
x-weather - Vaadin Add-on Directory

A collection of Web Components implementing portions of the OpenWeatherMap API. x-weather - Vaadin Add-on Directory
x-weather ====== ## About * A collection of [web components]( implementing portions of the [OpenWeatherMap API]( ## Installation ### Add Internet Explorer 11 compatible polyfills ```html
``` ### Load and register the web component in the CustomElementRegistry ```html ``` ## Usage * After installation and [signing up for an API key](, use the custom element: ```html ``` ## Additional information * Other builds and examples (including basic service workers) can be found inside the [lib folder]( * The package can be installed and imported by npm: - `npm i x-weather` - `import 'x-weather/lib/build-no-polyfills-esm/esm/main'`
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x-weather version 0.0.2
### Dependencies * express#^4.16.3

x-weather version 0.0.3
### Dependencies * express#^4.16.3

x-weather version 0.0.4
### Dependencies * express#^4.16.3

x-weather version 0.0.5
### Dependencies * express#^4.16.3

x-weather version 0.0.10
### Dependencies * express#^4.16.3

x-weather version 0.0.11
### Dependencies * express#^4.16.3

x-weather version 0.0.6
### Dependencies * express#^4.16.3

x-weather version 0.0.7
### Dependencies * express#^4.16.3

x-weather version 0.0.8
### Dependencies * express#^4.16.3

x-weather version 0.0.9
### Dependencies * express#^4.16.3

x-weather version 0.0.12
### Dependencies * express#^4.16.3

x-weather version 0.1.0
### Dependencies * express#^4.16.3

x-weather version 0.1.1
### Dependencies * express#^4.16.3

x-weather version 1.0.0
### Dependencies * express#^4.16.3

x-weather version 1.0.1
### Dependencies * express#^4.16.3

x-weather version 1.0.3
### Dependencies * express#^4.16.3