FastFormFields - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Is a collection of textfields with some restrictions.FastFormFields is a collection of textfields with some restrictions.
List of TextFields
- DecimalTextField: Accept numbers and one dot.
- IntegerTextField: Only accept numbers.
- UpperTextField: Upper all text when write
- Limit digits before and after a dot. (see example)
Source CodeFastFormFields version 0.0.1
- DecimalTextField: Accept numbers and one dot.
- IntegerTextField: Only accept numbers.
FastFormFields version 0.1.4
Fix events on the field.
Only accept numbers when use setValue()
FastFormFields version 0.1.6
Fix events on the field.
Only accept numbers when use setValue()
Get and set Value Work fine.
FastFormFields version 0.2.0
Can set digits limit
FastFormFields version 0.2.2
FastFormFields version 0.3.0
Format on Decimal Numbers by Sixto Nuñez,