Inherits common Vaadin components, such as Component Factory, dialog, layout, chart.js, and so no --Broderick Labs
Inherits common Vaadin components --Broderick Labs
If have any question can contact me via :
E-Mail: z@bkLab.org
Twitter: @China_Broderick
Source code: Github Link
Need Java 17+ and Vaadin 22+, Better experience in China.
Sample code
## Component Flow Factory use component factory to configure Vaadin components as builder mode in one line. You can use Vaadin Component Name + Factory to use this. ```Java public abstract class FlowFactory<C extends Component, E extends FlowFactory<C, E>> implements IFlowFactory<C>, AttachNotifierFactory<C, FlowFactory<C, E>>, DetachNotifierFactory<C, FlowFactory<C, E>> { } public interface IFlowFactory<C extends Component> extends Supplier<C> { } ``` #### 1. Example For Button. ```java Button deleteButton = new ButtonFactory().text("delete").lumoSmall().lumoIcon().lumoTertiaryInline() .icon(VaadinIcon.TRASH).clickListener(e -> remove(entity)).get(); Button menuButton = new ButtonFactory().icon(VaadinIcon.ELLIPSIS_DOTS_H.create()) .lumoIcon().lumoSmall().lumoTertiaryInline().get(); ``` #### 2. Example For ComboBox\<T> factory ```java ComboBox<Building> buildingComboBox = new ComboBoxFactory<Building>() .allowCustomValue(false).clearButtonVisible(false).itemLabelGenerator(Building::getName) .peek(r -> parameterMap.put("buildingId", () -> Optional.ofNullable(r.getValue()).map(Building::getId).orElse(-999))) .valueChangeListener(e -> searchButton.clickInClient()) .valueChangeListener(e -> reloadFloors()) .className(CLASS_NAME + "__building-combo-box").width("15em").lumoSmall() .pageSize(999).get() ``` #### 3. Example For Date Picker ```java DatePicker datePicker = new DatePickerFactory().lumoSmall() .min(LocalDate.now().minusYears(1)) .max(LocalDate.now().plusYears(1)) .clearButtonVisible(true) .widthFull().get() ``` > Warning: Date Picker, Time picker, Date Time Picker's Factory default use Chinese locale. ```java get().setLocale(Locale.CHINA); get().setI18n(ChineseDatePickerI18n.getInstance()); ``` > if you not accept can use ```java DatePicker datePicker1 = new DatePickerFactory(new DatePicker(), Locale.ENGLISH).get(); DatePicker datePicker2 = new DatePickerFactory( new DatePicker(), (Locale) null, (DatePicker.DatePickerI18n) null).get(); ``` #### 4. Example For Text Field ```java TextField textField = new TextFieldFactory().label("label 1").width("80vh") .suffixComponent(new Text("Km/s")).lumoSmall().get(); ``` #### 5. Support Components - AccordionFactory - AnchorFactory - AppLayoutFactory - ButtonFactory - CheckboxFactory - ComboBoxFactory - ComponentFactory - ContextMenuFactory - CustomFieldFactory - DatePickerFactory - DateTimePickerFactory - DetailsFactory - DialogFactory - DivFactory - EmailFieldFactory - FlexLayoutFactory - FormLayoutFactory - GenerateHtmlContainerFactory - GridFactory - H1Factory - H2Factory - H3Factory - H4Factory - H5Factory - H6Factory - HorizontalLayoutFactory - IconFactory - ImageFactory - ListBoxFactory - MenuBarFactory - NotificationFactory - NumberFieldFactory - PasswordFieldFactory - ProgressBarFactory - RadioButtonGroupFactory - SelectFactory - SpanFactory - SplitLayoutFactory - TabsFactory - TextAreaFactory - TextFieldFactory - TimePickerFactory - TreeGridFactory - UploadFactory - VerticalLayoutFactory #### 6. Support Base Component - AbstractFieldFactory - AbstractNumberFieldFactory - AbstractSinglePropertyFieldFactory - AttachNotifierFactory - BlurNotifierFactory - ClickNotifierFactory - CompositionNotifierFactory - ContextMenuBaseFactory - DetachNotifierFactory - FlexComponentFactory - FocusableFactory - FocusNotifierFactory - GeneratedVaadinButtonFactory - GeneratedVaadinCheckboxFactory - GeneratedVaadinComboBoxFactory - GeneratedVaadinContextMenuFactory - GeneratedVaadinDatePickerFactory - GeneratedVaadinEmailFieldFactory - GeneratedVaadinFormLayoutFactory - GeneratedVaadinNotificationFactory - GeneratedVaadinNumberFieldFactory GeneratedVaadinPasswordFieldFactory.jav - GeneratedVaadinProgressBarFactory - GeneratedVaadinRadioGroupFactory - GeneratedVaadinSelectFactory - GeneratedVaadinSplitLayoutFactory - GeneratedVaadinTabsFactory - GeneratedVaadinTextAreaFactory - GeneratedVaadinTextFieldFactory - GeneratedVaadinTimePickerFactory - GeneratedVaadinUploadFactory - HasAutocapitalizeFactory - HasAutocompleteFactory - HasAutocorrectFactory - HasComponentsFactory - HasDataGeneratorsFactory - HasDataProviderFactory - HasDataViewFactory - HasEnabledFactory - HasFilterableDataProviderFactory - HasHierarchicalDataProviderFactory - HasItemsAndComponentsFactory - HasItemsFactory - HasLazyDataViewFactory - HasListDataViewFactory - HasMenuItemsFactory - HasOrderedComponentsFactory - HasPrefixAndSuffixFactory - HasSizeFactory - HasStyleFactory - HasTextFactory - HasThemeFactory - HasValidationFactory - HasValueAndElementFactory - HasValueChangeModeFactory - HasValueFactory - HtmlComponentFactory - HtmlContainerFactory - InputNotifierFactory - KeyNotifierFactory - ListBoxBaseFactory - MenuItemBaseFactory - RouterLayoutFactory - SingleSelectFactory - SortEventSortNotifierFactory - SubMenuBaseFactory - ThemableLayoutFactory ## Fluent Button  > From left to right #### 1. Normal Button ```java Button normal = new FluentButton(VaadinIcon.LIST, "普通按钮"); ``` #### 2. Primary Button ```java Button primary = new FluentButton(VaadinIcon.CHECK_CIRCLE, "主要按钮").primary(); ``` #### 3. Primary Error Button ```java Button primaryError = new FluentButton(VaadinIcon.CHECK_CIRCLE, "主要按钮").primary().error(); ``` #### 4. Error Button ```java Button error = new FluentButton(VaadinIcon.INFO_CIRCLE, "错误按钮").error(); ``` #### 5. Error Dashed Button ```java Button errorDashed = new FluentButton(VaadinIcon.INFO_CIRCLE, "错误按钮").error().dashed(); ``` #### 6. Dashed Button ```java Button errorDashed = new FluentButton(VaadinIcon.DASHBOARD, "虚线按钮").dashed(); ``` #### 7. Link Button ```java Button link = new FluentButton(VaadinIcon.LINK, "连接按钮").link(); ``` #### 8. Inside static creator ```java public static FluentButton saveButton() { return new FluentButton(VaadinIcon.CHECK_CIRCLE_O, "保存").primary(); } public static FluentButton updateButton() { return new FluentButton(VaadinIcon.EDIT, "修改").primary(); } public static FluentButton closeButton() { return new FluentButton(VaadinIcon.CLOSE_SMALL, "关闭"); } public static FluentButton cancelButton() { return new FluentButton(VaadinIcon.CLOSE_SMALL, "取消"); } public static FluentButton errorButton() { return new FluentButton(VaadinIcon.EXCLAMATION_CIRCLE_O, "错误"); } ``` #### 8. Also can as Button Factory ```java Button save = FluentButton.saveButton().primary().asFactory().clickListener(e -> { /* ... */ }).visible(!updateMode).text("保存并继续").get(); ```
## Dialog #### 1. Ask Dialog  ```java new AskDialog("是否退出登录?", y -> logout()).build().open(); ``` #### 2. Message Dialog ##### 2.1 normal (with title)  ```java new MessageDialog().message("这是一个则消息").header("提示").build().open(); ``` ##### 2.2 normal (without title)  ```java new MessageDialog().message("这是一个则消息").build().open(); ``` ##### 2.3 success (with title)  ```java new MessageDialog().message("这是一个则成功消息").header("成功").forSuccess().build().open(); ``` ##### 2.4 Success (without title)  ```java new MessageDialog().message("这是一个则成功消息").forSuccess().build().open(); ``` ##### 2.5 Warning (with title)  ```java new MessageDialog().message("这是一个则警告消息").header("警告").forWarning().build().open(); ``` ##### 2.5 Warning (without title)  ```java new MessageDialog().message("这是一个则警告消息").forWarning().build().open(); ``` ### 3. Modal Dialog  ```java new ModalDialog().title("对话框") .content(new Div(new Span("Some contents..."))) .content(new Div(new Span("Some contents..."))) .content(new Div(new Span("Some contents..."))) .addCloseButton() .addSaveButton(buttonClickEvent -> { }) .width("521px") .open(); ``` ### 4. Download Dialog  ```java new DownloadDialog("Room Export finished, please download.", new StreamResource(name, () -> stream)).build().open(); ```
## Pagination ### 1. Normal mode  ```java new Pagination().totalData(1000).limit(10).init().build(); ``` ### 2. Tiny mode  ```java new Pagination().totalData(1000).limit(10).tinyMode().init().build(); ``` ### 3. Custom four component layout #### 3.1 Middle layout  ```java new Pagination().customLayout(new MiddleCustomPaginationLayout()); ``` #### 3.2 Custom layout > implements interface: ```java public interface ICustomPaginationLayout { /** * 自定义翻页组件布局 * * @param toolBar tool bar 左中右布局 * @param totalLabel 全部数据文本 * @param pageContainer 翻页按钮 * @param jumpField 跳转输入框 * @param pageSize 单页数量选择框 */ void apply(ToolBar toolBar, PaginationTotalLabel totalLabel, Div pageContainer, PaginationJumpField jumpField, PaginationPageSize pageSize ); } ``` > Such as middle: ```java public class MiddleCustomPaginationLayout implements ICustomPaginationLayout { @Override public void apply(ToolBar toolBar, PaginationTotalLabel totalLabel, Div pageContainer, PaginationJumpField jumpField, PaginationPageSize pageSize) { toolBar.middle(totalLabel, pageContainer, pageSize); } } ``` > with lambada: ```java ICustomPaginationLayout customPaginationLayout = (toolBar, totalLabel, pageContainer, jumpField, pageSize) -> toolBar.middle(totalLabel, pageContainer, pageSize) ```
## Chart Js  [Official Link](https://www.chartjs.org) [China docs cdn](https://bbkki.com/docs/chartjs) ### 1. Direct to use ```java new ChartJs("{}"); ``` ### 2. Use custom class #### example: ```java VerticalBarChart chart = new VerticalBarChart() .withSize("99%", "300px") .setColors(colors).setNumberSuffix("㎡") .addData(new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>()) .build() ``` #### base class ``` package org.bklab.flow.chartjs; public abstract class AbstractChartJs<T extends AbstractChartJs<T>> extends VerticalLayout { // ... protected abstract Chart createChart(); public T build() { checkColors(); this.chartJs = new ChartJs(createChartJson()); add(chartJs); return (T) this; } // ... } ``` #### custom class ```java package org.bklab.ui.chart; import be.ceau.chart.Chart; import com.byteowls.vaadin.chartjs.config.BarChartConfig; import com.byteowls.vaadin.chartjs.data.BarDataset; import com.byteowls.vaadin.chartjs.options.InteractionMode; import com.byteowls.vaadin.chartjs.options.scale.Axis; import com.byteowls.vaadin.chartjs.options.scale.LinearScale; import org.bklab.flow.chartjs.AbstractChartJs; public class VerticalBarChart extends AbstractChartJs<VerticalBarChart> { @Override protected Chart createChart() { return new Chart() { @Override public String getType() { return "line"; } @Override public String toJson() { return createConfig().buildJson().toJson(); } @Override public boolean isDrawable() { return false; } }; } public BarChartConfig createConfig() { BarChartConfig barConfig = new BarChartConfig(); BarDataset dataset = new BarDataset().backgroundColor(getColorArray()); data.forEach((k, v) -> dataset.addLabeledData(k, v.doubleValue())); double min = data.values().stream().mapToDouble(Number::doubleValue).min().orElse(0); min = min > 0 ? 0 : min; LinearScale linearScale = new LinearScale().ticks().min(min).callback(createFormatNumberFunction().getFunction()).and(); barConfig. data() .labels(data.keySet().toArray(new String[]{})).addDataset(dataset).and() .options() .responsive(true).tooltips().enabled(true).callbacks().label(createFormatNumberJs().getFunction()).and().and() .hover().mode(InteractionMode.INDEX).intersect(true).animationDuration(400).and() .title().display(true).text(title).and() .legend().display(false).and() .scales().add(Axis.Y, linearScale) .and() .maintainAspectRatio(false) .done(); return barConfig; } } ```
## Button Selector  ```java Consumer<String> consumer = s -> new NotificationFactory(s) .lumoSuccess().positionTopEnd().duration(3000).open(); ButtonSelector buttonSelector = new ButtonSelector() .add("第1个", e -> consumer.accept("第1个")) .add("第2个", e -> consumer.accept("第2个")) .add("第3个", e -> consumer.accept("第3个")) .add("第4个", e -> consumer.accept("第4个")) .add("第5个", e -> consumer.accept("第5个")) .add("第6个", e -> consumer.accept("第6个")) .activeFirst(); ```
## Empty Layout ### 1. normal  ```java new EmptyLayout(); ``` ### 2. custom message  ``` java new EmptyLayout("未上传任何图片"); ```
## Badge Tag  ```java new BadgeTag("febs-tag-green", BadgeTagStyle.GREEN); new BadgeTag("febs-tag-green", BadgeTagStyle.BG_GREEN); // text, background, border new BadgeTag("febs-tag-green", "white", "black"); ```
## Drag Select Layout  ```java public void create() { DragSelectLayout<Room> dragSelectLayout = new DragSelectLayout<Room>() .whenEmpty("请拖动左侧房间到此处").componentRender(roomRender()); dragSelectLayout.containerHeight("40vh", "320px", "70vh"); dragSelectLayout.getSelectedFooter().right(new DivFactory(selectCount, selectArea).displayGrid().textAlign("end").get()); dragSelectLayout.addValueChangeListener(e -> { double sum = e.getValue().stream().mapToDouble(Room::getArea).sum(); int size = e.getValue().size(); selectCount.setText(size + " 房间"); selectArea.setText(new DigitalFormatter(sum).toAreaWord()); }); dragSelectLayout.getCandidateHeader().right(floorComboBox, keywordField); dragSelectLayout.items(rooms); } private Function<Room, Div> roomRender() { return room -> new DivFactory( new DivFactory().text(room.getRoomNo()).margin(0).textAlign("start").fontSize("var(--lumo-font-size-l)").get(), new DivFactory().text(String.format("%.2f ㎡", room.getArea())).margin(0).textAlign("start").fontSize("var(--lumo-font-size-s)").get() ).padding("0.5em").border().margin("0.5em").minWidth("70px").maxHeight("50px").get(); } ```
## Title Layout  ```java new TitleLayout().content(new Image("https://bklab.oss.bbkki.com/img/20200808135631.png")) .title("Title Layout Header")/*.left().middle()*/ .right( createUpdateButton(), createDeleteButton(), createAddButton() ); ```
## Tool Bar  Has left, middle, right components in one line. ```java new ToolBar() .left(new TitleLabel("tool bar left")) .middle(new TitleLabel("tool bar middle")) .right(new TitleLabel("tool bar right 1"), new TitleLabel("tool bar right 2")); ```
## Main App Layout   ```java @Route("") @PageTitle("布克约森实验室") public class View extends MainAppLayout { public View() { appBar.lightTheme(); appBar.logout(e -> UI.getCurrent().navigate(LoginView.class)).avatarName("Broderick Labs"); naviDrawer.disableSwap(); appBar.getContextIcon().setVisible(true); setWidthFull(); } @Override public void buildNaviMenu(NaviMenu naviMenu) { naviMenu.addNaviItem(VaadinIcon.VAADIN_H, "组件库", ComponentDemoView.class); naviMenu.addNaviItem(VaadinIcon.DATABASE, "暂无数据", EmptyView.class); naviMenu.addNaviItem(VaadinIcon.PACKAGE, "翻页工具", PaginationView.class); } @Override public void buildUserIcon(Image image, ContextMenu contextMenu) { contextMenu.addItem("登录", e -> UI.getCurrent().navigate(LoginView.class)); } @Override protected Class<? extends Component> defaultNavigationTarget() { return ComponentDemoView.class; } } @Route(value = "empty", layout = View.class) @PageTitle("empty --Broderick Labs") public class EmptyView extends Div { public EmptyView() { add(new EmptyLayout("暂无数据")); setSizeFull(); } } ```
## Fluent Crud View ```java @PageTitle(PageTitleDefinition.SPACE_ADMIN) @Route(value = RouteDefinition.SPACE_ADMIN, layout = MainView.class) public class ExampleAdminView extends FluentCrudView<Room, Grid<Example>> { private final MultiSelectBox<Floor> floorComboBox; private final ComboBox<Building> buildingComboBox; { floorComboBox = new MultiSelectBox<>(); floorComboBox.itemLabelGenerator(Floor::getFloorName); floorComboBox.getMultiSelectListBox().addSelectionListener(e -> reloadGridData()); parameterMap.put("floors", () -> { Set<Floor> values = floorComboBox.getValues(); return values == null || values.isEmpty() ? null : values; }); } public ExampleAdminView() { addMenuColumn(new ExampleMenuBuilder()); initGrid(); initConditions(); pagination.onePageSize(10); searchButton.setVisible(false); setSameEntityBiPredicate((a, b) -> a != null && b != null && a.getId() == b.getId()); } private void initGrid() { grid.getColumnByKey("floorName").setHeader(floorComboBox); } private void initConditions() { header.left(buildingComboBox).right(addKeywordField()); } @Override public Grid<Example> createGrid() { return new ExampleGrid(); } @Override public Collection<Example> queryEntities(Map<String, Object> parameters) { return new ArrayList(); } } public class ExampleMenuBuilder implements IFluentMenuBuilder<Room, RoomGrid> { @Override public void build(FluentCrudView<Example, Grid<Example>> fluentCrudView, ContextMenu contextMenu, Example example) { FluentMenuItem.create(VaadinIcon.EDIT, "edit floor") .add(contextMenu, menuItemClickEvent ->{}); FluentMenuItem.forDelete("delete room") .add(contextMenu, menuItemClickEvent ->{}); } } ```
# More Components In This & More Components Adding This README.md still improving, More unlisted components are still being added. Welcome to email me z@bklab.org to tell me yours feeling and wanna to be improved.
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This version need Vaadin 19 +
- Released
- 2021-03-18
- Maturity
- License
- Apache License 2.0
- Framework
- Vaadin 18+
- Vaadin 14+ in 17.0.0.alpha6
- Vaadin 17+ in 17.0.2
- Vaadin 20+ in 20.0.1
- Vaadin 19+ in 20.0.5
- Vaadin 21+ in 21.0.0.alpha10
- Browser
- Google Chrome
- Microsoft Edge
fluent-vaadin-flow - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Inherits common Vaadin components, such as Component Factory, dialog, layout, chart.js, and so no --Broderick LabsOnline Demo
Author Homepage
View on GitHub
fluent-vaadin-flow version 17.0.0.alpha6
## Minimum version requirements
1. Vaadin : 17.0.0.alpha6
2. Java: 14.0.0
## Author
###### Broderick Johansson
###### email: z@bkLab.org
###### twitter: China_Broderick
###### WebSites: https://bbkki.com
fluent-vaadin-flow version 17.0.0.beta1
New components:
Advanced Search Dialog, ...
1. Tooltips
2. Tooltip Configuration Factory
3. ...
Fixed: Title Layout ...
fluent-vaadin-flow version 17.0.2
1. Fluent Crud View add Export to Excel(xlsx) support;
2. Fluent Common Grid;
3. Empty View can modify message after create;
4. ...
fluent-vaadin-flow version 17.0.7
fluent-vaadin-flow version 17.0.9
1. fix 17.0.7 packaging with production mode lead to css problem;
2. New component: Image Card Button;
3. Ask Dialog add constructor for when refused consumer;
4. Fluent Crud View support custom data Provider Creator(Adapt Tree Grid);
5. Image Base add base class constructor, like new ImageBase(MyImageBase.class).image("winner-trump.png");
6. etc...
fluent-vaadin-flow version 17.0.10
fluent-vaadin-flow version 17.0.11
fluent-vaadin-flow version 18.0.2
fluent-vaadin-flow version 18.0.3
fluent-vaadin-flow version 18.0.4
fluent-vaadin-flow version 18.0.6
fluent-vaadin-flow version 18.0.7
fluent-vaadin-flow version 19.0.0
This version need Vaadin 19 +
fluent-vaadin-flow version 19.0.1
fluent-vaadin-flow version 19.0.2
fluent-vaadin-flow version 20.0.0.alpha6
fluent-vaadin-flow version 20.0.0.beta1
fluent-vaadin-flow version 20.0.1
Update to Vaadin version 20.0.1
fluent-vaadin-flow version 20.0.3
fluent-vaadin-flow version 20.0.5
Lasted version based on Vaadin 20
fluent-vaadin-flow version 21.0.0.alpha10
fluent-vaadin-flow version 21.0.0.beta1
fluent-vaadin-flow version 21.0.1
fluent-vaadin-flow version 22.0.0
Adapt to Vaadin 22
Required to JDK 17
fluent-vaadin-flow version 22.0.1
Remove Vaadin not support Java 17 sealed classes.