PortalLayout - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Display your components in a web-portal style!Online Demo
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Source Code (2.0.alpha1)
PortalLayout version 0.1.0
PortalLayout version 0.1.1
PortalLayout version 0.4.0
PortalLayout version 0.4.1
- Margin support.
- Debug and Refactoring.
- Now drag-n-drop operations are snappier!
- Check out new tab in the demo - now ACTIONS are supported in the portlet headers!
- Thanks for the feedback given. Please do not hesitate to deliver your suggestions, ideas and especially critics to the forum thread and Google Code Issue Tracker.
PortalLayout version 1.0
- Debugging, refactoring and reliability improvements. Now works with IE (even with IE6 though header CSS might need tinkering).
- Now PortalLayout works fine with the GridLayout (thnx Stéphane Nicoll for pointing out the issue).
- Size calculations significantly reduced and should be more safe now.
which includes:
* Ability to set portlet captions through standard Component's setCaption() method.
* Icons in the headers, error indicators.
- Optional animations for the following events: Attach, Collapse/Expand and Close. The speed of those is also easily customizable.
- Listeners for the collapse and close events.
- API CHANGE (!) for the actions - pretty minor ones though. The context is now passed in the action execution method (thnx Sami for an advice).
- Some style changes and improvements - mostly related to the new construction of the headers, but also toggling the button style for expand/collapse.
- Most missing functionality covered (e.g. replaceComponent()).
PortalLayout version 1.1.0
Bug fixes, client-side refactoring, styling updates (box-shadow issues).
PortalLayout version 1.1.1
PortalLayout version 1.3
- Vaadin components in the headers.
- Custom styles for the portlets.
- Refactoring of the server side events.
- Bug fixes
See forum for full description.
PortalLayout version 1.3.1
- Removed dependencies that only apply to demo.
- Couple of bug fixes.
PortalLayout version 2.0.alpha1
Initial Vaadin7-compatible release. Still quite shaky and several features are missing (will come in the nearest future).
PortalLayout version 2.0.beta1
Initial Vaadin7-compatible release. Still quite shaky and several features are missing (will come in the nearest future). Without maven, the users will have to download an additional gwt-compile time dependency (gwt-dnd, see download link).
PortalLayout version 2.0.alpha2
Fixed manifest issues, minor improvements.
PortalLayout version 2.0.alpha3
Some bug fixes and improvements, support for toolbars in headers, spacing and portlet configs. Renamed PortalLayout to StackPortalLayout, introduced AbsolutePortalLayout (experimental) and a very experimental PortalColumns.
PortalLayout version 2.0.alpha4
Refactoring and polishing of the code, minor bug fixes, preparation for beta.
PortalLayout version 2.0.alpha5
Fixes maven pom resolution problems.
PortalLayout version 2.0.alpha6
Changed Maven coordinates (to org.vaadin.addons), bug fixes, JavaDoc improvements.