emoji-slider - Vaadin Add-on Directory
A slider control with emojis# emoji-slider
A slider control which uses an emoji as the thumb.
This is built as a web component, so it's usable anywhere with HTML.
[View live demo.](https://pshihn.github.io/emoji-slider/demo/)
![Emoji Slider](https://i.imgur.com/hzzSolP.png)
## Usage
Get the compoent
npm install --save emoji-slider
Import in a JavaScript module:
``` javascript
import 'emoji-slider';
Or in an HTML page:
And then use it in HTML
More about using web components [here](https://lit-element.polymer-project.org/guide/use).
## Properties
**value:** The numeric value of the slider between 0 and 1.
**emoji:** The emoji character to use in the thumb of the slider. If not set, a circular thumb is used.
**step:** The change in value when controlling the slider with keyboard e.g., *Right Arrow Key* will increate the value by 0.1. Default value of *step* is 0.1
## Styling
The slider bar color (and active color) be styled using CSS properties. For example,
emoji-slider {
--emoji-slider-bar-color: red;
--emoji-slider-bar-active-color: green;
## License
[MIT License](https://github.com/pshihn/emoji-slider/blob/master/LICENSE) (c) [Preet Shihn](https://twitter.com/preetster)
View on NPMView on GitHub
emoji-slider version 0.1.0
### Dependencies
* @polymer/polymer#^3.1.0
* lit-element#^2.0.1
emoji-slider version 0.1.1
### Dependencies
* @polymer/polymer#^3.1.0
* lit-element#^2.0.1
emoji-slider version 0.2.0
### Dependencies
* @polymer/polymer#^3.1.0
* lit-element#^2.0.1