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Filesystem DataProvider Add-on

This is FilesystemDataProvider and FtpDataProvider for Vaadin 24, 23, 14 and 8 and does roughly the same functions as FilesystemContainer for Vaadin7





This is FilesystemDataProvider and FtpDataProvider for 24, 23, 14 and 8. Add-on includes also FileSelect and FtpSelect single select components to browse filesystem and select a file. With this data provider it is easy to load local filesystem hierarchy or ftp (from server) to customized TreeGrid. The add-on includes also rudimentary icon mapper for MIME types using VaadinIcons.

The FilesystemDataProvider and FtpDataProvider can be used both in recursive (read file system data at once) and non-recursive mode (read file system data as per needed), see demo application for details.

The add-on has also FileSelect and FtpSelect field components included for simple single select file browsing.

Sample code

    	// Demo 1: Use FilesystemData non-recursively
    	// When using non-recursive mode, it is possible to browse entire file system
    	// DataProvider pre-fetches root directory and rest is loaded progressively
    	// lazily
    	File rootFile = new File("C:/");
    	FilesystemData root = new FilesystemData(rootFile, false);
    	FilesystemDataProvider fileSystem = new FilesystemDataProvider(root);     	
        final Tree<File> tree = new Tree<>();

        tree.setItemIconGenerator(file -> {
        	return FileTypeResolver.getIcon(file);
        final Panel layout1 = new Panel();


(Loading compatibility data...)

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Version 4.0.0

  • Compatible with Vaadin 24.1
Apache License 2.0


Vaadin 24
Vaadin 23+ in 3.2.0
Vaadin 22 in 3.1.0
Vaadin 21 in 3.1.0
Vaadin 18+ in 3.0.0
Vaadin 10+ in 2.1.0
Vaadin 14 in 2.0.0
Vaadin 8.2+ in 1.1.0
Google Chrome
iOS Browser
Android Browser
Microsoft Edge

Filesystem DataProvider Add-on - Vaadin Add-on Directory

This is FilesystemDataProvider and FtpDataProvider for Vaadin 24, 23, 14 and 8 and does roughly the same functions as FilesystemContainer for Vaadin7 Filesystem DataProvider Add-on - Vaadin Add-on Directory
This is FilesystemDataProvider and FtpDataProvider for 24, 23, 14 and 8. Add-on includes also FileSelect and FtpSelect single select components to browse filesystem and select a file. With this data provider it is easy to load local filesystem hierarchy or ftp (from server) to customized TreeGrid. The add-on includes also rudimentary icon mapper for MIME types using VaadinIcons. The FilesystemDataProvider and FtpDataProvider can be used both in recursive (read file system data at once) and non-recursive mode (read file system data as per needed), see demo application for details. The add-on has also FileSelect and FtpSelect field components included for simple single select file browsing.
Issue tracker (Vaadin 8)
Blog post
Source code (Vaadin 8)
Source Code (Vaadin 14)

Filesystem DataProvider Add-on version 0.1.0
### 0.1.0 First release, feedback welcome

Filesystem DataProvider Add-on version 0.2.0
### Version 0.2.0 - Added JavaDocs - Minor fixes and improvements - Updated

Filesystem DataProvider Add-on version 0.3.0
### Version 0.3.0 - Made lazy loading automatic in non-recursive mode

Filesystem DataProvider Add-on version 1.0.0
### Version 1.0.0 - Added FileSelect: A simple single select component for files - Complemented JavaDocs

Filesystem DataProvider Add-on version 1.0.1
Version 1.0.1 - Fixed FileSelect to work with keyboard selection as well

Filesystem DataProvider Add-on version 1.1.0
### Version 1.1.0 - Added filename extension filter support to FileSelect

Filesystem DataProvider Add-on version 2.0.0
### Version 2.0.0 - Migrated the add-on to Vaadin 14

Filesystem DataProvider Add-on version 2.1.0
### Version 2.1.0 - Added FtpSelect, FtpData and FtpDataProvider using Apache Commons FTPClient

Filesystem DataProvider Add-on version 3.0.0
### Version 3.0.0 - Build for Vaadin 18+ and newer. There is backwards compatibility breaking change in the framework due new DataView API and Filesystem DataProvider was impacted by this.

Filesystem DataProvider Add-on version 3.1.0
### Version 3.1.0 - Fix icons with Vaadin 21.0 - Added MultiFileSelect component

Filesystem DataProvider Add-on version 3.2.0
### Version 3.2.0 - Built against Vaadin 23

Filesystem DataProvider Add-on version 4.0.0
### Version 4.0.0 - Compatible with Vaadin 24.1
