
ColumnChart - Vaadin Add-on Directory

A simple ColumnChart component for Vaadin 23+ ColumnChart - Vaadin Add-on Directory
This is a simple ColumnChart component for Vaadin 23+. There are couple of styling options, which are also given by Java API. - The chart can be uni-color (Lumo primary color) or multicolored - Chart can have ten lines at background - Optional min, middle, max values can be shown either on the left or right - Column margin can be adjusted - Data can be set by numbers or with objects defining caption and number The browser implementation is coded in TypeScript as web-component using Lit library .

ColumnChart version 1.0.0
### Version 1.0.0 - The first version

ColumnChart version 1.1.0
### Version 1.1.0 - Added possibility to remove the axises - Fixed issue with Vite builds