
PagingComponent - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Paging for any content when you have too much data to display on the page: << < 1 2 3 ... > >> PagingComponent - Vaadin Add-on Directory
You may have too much data to display on the page. For example, you have a search page and you only want to display the 20 first results. But the user must be able to browse the rest of the results. This add-on will very easily enable you to place numbers of pages to jump to. You do not need to use a Table to use PagingComponent. Examples are provided with a fake DAO, to simulate how you would retreive data for each page. You can also see the PagingComponentApplication class for more examples. This is used in production in the platform, in the forum and the course search result page.
Alia Faton (author) on LinkedIn
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Gaetan Timmermans (author) on Linkedin

PagingComponent version 0.9.0

PagingComponent version 0.9.1

PagingComponent version 0.9.2
This new version contains no break code and add some functionalities: - Code improvement. - The PagingComponent can take an even or odd number of buttons to navigate between the different pages. - Lazy loading can be done with the FakeList which takes in parameter the number of items to paginate. - If you want to style the PagingComponent by CSS without coding, you can give a CssCustomizerAdaptator (see JavaDoc) in parameter to the PagingComponent constructor. - You can more easilly customize buttons with : - ElementsCustomizer allows you to create or not your buttons and separators. - StyleCustomizer provides methods to style the buttons according to their state and also to change their label. - GlobalCustomizer regroup these ones.

PagingComponent version 0.9.3
- The style methods of PagingComponent become useless when a "Customizer" is given as parameter to the PagingComponent. In this case, these methods throw a RuntimeException to warn the programmer. - The methods for the creation of a separator in the ElementsCustomizer and the GlobalCustomizer return now a Component instead of a AbstractComponent. - PagingComponent have a new protected method called "createComponentsManager". You may override this method to use your own ComponentsManager. - Two new classes has been added. They allow to display the items more easily than the PagingComponentListener. So, you can use the SimplePagingComponentListener for eager loading and the LazyPagingComponentListener for lazy loading.

PagingComponent version 0.9.4
Ensures compatibility with Vaadin 7. Use the version 0.9.3 for Vaadin 6.

PagingComponent version 0.9.5
New feature: Allow to change pages by programming

PagingComponent version 0.9.6
Add a builder to create the PagingComponent mare easily than the contructors. You can create a new builder thanks to the PagingComponent.paginate(Collection) method.