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Lazily load your images!
## � Get it!
npm -i -S @power-elements/lazy-image
## � Load it!
## � Use it!
The optional placeholder could be any element. Inline SVG, Pure CSS graphics, or an `` would work best.
## � Style it!
You should give your `` elements some specific dimensions, since it absolutely positions its shadow children. In most cases, you should set the wrapping element as well as the `--lazy-image-` custom properties to the known display dimensions of your image.
`` exposes a set of custom properties for your customizing delight:
`--lazy-image-width`|Width of the internal image and placeholder elements|100%
`--lazy-image-height`|Height of the internal image and placeholder elements|100%
`--lazy-image-fit`|[`object-fit`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/object-fit) property of the internal image and placeholder elements|contain
`--lazy-image-fade-duration`|Duration of the fade in from the placeholder to the image. Set to 0 to disable fading.|0.3s
`--lazy-image-fade-easing`|[`ease`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/transition-timing-function) property of the opacity transition for the image and placeholder|ease
### Browser support
`lazy-image` manages the loading of your images via an Intersection Observer. In browsers where an Intersection Observer is not present, your images will be loaded immediately much like standard `` elements. Conditionally delivering the [IntersectionObserver polyfill](https://github.com/w3c/IntersectionObserver/tree/master/polyfill) along with your `lazy-image`s to your users will ensure that all users experience the benefits of loading images lazily. Stay lazy, friend!