
panel-for-vaadin - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Configurable panel for Vaadin. panel-for-vaadin - Vaadin Add-on Directory
# panel-for-vaadin Configurable panel for Vaadin. ## Usages The minimum configuration to create a panel is: ```java Panel panel = new Panel("Default panel", createContent()); ``` This will create a expandable and closable panel. The default configuration comes from the `PanelConfig` class. `PanelConfig` is responsible to hold the most important configurations of a panel, like: - background color - text & border color - size of border radius - icon (and size of the icon) - font size of the title - padding - width - button variant of the close button - closable - collapsable (plus its default state) `PanelConfig` also contains a builder, so you can build your custom configuration for your panel: ```java PanelConfig customConfig = PanelConfig .builder() .width("80%") .closeable(false) .collapsable(false) .borderRadius("0") .primaryColor("#3c096c") .backgroundColor("#ebc9ff") .icon(VaadinIcon.BUG) .iconSize("var(--lumo-icon-size-l)") .variant(ButtonVariant.LUMO_CONTRAST) .titleFontSize("var(--lumo-font-size-xxxl)") .build(); Panel panel = new Panel(customConfig, "Custom panel", createContent())); ``` For the most regular usages, `Panel` contains 5 predefined `PanelType`s: - Primary - Secondary - Success - Warning - Error There are multiple ways to create one of the pre-configured panels: - By passing the `PanelType` for the `Panel` - Using the `PanelFactory` Passing the `PanelType` is simple, you just need to pass it as a first parameter in the constructor ```java Panel panel = new Panel(PanelType.SUCCESS, "Success panel", createContent()); ``` But also a `PanelFactory` is available if you want to use (or inject) a factory and create panels with it. The `PanelFactory` brings some factory methods to produce these default panels: ```java Panel panel = panelFactory.createPrimary("Primary panel", createContent()); ``` If you want to keep the configuration of a panel type, but you want to change only the icon, you can also use the `PanelFactory` for this: ```java Panel panel = panelFactory.createPrimary("Primary panel", createContent()); ``` If you want to stick to a base configuration, but you want to change simple things, like the size of the text in the title or it's collapsable, you can use this panel type configuration as base. `PanelConfig`'s builder also comes with a `toBuilder()`, so you easily can configure only the required stuff: ```java PanelConfig customConfig = PanelType.PRIMARY.getConfig() .toBuilder() .closeable(false) .collapsable(false) .icon(VaadinIcon.HANDS_UP) .build(); Panel panel = new Panel(customConfig, "Custom primary panel", createContent()); ```
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panel-for-vaadin version 24.1.2

panel-for-vaadin version 23.2.3

panel-for-vaadin version 23.3.3

panel-for-vaadin version 24.3.0