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Localised number fields, positionable labels, form generator, collection/map field, server-side text selection, date pickers with date pattern, configurable select components (tabs, GridSelect and ItemGrid), multi-click button, a LazyLoad, a ComponentObserver and even an UnloadListener. Plus fluid API, good JavaDocs and general Java-friendliness.





Now in Maven Central

From version 0.18.0 SuperFields work with Java 17 and Vaadin 24.

From version 0.16.0 onwards all new releases for Vaadin 23+ are available in Maven Central.

From version 0.17.0-vaadin14 all new releases for Vaadin 14 are also available in Maven Central.

Use group id pl.unforgiven and artifact id superfields.

Demo app

Demo application of the latest release can be found at

Source code for the app and for the components can be found at


All SuperFields are Java-friendly. There is as little client-side code as possible ;) In addition to that, any client-side code is considered implementation detail and may change at any time.

Fluid API

All SuperFields feature fluid API (or method chaining), at least to some extent. For example, instead of doing:

  SuperDatePicker datePicker = new SuperDatePicker();

you can do a magic one-liner: new SuperDatePicker().withId("super-date-picker").withValue(

Text selection

Some components contain server-side methods to control text selection in their web component part. In addition, they can optionally listen to text-selection events happening in the browser and broadcast them to the server.

The web components listen to each key press and mouse click. If text selection changes as a result of that action, they send an event to the server-side component. This may happen quite often and increase server load, so the feature is turned off by default. To turn it on simply call setReceivingSelectionEventsFromClient(true) (or withReceivingSelectionEventsFromClient(true)).

Label position

Most of the components that can have a label allow positioning said label through setLabelPosition(...) (or withLabelPosition(...)). This should work in most layouts, with FormLayout being an obvious exception. Not all components support all possible values of LabelPosition (SuperCheckbox ignores vertical alignment). In addition, things might work weird when using right-to-left languages - if that happens, please report the problem in GitHub.

Log messages

Quite a few components log their state using SLF4J. Critical information is logged as error or warning, debugging messages are, well, debug or trace. Information about how to configure which log messages get displayed can be found e.g. on Stack Overflow.

Number fields

None of the number fields support range checking, so if you allow too many digits, overflows will occur.

All number fields support text selection API.

SuperDoubleField and SuperBigDecimalField

An input field for entering localised Double and BigDecimal numbers. Supports thousands (grouping) separators for the integer part and optional decimal separator.

Both fields allow the integer part of the number to be optional (thus omitted and defaulted to zero - .27 parsed as 0.27). This feature is turned off by default (meaning the integer part is required).

In addition to that SuperBigDecimalField supports (optionally) entering numbers with scientific notation, e.g. 12.34e-1.

SuperIntegerField and SuperLongField

An input field for entering localised Integer and Long numbers. Supports thousands (grouping) separators.

Text fields

SuperTextField and SuperTextArea

These are the same components as their Vaadin counterparts, except they fully support text selection API. This means that the text contained in the components can be selected from server-side code and that changes to selection in the browser are sent to the server as events.

In addition to that, both components allow server-side initiated text change at caret position (or any selected range).

Date fields

SuperDatePicker and SuperDateTimePicker

Fully localised DatePicker and DateTimePicker that fetch month names and weekday names from Java Locale. Those settings can be overwritten by resource bundle named superdatepickeri18n.

In addition to the above, both components allow setting custom date display pattern. This pattern should survive setting locale or i18n object, so keep that in mind.

Please note: Vaadin's DatePicker and DateTimePicker allow setting custom date display patterns since version 14.8. It is achieved through DatePickerI18n.setDateFormat. That method executes in SuperDatePickerI18n, but it logs a warning message. If you intend to set formatting through i18n, please use default Vaadin's components.

Both components behave funky when changing locale at runtime if their calendars were already shown. That is mostly due to some weird caching on the client side and is also a Vaadin bug.

Please note: only SuperDatePicker has support for text selection API.


Almost out-of-the-box, fully configurable CustomField for data of type List<X> (or Set<X>). Supports custom layouts, fields, removing individual or all elements and adding at specified indices.

To help navigate around functional interfaces CollectionComponentProviders contains some common use cases, like buttons for removing, clearing or adding elements. Please check the demo app (CollectionFieldProvider) for an example.

HasIndex and IndexedButton

While intended to work with CollectionField, here is a general interface for anything that needs an index (an integer number). IndexedButton does nothing by itself, but it is a Button that implements HasIndex. It is used e.g. to represent a button that removes an element from a collection.

MapField and MapEntryField

MapField is a customisable CustomField for data of type Map<K, V>. It is based on CollectionField and works with any field capable of displaying value of type Map.Entry<K, V>.

MapEntryField is a component that is a CustomField for Map.Entry<K, V>. It allows custom layout and dedicated components for keys and values of the map.

HasHeader, HasFooter and layout helpers

A three-part layout, with header, content and footer, is quite common in UX design. Two helper classes are offered:

  • HeaderFooterFieldWrapper - a fully functional CustomField that has a header and a footer, and the content is just the field;
  • HeaderFooterLayoutWrapper - a fully functional layout (HasComponents) that has a header and a footer, and the content is a layout to which HasComponents method calls are delegated.

Both wrappers attempt to be API-transparent and can replace already existing layouts or fields (for example, replacing a SuperTextField with a HeaderFooterFieldWrapper should just result in a header and footer around the text field, and no other changes should be needed).

Other fields


This is an always read-only field. Basically, it is a CustomField that uses a Text to display String representation of the value. It is possible to customise how that representation is created and what text to show when the value is null. Note that the readonlyness of this component applies only to the UI.


A CustomField<Object>. It checks the type of the value passed to it and attempts to display it using a known mapping to a field (e.g. by registering SuperIntegerField and SuperDatePicker it will be able to show integers and dates). No events or details - other than value change - are propagated or exposed from the inner field.


A CustomField<T> capable of building components and matching them with object's properties. Once configured it is basically an automated form generator. This component is highly configurable and details on how to use it are present in the project's wiki.

In most common cases one would use ObjectFieldFactory to create and configure ObjectField, and then annotate data model class with the additional information. Please consult the demo application or the tests (ObjectFieldTest, NestedObjectFieldTest and EnumObjectTest) for details. Also please note that ObjectFieldFactory will become a separate library at some point in the future.


It is known that Checkbox does not support read-only mode. This component exists as a workaround and binds enabled and readOnly as one: setting the checkbox to read-only will disable it.

Select fields


A highly configurable grid that allows single selection. Each cell in the grid corresponds to one item (in contrast to Vaadin Grid, which displays one item per row).

GridSelect and GridMultiSelect

A single- and multi-selection Grids that are value components, meaning they broadcast value change events (rather than selection events). Both allow access to the underlying Grid, except changing selection mode.

GridMultiSelect operates on Set and has an option to limit the size of the selection.


A customisable tabbed pane (something like TabSheet in the Vaadin 8 era) that also serves as a value component (current value corresponds to the selected tab).

Components that rely on Intersection Observer API

Please note: the underlying API is experimental. It means its support in browsers may vary. For example, it is not supported by Internet Explorer and mobile browsers. Please check browser support before using these components.

Please also note: apparently the API does not handle style-controlled visibility (at least in Firefox), so if the component gets hidden through CSS display: none, related events may not trigger. For resizing browser windows, scrolling and adding components into DOM things seem to work pretty ok.

Finally please note: I did my best to keep the components Java-friendly, but it may happen that their client state gets out of sync. If that happens, please file a bug report.


A wrapper for one instance of client-side IntersectionObserver. It allows observing changes that happen to other components.


A simple wrapper to lazy load contents when the component gets into view.


A boolean field that changes its value (true or false) depending on whether it is currently shown on the screen or not.

Other components


A button that needs to be clicked many times before it notifies its click listeners. Each transition is stored as a state with text, icon, class names and theme names.


A component that listens and reacts to browser's beforeunload events that happen for example when browser window/tab is closed. The support varies between browsers, but in general is quite good. This should work with at least the major browsers.

Please note: This component is basically a UI-scoped singleton - there can be only one instance of it per active UI. As such, please refrain from adding the same instance into multiple layouts.

The code is based on solution posted by Kaspar Scherrer and Stuart Robinson (with invaluable feedback from Jean-François Lamy). It does not work with <a href> or Anchor as download links, so please use FileDownloadWrapper for that.


This is an extension of a Div that is aware (through mutation observers) of changes happening to any of its contents (including deeply nested elements).


(Loading compatibility data...)

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0.13.1 - Bugfixes

Changes to API

Bug fixes

Apache License 2.0


Vaadin 23
Vaadin 24 in 0.19.2
Vaadin 14 in 0.19.2-vaadin14
Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge

SuperFields - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Localised number fields, positionable labels, form generator, collection/map field, server-side text selection, date pickers with date pattern, configurable select components (tabs, GridSelect and ItemGrid), multi-click button, a LazyLoad, a ComponentObserver and even an UnloadListener. Plus fluid API, good JavaDocs and general Java-friendliness. SuperFields - Vaadin Add-on Directory
# Now in Maven Central From version 0.18.0 SuperFields work with Java 17 and Vaadin 24. From version 0.16.0 onwards all new releases for Vaadin 23+ are available in Maven Central. From version 0.17.0-vaadin14 all new releases for Vaadin 14 are also available in Maven Central. Use group id `pl.unforgiven` and artifact id `superfields`. # Demo app Demo application of the latest release can be found at Source code for the app and for the components can be found at # SuperFields All SuperFields are Java-friendly. There is as little client-side code as possible ;) In addition to that, any client-side code is considered **implementation detail** and may change at any time. #### Fluid API All SuperFields feature fluid API (or method chaining), at least to some extent. For example, instead of doing: ``` SuperDatePicker datePicker = new SuperDatePicker(); datePicker.setId("super-date-picker"); datePicker.setValue(; ``` you can do a magic one-liner: `new SuperDatePicker().withId("super-date-picker").withValue(`. #### Text selection Some components contain server-side methods to control text selection in their web component part. In addition, they can optionally listen to text-selection events happening in the browser and broadcast them to the server. The web components listen to each key press and mouse click. If text selection changes as a result of that action, they send an event to the server-side component. This may happen quite often and increase server load, so the feature is turned off by default. To turn it on simply call `setReceivingSelectionEventsFromClient(true)` (or `withReceivingSelectionEventsFromClient(true)`). #### Label position Most of the components that can have a label allow positioning said label through `setLabelPosition(...)` (or `withLabelPosition(...)`). This should work in most layouts, with `FormLayout` being an obvious exception. Not all components support all possible values of `LabelPosition` (`SuperCheckbox` ignores vertical alignment). In addition, things might work weird when using right-to-left languages - if that happens, please report the problem in GitHub. #### Log messages Quite a few components log their state using [SLF4J]( Critical information is logged as error or warning, debugging messages are, well, debug or trace. Information about [how to configure which log messages get displayed can be found e.g. on Stack Overflow]( ## Number fields None of the number fields support range checking, so if you allow too many digits, overflows will occur. All number fields support text selection API. ### `SuperDoubleField` and `SuperBigDecimalField` An input field for entering localised `Double` and `BigDecimal` numbers. Supports thousands (grouping) separators for the integer part and optional decimal separator. Both fields allow the integer part of the number to be optional (thus omitted and defaulted to zero - `.27` parsed as `0.27`). This feature is turned off by default (meaning the integer part is required). In addition to that `SuperBigDecimalField` supports (optionally) entering numbers with scientific notation, e.g. `12.34e-1`. ### `SuperIntegerField` and `SuperLongField` An input field for entering localised `Integer` and `Long` numbers. Supports thousands (grouping) separators. ## Text fields ### `SuperTextField` and `SuperTextArea` These are the same components as their Vaadin counterparts, except they fully support text selection API. This means that the text contained in the components can be selected from server-side code and that changes to selection in the browser are sent to the server as events. In addition to that, both components allow server-side initiated text change at caret position (or any selected range). ## Date fields ### `SuperDatePicker` and `SuperDateTimePicker` Fully localised `DatePicker` and `DateTimePicker` that fetch month names and weekday names from Java `Locale`. Those settings can be overwritten by resource bundle named `superdatepickeri18n`. In addition to the above, both components allow setting custom date display pattern. This pattern should survive setting locale or i18n object, so keep that in mind. **Please note:** Vaadin's `DatePicker` and `DateTimePicker` allow setting custom date display patterns since version 14.8. It is achieved through `DatePickerI18n.setDateFormat`. That method executes in `SuperDatePickerI18n`, but it logs a warning message. If you intend to set formatting through i18n, please use default Vaadin's components. Both components behave funky when changing locale at runtime if their calendars were already shown. That is mostly due to some weird caching on the client side and is also a Vaadin bug. **Please note:** only `SuperDatePicker` has support for text selection API. ## `CollectionField`, `MapField` and related helpers ### `CollectionField` Almost out-of-the-box, fully configurable `CustomField` for data of type `List` (or `Set`). Supports custom layouts, fields, removing individual or all elements and adding at specified indices. To help navigate around functional interfaces `CollectionComponentProviders` contains some common use cases, like buttons for removing, clearing or adding elements. Please check the demo app (`CollectionFieldProvider`) for an example. ### `HasIndex` and `IndexedButton` While intended to work with `CollectionField`, here is a general interface for anything that needs an index (an integer number). `IndexedButton` does nothing by itself, but it is a `Button` that implements `HasIndex`. It is used e.g. to represent a button that removes an element from a collection. ### `MapField` and `MapEntryField` `MapField` is a customisable `CustomField` for data of type `Map`. It is based on `CollectionField` and works with any field capable of displaying value of type `Map.Entry`. `MapEntryField` is a component that is a `CustomField` for `Map.Entry`. It allows custom layout and dedicated components for keys and values of the map. ## `HasHeader`, `HasFooter` and layout helpers A three-part layout, with header, content and footer, is quite common in UX design. Two helper classes are offered: * `HeaderFooterFieldWrapper` - a fully functional `CustomField` that has a header and a footer, and the content is just the field; * `HeaderFooterLayoutWrapper` - a fully functional layout (`HasComponents`) that has a header and a footer, and the content is a layout to which `HasComponents` method calls are delegated. Both wrappers attempt to be API-transparent and can replace already existing layouts or fields (for example, replacing a `SuperTextField` with a `HeaderFooterFieldWrapper` should just result in a header and footer around the text field, and no other changes should be needed). ## Other fields ### `LabelField` This is an always read-only field. Basically, it is a `CustomField` that uses a `Text` to display `String` representation of the value. It is possible to customise how that representation is created and what text to show when the value is `null`. Note that the *readonlyness* of this component applies only to the UI. ### `VariantField` A `CustomField`. It checks the type of the value passed to it and attempts to display it using a known mapping to a field (e.g. by registering `SuperIntegerField` and `SuperDatePicker` it will be able to show integers and dates). No events or details - other than value change - are propagated or exposed from the inner field. ### `ObjectField` A `CustomField` capable of building components and matching them with object's properties. Once configured it is basically an automated form generator. This component is highly configurable and details on how to use it are present in [the project's wiki]( In most common cases one would use `ObjectFieldFactory` to create and configure `ObjectField`, and then annotate data model class with the additional information. Please consult the demo application or the tests (`ObjectFieldTest`, `NestedObjectFieldTest` and `EnumObjectTest`) for details. Also please note that [`ObjectFieldFactory` will become a separate library]( at some point in the future. ### `SuperCheckbox` It is known that [`Checkbox` does not support read-only mode]( This component exists as a workaround and binds `enabled` and `readOnly` as one: setting the checkbox to read-only will disable it. ## Select fields ### `ItemGrid` A highly configurable grid that allows single selection. Each cell in the grid corresponds to one item (in contrast to Vaadin `Grid`, which displays one item per row). ### `GridSelect` and `GridMultiSelect` A single- and multi-selection `Grid`s that are value components, meaning they broadcast value change events (rather than selection events). Both allow access to the underlying `Grid`, except changing selection mode. `GridMultiSelect` operates on `Set` and has an option to limit the size of the selection. ### `SuperTabs` A customisable tabbed pane (something like `TabSheet` in the Vaadin 8 era) that also serves as a value component (current value corresponds to the selected tab). ## Components that rely on [Intersection Observer API]( **Please note:** the underlying API is *experimental*. It means its support in browsers may vary. For example, it is **not** supported by Internet Explorer and mobile browsers. Please [check browser support]( before using these components. **Please also note:** apparently the API does not handle style-controlled visibility (at least in Firefox), so if the component gets hidden through CSS `display: none`, related events may not trigger. For resizing browser windows, scrolling and adding components into DOM things seem to work pretty ok. **Finally please note:** I did my best to keep the components Java-friendly, but it may happen that their client state gets out of sync. If that happens, please file a bug report. ### `ComponentObserver` A wrapper for one instance of client-side `IntersectionObserver`. It allows observing changes that happen to other components. ### `LazyLoad` A simple wrapper to lazy load contents when the component gets into view. ### `ObservedField` A boolean field that changes its value (`true` or `false`) depending on whether it is currently shown on the screen or not. ## Other components ### `MultiClickButton` A button that needs to be clicked many times before it notifies its click listeners. Each transition is stored as a state with text, icon, class names and theme names. ### `UnloadObserver` A component that listens and reacts to browser's `beforeunload` events that happen for example when browser window/tab is closed. The support [varies between browsers](, but in general is quite good. This should work with at least the major browsers. **Please note**: This component is basically a UI-scoped singleton - there can be only one instance of it per active UI. As such, please refrain from adding the same instance into multiple layouts. The code is based on solution [posted by Kaspar Scherrer and Stuart Robinson]( (with invaluable feedback from Jean-François Lamy). It does not work with `` or `Anchor` as download links, so please use [FileDownloadWrapper]( for that. ### `ContentAware` This is an extension of a `Div` that is aware (through [mutation observers]( of changes happening to any of its contents (including deeply nested elements). View on GitHub
Online Demo
Issue tracker

SuperFields version 0.10.0
# 0.10.0 - ContentAware and Scientific Notation ## New features and enhancements * \#156 - [Content-aware component containers]( * \#244 - [Number fields should support scientific notation]( ## Changes to API * \#264 - [Remove deprecated code from DatePattern]( * \#280 - [Java 11]( ## Bug fixes * \#268 - [Number with big precision cannot be changed with direct input representation]( * \#270 - [Incorrect width of fields when used in FormLayout]( * \#274 - [Using SuperBigDecimalField as a editor component in a gridpro produces warnings in developer console](

SuperFields version 0.10.1
# 0.10.1 - Vaadin 14.5 ## New features and enhancements (nothing reported) ## Changes to API (nothing reported) ## Bug fixes * \#284 - [If the input is deleted (empty string), a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown](

SuperFields version 0.10.2
# 0.10.2 - CanModifyText and Vaadin 14.6 ## New features and enhancements * \#290 - [Add text at caret position]( ## Changes to API * \#299 - [Update to Vaadin 14.6](

SuperFields version 0.11.0
## 0.11.0 - CollectionField and Vaadin 14.7 This release introduces a `CollectionField` - a configurable `CustomField` for `Collection`s. As a bonus it comes with `HeaderFooterLayoutWrapper` and `HeaderFooterFieldWrapper` to make configuration of collection fields easier. Finally, floating-point number fields can have its leading zero before the decimal point omitted, and Vaadin has been bumped to 14.7.

SuperFields version 0.11.1
# 0.11.1 - Focus fixes and reworked demo app ## New features and enhancements (nothing reported) ## Changes to API * \#324 - [Methods to control helper text/component position]( * \#326 - [Bump Vaadin to 14.7.3]( * \#330 - [Vaadin 14.7.5 and Java8 Support for the new super-fields version]( ## Bug fixes * \#329 - [Number fields do not receive focus from code](

SuperFields version 0.11.2
# 0.11.2 - HasValueChangeMode ## New features and enhancements * \#337 - [ValueChangeMode and clear button]( ## Changes to API * \#337 - [ValueChangeMode and clear button]( ## Bug fixes * \#339 - [Setting fraction/integer digits should not be destructive](

SuperFields version 0.11.2-java.8
This is Java 8 release of 0.11.2.

SuperFields version 0.12.0
# 0.12.0 - Support for Vaadin 23 ## New features and enhancements * \#349 - [Support for Vaadin 23]( ## Changes to API * \#345 - [Upgrade to Vaadin 14.8.1]( ## Bug fixes (nothing reported)

SuperFields version 0.12.0-vaadin14
This is release 0.12.0 for Java 8 and Vaadin 14.8.

SuperFields version 0.13.0
# 0.13.0 - MapField, VariantField and LabelField ## New features and enhancements * \#356 - [MapField]( * \#359 - [VariantField]( * \#361 - [LabelField]( ## Changes to API * \#357 - [CollectionField should implement HasStyle](

SuperFields version 0.13.0-vaadin14
Release 0.13.0 for Vaadin 14 and Java 8.

SuperFields version 0.13.1
# 0.13.1 - Bugfixes ## Changes to API * \#374 - [CollectionField should filter out empty values when saving the collection]( ## Bug fixes * \#374 - [CollectionField should filter out empty values when saving the collection]( * \#375 - [HeaderFooterFieldWrapper does not get default value from wrapped field](

SuperFields version 0.13.1-vaadin14
Release 0.13.1 for Vaadin 14 and Java 8.

SuperFields version 0.14.0
# 0.14.0 - ObjectField ## New features and enhancements * \#380 - [ObjectField]( * \#386 - [Add HasRequired to control setRequired in components]( ## Changes to API * \#382 - [Use Vaadin's HasClearButton]( * \#386 - [Add HasRequired to control setRequired in components]( * \#391 - [Upgrade to Vaadin 23.2]( ## Bug fixes * \#387 - [ObjectField does not react to value change events from components in layouts]( * \#388 - [MapEntryField has incorrect value after creation]( * \#395 - [MapEntryField does not broadcast value change events properly]( * and more

SuperFields version 0.14.0-vaadin14
This is Vaadin 14 / Java 8 version of release 0.14.0.

SuperFields version 0.14.1
# 0.14.1 - SuperCheckbox and bugfixes ## New features and enhancements * \#400 - [ObjectField should support enums and other values presentable with ComboBox]( * \#404 - [Checkbox that actually can be made read-only]( ## Changes to API * \#406 - [ObjectFieldFactory should return interface types]( ## Bug fixes * \#402 - [HasReadOnly disables layouts]( * \#403 - [Component added to read-only layout is not read-only]( * \#406 - [ObjectFieldFactory should return interface types](

SuperFields version 0.14.1-vaadin14
This is release 0.14.1 for Vaadin 14 and Java 8.

SuperFields version 0.15.0
# 0.15.0 - HasPositionableLabel ## New features and enhancements * \#414 - [Positionable component labels]( ## Changes to API * \#412 - [SuperCheckbox should implement relevant marker interfaces]( * \#415 - [CollectionField and Grid(Multi)Select should implement HasLabel]( ## Bug fixes * \#415 - [CollectionField and Grid(Multi)Select should implement HasLabel]( * \#416 - [SuperCheckbox gets out of sync](

SuperFields version 0.15.0-vaadin14
This is Vaadin 14 and Java 8 version of release 0.15.0.

SuperFields version 0.16.0-vaadin14
This is Vaadin 14 / Java 8 release of 0.16.

SuperFields version 0.17.0
# 0.17.0 - HasTooltip, HasLabel and Vaadin 23.3 ## New features and enhancements (nothing reported) ## Changes to API * \#437 - [Use Vaadin's HasLabel]( * \#443 - [Java 8 / Vaadin 14 releases to Central]( * \#454 - [Replace HasTitle with HasTooltip]( * \#456 - [Bump Vaadin to 23.3]( ## Bug fixes * \#440 - [Text selection mixin should not log a warning for delayed init]( * \#448 - [Tooltip is not working in SuperLongField](

SuperFields version 0.17.0-vaadin14
This is release 0.17.0 compatible with Vaadin 14 and Java 8.

SuperFields version 0.18.1
SuperFields for Vaadin 24 and Java 17. Yay!

SuperFields version 0.18.2

SuperFields version 0.18.2.vaadin14

SuperFields version 0.18.3

SuperFields version 0.18.3-vaadin14

SuperFields version 0.19.0

SuperFields version 0.19.0-vaadin14

SuperFields version 0.19.1

SuperFields version 0.19.2

SuperFields version 0.19.2-vaadin14
