JSF Integration - Vaadin Add-on Directory
JSF component to render Vaadin UIs in Facelets-based JSF applicationsJSF Integration is a Vaadin 7 add-on that allows you to render Vaadin UIs in JSF pages.
1. Implement a new Vaadin UI by extending `com.vaadin.ui.UI`.
2. Configure a new `VaadinServlet` in your `web.xml` or by using the `@WebServlet`annotation.
3. Make sure you can access the Vaadin UI when running your application. This includes ignoring the URL mapped to the `VaadinServlet` in other Servlets or Filters (see the [appfuse-vaadin-example](https://github.com/alejandro-du/vaadin-jsf-integration/tree/master/appfuse-vaadin-example) application which integrates Spring, Hibernate, JSF, and Vaadin).
4. In your XHTML file, add the XML namespace and use the `ui` tag to point to the URL mapped to the `VaadinServlet`:
` `
5. Optionally specify a custom widgetset and a theme:
` `
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JSF Integration version 1.0
JSF Integration version 1.1
Fixed Maven scope of container-dependent dependencies (use `provided`).