CDI Properties
Define Vaadin component properties with annotations
CDI Properties contains individual annotations for each Vaadin core component that allow you to define a set of properties right above the injection point. instead of:
TextField textField = new TextField("Name"); textField.setMaxLength(15); textField.setNullRepresentation(""); textField.setWidth("100%"); can:
@Inject @TextFieldProperties(caption = "Name", maxLength = 15, nullRepresentation = "", width = "100%") private TextField textField;
Use properties "captionKey" and "labelValueKey" to assign text values provided by your own TextBundle bean. Fire a @TextBundleUpdated event to utilize the built-in i18n functionality allowing you to change your applications language run-time.
The add-on can only be used in Vaadin CDI enabled projects.
Sample code
@UIScoped public class SearchViewImpl extends AbstractView implements SearchView { @Inject @TextFieldProperties(captionKey = "searchview-searchterm", nullRepresentation = "") private TextField searchTerm; @Inject @NativeSelectProperties(captionKey = "searchview-fieldtosearch") private NativeSelect fieldToSearch; @Inject @CheckBoxProperties(captionKey = "searchview-savesearch", immediate = true) private CheckBox saveSearch; @Inject @TextFieldProperties(captionKey = "searchview-searchname", nullRepresentation = "") private TextField searchName; @Inject @PanelProperties(captionKey = "searchview-caption") private Panel mainPanel; @Inject @ButtonProperties(captionKey = "searchview-search") private Button searchButton; ... }
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Vaadin 8 support (thanks to
- Released
- 2017-03-26
- Maturity
- License
- Apache License 2.0
- Framework
- Vaadin 8.0+
- Vaadin 7.0+ in 0.9.3
- Browser
- Browser Independent
CDI Properties - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Define Vaadin component properties with annotationsIssue Tracker
Example project
Discussion Forum
CDI Properties version 0.9.2
CDI Properties version 0.9.3
- New property for the Localizer (descriptionKey)
CDI Properties version 0.10.0
Vaadin 8 support (thanks to