
HTML5 widgets for vaadin core - Vaadin Add-on Directory

HTML5 widgets for vaadin HTML5 widgets for vaadin core - Vaadin Add-on Directory
This project allows you to use the new HTML5 inputs in vaadin: it extends the com.vaadin.ui.TextField and changes the input type. For Number and Range it also supports setting vital attributes. This allows you to use the native inputs on the iPhone, on Android, on Chrome, etc. and to provide an optimal experience to your users. You can find a ready-to-use sample and detailed instructions on Feel free to share your insights, thoughts and feedback! - you can do this e.g. by using the Comments function of our Blog (bottom part of the page): English: German:
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HTML5 widgets for vaadin core version 1.0
Version 1.0 is the initial version

HTML5 widgets for vaadin core version 1.2
Adjustments vor Vaadin directory, default-depend on current Vaadin release