Paging for any content when you have too much data to display on the page: << < 1 2 3 ... > >>
You may have too much data to display on the page. For example, you have a search page and you only want to display the 20 first results. But the user must be able to browse the rest of the results. This add-on will very easily enable you to place numbers of pages to jump to.
You do not need to use a Table to use PagingComponent.
Examples are provided with a fake DAO, to simulate how you would retreive data for each page. You can also see the PagingComponentApplication class for more examples.
This is used in production in the platform, in the forum and the course search result page.
Sample code
final ProductDao productDao = new ProductDao(); // Here we fill productIds with only id's; int nbrOfProducts = productDao.countAllProducts(); // Create a fake list with the number of products List<Product> list = new FakeList<Product>(nbrOfProducts); final VerticalLayout mainLayout = new VerticalLayout(); // Layout where we will display items (changing when we click next page). final VerticalLayout itemsArea = new VerticalLayout(); // Visual controls (First, Previous, 1 2 ..., Next, Last) // We use here a LazyPagingComponentListener to fetch the list of items to display from the DB final PagingComponent<Product> pagingComponent = new PagingComponent<Product>(10, list, new LazyPagingComponentListener<Product>(itemsArea) { @Override protected Collection<Product> getItemsList(int startIndex, int endIndex) { // Here we can load the items from the DB return productDao.getProductsFromRange(startIndex, endIndex); } @Override protected Component displayItem(int index, Product item) { // This method allows to create a Component to display an item fetched return new Label(item.toString()); } }); mainLayout.addComponent(new Label("<h1>Example with Dao and lazy loading<h1>",Label.CONTENT_XHTML)); mainLayout.addComponent(itemsArea); mainLayout.addComponent(pagingComponent); return mainLayout;
// Test data List<Integer> item = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for(int i=1;i<=300;i++){ item.add(new Integer(i)); } final VerticalLayout mainLayout = new VerticalLayout(); // Layout where we will display items (changing when we click next page). final VerticalLayout itemsArea = new VerticalLayout(); // This customizer allow to add style for each buttons page StyleCustomizer styler = new StyleCustomizer() { @Override public void styleButtonPageNormal(ButtonPageNavigator button, int pageNumber) { button.setPage(pageNumber); button.removeStyleName("styleRed"); } @Override public void styleButtonPageCurrentPage(ButtonPageNavigator button, int pageNumber) { button.setPage(pageNumber, "[" + pageNumber + "]"); // Set caption of the button with the page number between brackets. button.addStyleName("styleRed"); button.focus(); } @Override public void styleTheOthersElements(ComponentsManager manager, ElementsBuilder builder) { // if the number of pages is less than 2, the other buttons are not created. if (manager.getNumberTotalOfPages() < 2) { return; } // Allow to hide these buttons when the first page is selected boolean visible = !manager.isFirstPage(); builder.getButtonFirst().setVisible(visible); builder.getButtonPrevious().setVisible(visible); builder.getFirstSeparator().setVisible(visible); // Allow to hide these buttons when the last page is selected visible = !manager.isLastPage(); builder.getButtonLast().setVisible(visible); builder.getButtonNext().setVisible(visible); builder.getLastSeparator().setVisible(visible); } }; // Visual controls (First, Previous,1 2 ..., Next, Last) // The StyleCustomizer is given in parameter final PagingComponent<Integer> pagingComponent = new PagingComponent<Integer>(10, 10, item, styler, new SimplePagingComponentListener<Integer>(itemsArea) { @Override protected Component displayItem(int index, Integer item) { // This method allows to create a Component to display an item fetched return new Label(item.toString()); } }); mainLayout.addComponent(new Label("<h1>Example PagingComponent Styles with the StyleCustomizer<h1>",Label.CONTENT_XHTML)); mainLayout.addComponent(itemsArea); mainLayout.addComponent(pagingComponent);
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The style methods of PagingComponent become useless when a "Customizer" is given as parameter to the PagingComponent. In this case, these methods throw a RuntimeException to warn the programmer.
The methods for the creation of a separator in the ElementsCustomizer and the GlobalCustomizer return now a Component instead of a AbstractComponent.
PagingComponent have a new protected method called "createComponentsManager". You may override this method to use your own ComponentsManager.
Two new classes has been added. They allow to display the items more easily than the PagingComponentListener. So, you can use the SimplePagingComponentListener for eager loading and the LazyPagingComponentListener for lazy loading.
- Released
- 2012-08-26
- Maturity
- License
- Apache License 2.0
- Framework
- Vaadin 6.0+
- Vaadin 7.0+ in 0.9.4
- Browser
- Browser Independent