
tree - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Tree component for Vaadin 24, Vaadin 23 and Vaadin 14 tree - Vaadin Add-on Directory
This is Tree component for Vaadin 14, Vaadin 23 and Vaadin 24, the API mimics the Tree API from Vaadin 8 for applicable parts. Features - Supports VaadinIcons or image icons - Single select / multiselect modes - Programmatic focus - Tooltips - Expand/Collapse by toggle icon only:
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tree version 1.0.0
### Version 1.0.0 - First version

tree version 1.1.0
### Version 1.1.0 - Fixed sizing logic

tree version 1.1.1
### Version 1.1.1 - Added TreeGrid focus workaround to focus() method

tree version 2.0.0
### Version 2.0.0 - Support Vaadin 18.0.0 and newer. There was API changes in Vaadin 18 concerning DataView and also setDataProvider type safety on TreeGrid, which needed a new build.

tree version 1.2.0
### 1.2.0 - Add support images as icons

tree version 2.1.0
### Version 2.1.0 - Add support for image icons

tree version 2.2.0
### Version 2.2.0 - Fix issue with missing VaadinIcon's in Vaadin 21. Vaadin 21 or newer required.

tree version 2.2.1
### Version 2.2.1 - Fix regression with images not working

tree version 2.2.2
### Version 2.2.2 - Improve visual look of mixed Icon and Image usage

tree version 1.3.0
### Version 1.3.0 - Control expand/collapse only by toggle icon, see: - Add addThemeVariants/removeThemeVariants API - Added --tree-icon-height custom CSS property to configure icon height

tree version 1.3.1
### Version 1.3.1 - Fixed removeClassName

tree version 1.4.0
### Version 1.4.0 - Added setHtmlProvider - Fixed css not to break titles

tree version 2.3.0
### Version 2.3.0 - Tested with Vaadin 23 - Control icon size by --lumo-icon-size-m custom property - Added htmlProvider - Fixed removeClassName - Added addThemeVariants / removeThemeVariants - Toggle expand/collapse only with button

tree version 1.4.1
### Version 1.4.1 - Add setSanitize method to disable html sanitation

tree version 2.3.1
### Version 2.3.1 - Add setSanitize method to disable html sanitation

tree version 2.4.0
### Version 2.4.0 - Add DnD API pass through - Propagate theme attribute to tree toggle

tree version 3.0.0
### Version 3.0.0 - Feature set is derived from version 2.4.0, but adopted for Vaadin 24 - Instead of title attribute vaadin-tooltip used for tooltips - setTitleProvider renamed to setTooltipProvider - getTitleProvider renamed to getTooltipProvider - setHeightByRows renamed to setAllRowsVisible

tree version 3.0.1
### Version 3.0.1 - Fixes typo in one of the templates, which broke icon. Thanks @Bruno Rezende

tree version 3.1.0
### Version 3.1.0 - Added passthru of getDataCommunicator API

tree version 2.5.0
### Version 2.5.0 - Add option to select only leaf nodes

tree version 3.2.0
### Version 3.2.0 - Added setSelectOnlyLeafs - Removed use of iron-icon as vaadin-icon now supports images - Requires Vaadin 24.2 or newer

tree version 3.3.0
### Version 3.3.0 - Add delegate method for scrollToIndex(int...) - Add delegate method for setPartNameGenerator - Improve keyboard navigation. Space now toggles expand/collapse, Enter toggles selection - Vaadin 24.3 or newer is required