StyleCalendar - Vaadin Add-on Directory
A simple calendar component.StyleCalendars goal is to offer a simple, extendable calendar component with an easily themeable client-side DOM structure.
Its features include:
* setting stylenames for individual days
* disabling date ranges and individual days
* customizable header and week numbers
* tooltip support
Also includes a StyleCalendarField component which is a simple textfield that uses StyleCalendar as a popup for date selection. This feature is experimental.
Source codeDemo
Discussion Forum
Issue Tracker
StyleCalendar version 0.6
- bugfixes
- server-side methods to set the date
- server-side methods to go to the next/previous year
StyleCalendar version 1.0
* tooltip support
* bugfixes
* StyleCalendarField
StyleCalendar version 2.0
Converted for Vaadin 7
StyleCalendar version 2.0.1
Support for Vaadin 7 beta 11
StyleCalendar version 2.1.0
* Compiled with 7.1
* Add support for deselecting dates
StyleCalendar version 2.2.0
Packaged for Vaadin 7.7.7, Java8