-on Directory
# ESCO Content Menu [![NPM Version](]( [![Maven Central](]( [![Build Status](]( ## Demo ## Installation ```bash # install with npm npm install @uportal/esco-content-menu # install with yarn yarn add @uportal/esco-content-menu ``` _install with maven_ ```xml org.webjars.npm uportal__esco-content-menu {version number goes here} ``` _install with gradle_ ```gradle compile 'org.webjars.npm:uportal__esco-content-menu:{version number goes here}' ``` ## Usage as Web Component ### The hamburger menu This is the main component that show a hamburger menu and that open an entire page with `content-menu` component. #### Html ```html ``` For some integration you could need a bit more, like into uPortal you will need to add a parent div and to apply on his closest parent `section` a style `float: left`. #### Properties - `context-api-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal`, usefull to provide a different uPortal context on which to do request - `favorite-api-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal/api/layout`, the uri/url of the favorites api - `layout-api-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal/api/v4-3/dlm/layout.json`, the uri/url of the layout api to request the favorite list in the oser defined order (only needed to get favorite's order defined by the user) - `portlet-api-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal/api/v4-3/dlm/portletRegistry.json`, the uri/url of the portletRegistry api to obtains user authorized portlet list - `userInfo-api-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal/api/v5-1/userinfo`, url/uri on which the api request is done to obtain user information and the jwt token - `organization-api-url`: type: `String`, optional, an uri/url of an api to retrieve organization informations, any json format is accepted, but configure `user-org-id-attribute-name`, `user-all-orgs-id-attribute-name`, `org-logo-url-attribute-name` to work with. - `sign-out-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal/Logout`, an uri/url to call when user logout (for a logout button), - `default-org-logo`: type: `String`, required: true, an url/uri to provide an institutional picture when none is found from an optional api (not provided into uPortal), - `user-info-portlet-url`: type: `String`, default: `''`, an url/uri to the user information application, - `switch-org-portlet-url`: type: `String`, default: `''`, an optional url/url of a rest api to obtain institutional organization information, - `favorites-portlet-card-size`: type: possible value `auto|large|medium|small|smaller`, default: `auto`, define the size of portlet-cards component into `favorite-content` component part, - `grid-portlet-card-size`: type: possible value `auto|large|medium|small|smaller`, default: `auto`, define the size of `portlet-cards` component into `grid-content` component part, - `hide-action-mode: type`: possible value `auto|always|never`, default: `auto`, define if we should show the actions, `auto` don't show on `small` breakpoint, - `user-org-id-attribute-name`: type: `String`, default: `'ESCOSIRENCourant[0]'`, the attribute object path to obtain the id of the organization to retrieve from the organization's api - `user-all-orgs-id-attribute-name`: type: `String`, default: `'ESCOSIREN`, the attribute object path to obtain all ids of the organizations linked to the user and to retrieve from the organization's api - `org-logo-url-attribute-name`: type: `String`, default: `'otherAttributes.ESCOStructureLogo[0]'`, the attribute object path to obtain the organization Picture from organization details obtained from the organization's api - `debug`: type: `Boolean`, default: `false`, for the demo/debug mode to be able to run in a standalone way (disable api call). #### Slots The HTML content of the component can also be modified using [slots]( ##### Menu Icon The `menu-icon` slot permit to apply a custom icon replacing the default Hamburger one. As example: ```html
``` ##### Menu Content The `menu-content` slot permit to apply an other content than the esco-content-menu sub-component. ```html
``` ### The content menu This component is a main one as it will load into one page all main elements (the user + organization information, the favorites and the list of services ) #### Html ```html ``` #### Properties This use the same properties from the `hamburger-menu` (see on `hamburger-menu` details): - `context-api-url` - `favorite-api-url` - `layout-api-url` - `organization-api-url` - `user-info-api-url` - `portlet-api-url` - `sign-out-url` - `default-org-logo` - `user-info-portlet-url` - `switch-org-portlet-url` - `favorites-portlet-card-size` - `grid-portlet-card-size` - `hide-action-mode` - `user-org-id-attribute-name` - `user-all-orgs-id-attribute-name` - `org-logo-url-attribute-name` - `debug` and with additional properties to work with the `hamburger-menu`: - `call-on-close`: type: `Function`, default: `{}`, provide to this property a callback function to call after clicking on the header-button close of the `header-buttons` component. - `is-hidden`: type: `Boolean`, default: `false`, used by the `hamburger-menu` to indicate the state of the page. - `id`: type: `String`, default: `null`, provide an id to be able to select the dome element, as example if you want to manage manualy an `hamburger-menu` ### The content grid This component provide a flexbox way to show a list of `portlet-card`, depending on uPortal rest-api. #### Html ```html ``` #### Properties Standalone properties: - `background-color`: type: `String`, default: `rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)`, to apply a different background-color - `call-after-action`: type: `Function`, default: `undefined`, a callback function to call into `portlet-card` embeding `action-favorite` after adding portlet to favorites, - `context-api-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal`, usefull to provide a different uPortal context on which to do request, - `favorite-api-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal/api/layout`, the uri/url of the favorites api - `layout-api-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal/api/v4-3/dlm/layout.json`, the uri/url of the layout api to request the favorite list in the other defined order (only needed to get favorite's order defined by the user) - `portlet-api-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal/api/v4-3/dlm/portletRegistry.json`, the uri/url of the portletRegistry api to obtains user authorized portlet list - `userInfo-api-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal/api/v5-1/userinfo`, url/uri on which the api request is done to obtain user information and the jwt token - `portlet-card-size`: type: possible value `auto|large|medium|small|smaller|custom`, default: `auto`, define the size of `portlet-cards` component. - `hide-action: type`: `Boolean`, default: `false`, define to hide or not the `action-favorite` button defined into `portlet-card` - `show-footer-categories`: `Boolean`, default: `false`, define to display category dropdown filter near bottom of grid - `hide-title`: `Boolean`, default: `false`, define to remove the title area from the grid, useful when a basic grid is desired - `debug`: type: `Boolean`, default: `false`, for the demo/debug mode to be able to run in a standalone way (disable api call) and additional properties to work with the parent component `content-menu`: - `parent-screen-size`: type: possible value `large|medium|small|smaller|custom`, default: `medium`, permit to indicate the breakpoint view of the parent. - `portlets`: type: `Array`, default: `undefined`, used if the list of portlets is loaded and provided from a parent component, - `favorites`: type: `Array`, default: `undefined`, used if the list of favorites portlets loaded and provided from a parent component, #### Slots The HTML content of the component can also be modified using [slots]( ##### Header Left The `header-left` slot permit to apply a custom title replacing the default "All services" one. As example: ```html


``` ##### Header Right The `header-right` slot permit to apply a custom title replacing the default filter on right. As example: ```html
``` ##### Footer The `footer` slot permit to apply a custom title replacing the default filter on footer. As example: ```html
``` ### The action favorite The component `action-favorite` is really simple, it show a start button that permit to add or remove from favorites a portlet. ### Html ```html ``` #### Properties - `call-on-toggle-fav`: type: `Function`, default: `{}`, a callback function called after the click event on the button, - `chan-id`: type: `String`, required: `true`, the portlet id to add or remove from user favorites, - `favorite-api-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal/api/layout`, the uri/url of the favorites api, - `user-info-api-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal/api/v5-1/userinfo`, url/uri on which the api request is done to obtain user information and the jwt token, - `fname`: type: `String`, required: `true`, the portlet fname that permit to identify the portlet into favorite's list, usefull for the callback function and apply a css class, - `is-favorite`: type: `Boolean`, default: `false`, provide the favorite state, - `back-ground-is-dark`: type: `Boolean`, default: `false`, permit to apply a style depending on background color, as the component is used as embeded, - `debug`: type: `Boolean`, default: `false`, for the demo/debug mode to be able to run in a standalone way (disable favorites api call) ### The content favorites The component is functional only into the `content-menu`, it needs that a portlet list and favorite list is passed Somme work would be needed to move on the `content-carousel`. ### The content user This component permit to show user information with his organization information. Few work would be need to be able to use it as a standalone component: like having a fetch service like for portlets or favorite. But some parts are institutional developpments to be able to obtain organization informations, so we are waiting new usecase before to do something. #### Html Need some work for a standalone use. #### Properties - `context-api-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal`, usefull to provide a different uPortal context on which to do request - `org-info`: type: `Object`, default: `{}`, the current user organization detail object, - `other-orgs`: type: `Array`, default: `[]`, all other organizations details object when the user have several, - `user-info`: type: `Object`, required: `true`, the user information object, - `switch-org-portlet-url`: type: `String`, default: `'''`, an url/uri where the user can switch of organization when having several (tenant use part), - `default-org-logo`: type: `String`, required: `true`, an url/uri to provide an institutional picture when none is found from an optional api (not provided into uPortal), - `user-info-portlet-url`: type: `String`, default: `''`, an url/uri to the user information application, - `org-logo-url-attribute-name`: type: `String`, default: `'otherAttributes.ESCOStructureLogo[0]'`, the attribute object path to obtain the organization Picture from organization details obtained from the organization's api. and additional properties to work with the parent component `content-menu`: - `parent-screen-size`: type: possible value `large|medium|small|smaller`, default: `medium`, permit to indicate the breakpoint view of the parent. ### The portlet card This component render informations about a portlet as a card. #### Html ```html ``` #### Properties - `portlet-desc`: type: `Object`, required: `true`, the portlet description object - `size`: type: possible value `large|medium|small|smaller|custom`, default: `medium`, the fixed size of card to apply - `hide-action: type`: `Boolean`, default: `false`, define to hide or not the `action-favorite` button - `back-ground-is-dark`: type: `Boolean`, default: `false`, permit to apply a style depending on background color, as the component is used as embeded, - `is-favorite`: type: `Boolean`, default: `false`, provide the favorite state (passed to the `action-favorite` component), - `call-after-action`: type: `Function`, default: `{}`, callback function to call after click on `action-favorite` button (passed to the `action-favorite` component), - `icon-background-color`: type: `String`, default: `Transparent`, could be used to apply a background-color behind a portlet icon - usecase if there isn't background on icon. - `favorite-api-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal/api/layout`, the uri/url of the favorites api (passed to the `action-favorite` component), - `user-info-api-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal/api/v5-1/userinfo`, url/uri on which the api request is done to obtain user information and the jwt token, (passed to the `action-favorite` component), - `debug`: type: `Boolean`, default: `false`, for the demo/debug mode to be able to run in a standalone way (disable api call). ### The content grid category filter This component is an external version of the filter built into Content Grid that allows for arbitrary placement on the page. #### Html ```html ``` #### Properties - none ### The ellipsis This component permit to apply an auto-fit/trunc or a line-clamping to a text when the div size should be limited. It avoids to apply an overflow: hidden and permit to manage an ellipsis on several line. #### Html ```html ``` #### Properties - `message`: type: `String`, default: `''`, the text to "ellipsise", - `line-clamp`: type: `Number`, default: `0`, when we want a number of line, else will apply an auto-fit on te available size (the parent should have a defined height), - `line-height`: type: `String`, default: `'22px'`, the line heigth of the text is required for the auto-fit, - `end-char`: type: `String`, default: `'...'`, a text to apply when a trunc appear, - `end-html`: type: `String`, default: `''`, a text to apply at end of the html. ### The header buttons This component render a header part with some main buttons, like closing the page menu or to sign out. #### Html ```html ``` #### Properties - `call-on-close`: type: `Function`, default: `{}`, callback function on click on the close button, - `sign-out-url`: type: `String`, default: `/uPortal/Logout`, an uri/url to call when user logout (for a logout button), ## FAQ - Q: What does "ESCO" mean? - A: "ESCO" is an abbreviation of "e-scolaire", French for Online School. ### Theming Currently this component supports [CSS Variables]( for overriding button colors. Defining the following variables will change the colors for the component accordingly. They will fall back to the colors described below. **_NOTE:_** This is only supported when the size attribute is set to `custom`. You should define this in your custom stylesheet. ```css :root { --content-gridcard-padding: 5px; --content-gridcard-border: none; --content-gridcard-bg-color: white; --content-gridcard-border-radius: 5px; --content-gridcard-shadow: none; --content-gridcard-shadow-hover: none; --content-gridcard-size-w: 180px; --content-gridcard-size-h: 180px; --content-gridcard-icon-size: 75px; --content-gridcard-icon-size: 75px; --content-gridcard-title-fontsize: 16px; --content-gridcard-description-fontsize: 16px; --content-griditem-margin: 20px auto; } ```
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uPortal-web-components version 1.12.0
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.12.0 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome#^3.1.2 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.1.0

uPortal-web-components version 1.12.1
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.12.1 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome#^3.1.2 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.1.0

uPortal-web-components version 1.13.0
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.12.1 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome#^3.1.2 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.1.0

uPortal-web-components version 1.13.1
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.12.1 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome#^3.1.2 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.1.0

uPortal-web-components version 1.13.2
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.13.2 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome#^3.1.3 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.1.0

uPortal-web-components version 1.13.3
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.13.3 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome#^3.1.3 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.1.0

uPortal-web-components version 1.13.4
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.13.4 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.1.0

uPortal-web-components version 1.13.5
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.13.5 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.1.0

uPortal-web-components version 1.13.6
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.13.6 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.2.1

uPortal-web-components version 1.13.7
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.13.7 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.2.1

uPortal-web-components version 1.14.0
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.14.0 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.2.1

uPortal-web-components version 1.14.1
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.14.1 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.2.1

uPortal-web-components version 1.14.2
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.14.2 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.2.1

uPortal-web-components version 1.15.0
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.15.0 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.2.1

uPortal-web-components version 1.16.0
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.16.0 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.2.1

uPortal-web-components version 1.16.1
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.16.1 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.2.1

uPortal-web-components version 1.16.2
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.16.2 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.2.1

uPortal-web-components version 1.17.0
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.17.0 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.2.1

uPortal-web-components version 1.18.0
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.18.0 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.2.1

uPortal-web-components version 1.18.1
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.18.1 * datalist-polyfill#^1.22.1 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.2.1

uPortal-web-components version 1.18.2
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.18.2 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.2.1

uPortal-web-components version 1.19.0
### Dependencies * @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining#^7.0.0 * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.19.0 * lodash#^4.17.11 * vue#^2.5.17 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.2.1 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8

uPortal-web-components version 1.19.1
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.19.1 * lodash#^4.17.11 * vue#^2.5.20 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.4.0 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8

uPortal-web-components version 1.20.0
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.20.0 * lodash#^4.17.11 * vue#^2.5.20 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.4.0 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8

uPortal-web-components version 1.21.0
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.21.0 * lodash#^4.17.11 * vue#^2.5.20 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.4.0 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8

uPortal-web-components version 1.21.1
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.21.1 * lodash#^4.17.11 * vue#^2.5.20 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.4.0 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8

uPortal-web-components version 1.21.2
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.21.2 * lodash#^4.17.11 * vue#^2.5.20 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.4.0 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8

uPortal-web-components version 1.22.0
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.22.0 * lodash#^4.17.11 * vue#^2.5.20 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.4.0 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8

uPortal-web-components version 1.22.1
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.22.1 * lodash#^4.17.11 * vue#^2.5.20 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.4.0 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8

uPortal-web-components version 1.23.0
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.23.0 * lodash#^4.17.11 * vue#^2.5.20 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.4.0 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8

uPortal-web-components version 1.24.0
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.24.0 * lodash#^4.17.11 * vue#^2.5.20 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.4.0 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8

uPortal-web-components version 1.25.0
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.25.0 * lodash#^4.17.11 * vue#^2.6.6 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.8.2 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8

uPortal-web-components version 1.26.0
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.26.0 * lodash#^4.17.11 * vue#^2.6.6 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.8.2 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8

uPortal-web-components version 1.26.1
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.26.1 * lodash#^4.17.11 * vue#^2.6.6 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.8.2 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8

uPortal-web-components version 1.26.2
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.26.2 * lodash#^4.17.11 * vue#^2.6.6 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.8.2 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8

uPortal-web-components version 1.27.0
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.27.0 * lodash#^4.17.11 * match-sorter#^3.0.0 * vue#^2.6.6 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.8.2 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8

uPortal-web-components version 1.28.0
### Dependencies * @uportal/open-id-connect#^1.28.0 * lodash#^4.17.11 * match-sorter#^3.0.0 * vue#^2.6.6 * vue-awesome-swiper#^3.1.3 * vue-i18n#^8.8.2 * vue-simple-spinner#^1.2.8
