
AudioVideo - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Enhanced Audio ja Video component replacements for Vaadin 8 AudioVideo - Vaadin Add-on Directory
AudioVideo is a UI component add-on for Vaadin 8. It consists of GwtAudio and GwtVideo components which are drop in replacements for Vaadin Audio and Video components with more API features, events and range request support for connector resources which have content length. There the following additional features API - All normal Audio and Video API and the following - getPosition() - setPosition(..) Works with External url if server supports range requests. Works correctly also with ConnectorResources which have Content-Length, e.g. FileResource (see issue and - getVolume() - setVolume(..) - stop() - getters for metadata - ContentLengthConnectorResource: Helper class for the cases where you know content length, but need to use e.g. StreamResource Events - MediaEndedEvent - MediaPausedEvent - MediaStartedEvent - MediaSeekedEvent - MetadataLoadedEvent
Issue tracker
Online Demo
Source Code

AudioVideo version 1.0
### Version 1.0 - Initial release - GwtAudio, improved Audio component with additional API and events - GwtVideo, improved Video component with additional API and events

AudioVideo version 1.1.0
### Version 1.1.0 - Add support for setPosition(..) to work correctly with ConnectorResources, see issue and - Fixed stop() and pause() to report correct position - Code refactoring

AudioVideo version 1.2.0
Version 1.2.0 - Add support for MediaSeekedEvent - Report position to server always when new position is set by user - Small bugfixes in range request support, Fixes Tomcat issues

AudioVideo version 1.2.1
### Version 1.2.1 - Suppressed harmless exception on Tomcat - Fixed video auto resizing to be disabled if size is set, see: - Added ContentLengthConnectorResource

AudioVideo version 1.3.0
### Version 1.3.0 - Added support for controlsList attribute. - Added pause on detach, see

AudioVideo version 1.3.1
### Version 1.3.1 - Catch IOException when running under Wildfly, etc. - Built against Vaadin 8.14.1

AudioVideo version 1.4.0
### Version 1.4.0 - Add API to control playbackRate (note, not supported in IE11)