
JavaEE Application Addon for Vaadin - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Framework for building a GUI for JavaEE based Applications JavaEE Application Addon for Vaadin - Vaadin Add-on Directory
The JavaEE Vaadin Addon helps you to build a JavaEE 6 based Vaadin Application fast. It supports the following features: - CDI support through CDI-Utils ( - Fixed standard layout of a web application with left side menu - Navigation through pages is done by sending CDI events - CRUD support for JPA entities (through JPA or other services): - Create a container by just subclassing JPAEntityContainer or ServiceContainer - Create a Table for all entities by just subclassing BasicEntityTable (you can set the visible columns you like) - Create a search Form by just subclassing BasicSearchForm and set the columns you want to include in the search - Create a edit form by just subsclasses BasicEditForm and set the columns you want to edit - Dependent entities are just accessed through their path (e.g. for the customers street "address.street") - Extended formatting - Extended Field creation (automatic field types derived from attribute types) Tested and used with Hibernate 4 in JBoss 7.1. For an example on how to use it, have a look at The JavaEE Addon is still very early Alpha and CDI is not quite working. A more stable version is expected in April '13. The JavaEE Addon is compatible to Vaadin 7!
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Uses confirmdialog
Uses cdi-utils

JavaEE Application Addon for Vaadin version 0.5.0-SNAPSHOT
Renamed to JavaEE Addon for Vaadin