A MenuBar named as CustomMenuBar and MenuItems are having close/remove button.
CustomMenuBar MenuItems known as CustommenuItem are having close button.
To achieve the close/remove functionality user has to fire setClosable(true); to the CustomMenuItem.
Every CustomMenuItem are having ItemClickListener.
To achieve ItemClick functionality user has to fire setItemClickable(true); to the CustomMenuItem.
By default the removing of MenuItem will not work.
User has to remove or do some stuff on the close click event.
A ItemCloseClickListener is available to achieve the close click event.
MenuBar can be used to have the multiple nativeselect component.
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Over the MenuItem(CustomMenuItem) 1 methods added..
setCheckAll(boolean) : Param "true", if the item will be used as a checkAll button.
- Released
- 2015-12-07
- Maturity
- License
- Apache License 2.0
- Framework
- Vaadin 7.3+
- Browser
- Browser Independent
custommenubar - Vaadin Add-on Directory
A MenuBar named as CustomMenuBar and MenuItems are having close/remove button.Online Demo
Usage Example
custommenubar version 1.1
Over the MenuBar(CustomMenuBar) 2 methods added..
setScrollable(boolean): Param "true" if user want the submenu should come with scroll according to the provided pagelength.
setPageLength(int): By default the page length is 5.
Over the MenuItem(CustomMenuItem) 3 methods added..
setItemClickNotClosable(boolean): Param "true", if the submenu popup should not close after click on MenuItem. This method can be fired if user want to use the MenuBar as a NativeSelect for the purpose of multiple selection. User can fire setCheckable(true) to the item.
setItemClickSelectable(boolean): Param "true", if the selected Item should be visible as selected.
setItemHoverSelectable(boolean): Param "true", if the hover over item should be visible as selected.
custommenubar version 1.2
Over the MenuItem(CustomMenuItem) 1 methods added..
setCheckAll(boolean) : Param "true", if the item will be used as a checkAll button.