
Number Field - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Numeric text field that allows insert only a valid numbers with keyboard and also allows spin value up/down. Number Field - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Numeric text field that allows insert only a valid numbers with keyboard and also allows spin value up/down. This Component use generic java type for all commons Number type. You can use your mode for the component, if you want the text field easier to use: TextualNumberField If you want the UP / DOWN buttons on the right: SpinnerNumberField Inputs are validated on client- and server-side. Allows also two kind of input type so PERCENTAGE and CURRENCY. It's possible to change commons paramaters as ,if setted, symbol, max and min value, negative values, text alignment, LOCALE (automatically adapt it for decimal and groups separator or currency symbol), etc..
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Source Code

Number Field version 1.0.0

Number Field version 1.0.1
Fixed Bug that causes loop on setAllowNull(true), null value setted and immediate state enabled.

Number Field version 1.0.2
Some bugfix

Number Field version 1.0.3
Mouse Wheel bug on focus/blur event