
Collapsible SplitLayout - Vaadin Add-on Directory

An extension of Vaadin SplitLayout to enable collapsing components Collapsible SplitLayout - Vaadin Add-on Directory
# Collapsible SplitLayout An extension of Vaadin SplitLayout to enable collapsing components. One or both of the SplitLayout's components can be made collapsible using, ``` CollapsibleSplitLayout collapsibleSplitLayout = new CollapsibleSplitLayout( new Paragraph("Primary component"), new Paragraph("Secondary component")); collapsibleSplitLayout.setPrimaryComponentCollapsible(true); collapsibleSplitLayout.setSecondaryComponentCollapsible(true); ``` ### Sponsored development Major pieces of development of this add-on has been sponsored by customers of Vaadin. Read more about Expert on Demand at: [Support]( and [Pricing](