Vaadin gives many alternatives for selecting one or more items from a list, using drop-down and regular lists, radio button and check box groups, tables, trees, and so on.

The core library includes the following selection components, all based on the AbstractSelect class:

In single selection mode, a drop-down list with a text input area, which the user can use to filter the displayed items. In multiselect mode, a list box equivalent to ListSelect.
A drop-down list for single selection. Otherwise as Select, but the user can also enter new items. The component also provides an input prompt.
A vertical list box for selecting items in either single or multiple selection mode.
Provides selection using the native selection component of the browser, typically a drop-down list for single selection and a multi-line list in multiselect mode. This uses the <select> element in HTML.
Shows the items as a vertically arranged group of radio buttons in the single selection mode and of check boxes in multiple selection mode.
Shows two list boxes side by side where the user can select items from a list of available items and move them to a list of selected items using control buttons.

In addition, the Tree and Table components allow special forms of selection. They also inherit the AbstractSelect.

The selection components are strongly coupled with the Vaadin Data Model. The selectable items in all selection components are objects that implement the Item interface and are contained in a Container. The current selection is bound to the Property interface.

Even though the data model is used, the selection components allow simple use in the most common cases. Each selection component is bound to a default container type, which supports management of items without need to implement a container.

See Chapter 9, Binding Components to Data for a detailed description of the data model, its interfaces, and built-in implementations.

New items are added with the addItem() method defined in the Container interface.

// Create a selection component
Select select = new Select ("Select something here");

// Add some items and give each an item ID

The addItem() method creates an empty Item, which is identified by its item identifier (IID) object, given as the parameter. This item ID is by default used also as the caption of the item, as explained in the next section. The identifier is typically a String. The item is of a type specific to the container and has itself little relevance for most selection components, as the properties of an item may not be used in any way (except in Table), only the item ID.

The item identifier can be of any object type. We could as well have given integers for the item identifiers and set the captions explicitly with setItemCaption(). You could also add an item with the parameterless addItem(), which returns an automatically generated item ID.

// Create a selection component
Select select = new Select("My Select");
// Add an item with a generated ID
Object itemId = select.addItem();
select.setItemCaption(itemId, "The Sun");
// Select the item

Some container types may support passing the actual data object to the add method. For example, you can add items to a BeanItemContainer with addBean(). Such implementations can use a separate item ID object, or the data object itself as the item ID, as is done in addBean(). In the latter case you can not depend on the default way of acquiring the item caption; see the description of the different caption modes later.

The following section describes the different options for determining the item captions.

The displayed captions of items in a selection component can be set explicitly with setItemCaption() or determined from the item IDs or item properties. This behaviour is defined with the caption mode, which you can set with setItemCaptionMode(). The default mode is ITEM_CAPTION_MODE_EXPLICIT_DEFAULTS_ID, which uses the item identifiers for the captions, unless given explicitly.

In addition to a caption, an item can have an icon. The icon is set with setItemIcon().

Caption Modes for Selection Components


This is the default caption mode and its flexibility allows using it in most cases. By default, the item identifier will be used as the caption. The identifier object does not necessarily have to be a string; the caption is retrieved with toString() method. If the caption is specified explicitly with setItemCaption(), it overrides the item identifier.

Select select = new Select("Moons of Mars");
// Use the item ID also as the caption of this item
select.addItem(new Integer(1));
// Set item caption for this item explicitly
select.addItem(2); // same as "new Integer(2)"
select.setItemCaption(2, "Deimos");

Captions must be explicitly specified with setItemCaption(). If they are not, the caption will be empty. Such items with empty captions will nevertheless be displayed in the Select component as empty items. If they have an icon, they will be visible.


Only icons are shown, captions are hidden.


String representation of the item identifier object is used as caption. This is useful when the identifier is a string, and also when the identifier is an complex object that has a string representation. For example:

Select select = new Select("Inner Planets");
// A class that implements toString()
class PlanetId extends Object implements Serializable {
    String planetName;
    PlanetId (String name) {
        planetName = name;
    public String toString () {
        return "The Planet " + planetName;

// Use such objects as item identifiers
String planets[] = {"Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars"};
for (int i=0; i<planets.length; i++)
    select.addItem(new PlanetId(planets[i]));

Index number of item is used as caption. This caption mode is applicable only to data sources that implement the Container.Indexed interface. If the interface is not available, the component will throw a ClassCastException. The Select component itself does not implement this interface, so the mode is not usable without a separate data source. An IndexedContainer, for example, would work.


String representation of item, acquired with toString(), is used as the caption. This is applicable mainly when using a custom Item class, which also requires using a custom Container that is used as a data source for the Select component.


Item captions are read from the String representation of the property with the identifier specified with setItemCaptionPropertyId(). This is useful, for example, when you have a container that you use as the data source for a Select, and you want to use a specific property for caption.

In the example below, we bind a selection component to a bean container and use a property of the bean as the caption.

/* A bean with a "name" property. */
public class Planet implements Serializable {
    String name;

    public Planet(String name) { = name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

void propertyModeExample() {
    VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();

    // Have a bean container to put the beans in
    BeanItemContainer<Planet> container =
        new BeanItemContainer<Planet>(Planet.class);

    // Put some example data in it
    container.addItem(new Planet("Mercury"));
    container.addItem(new Planet("Venus"));
    container.addItem(new Planet("Earth"));
    container.addItem(new Planet("Mars"));

    // Create a selection component bound to the container
    Select select = new Select("Planets", container);

    // Set the caption mode to read the caption directly
    // from the 'name' property of the bean


The Select component allows, in single selection mode, selecting an item from a drop-down list. The component also has a text field area, which allows entering search text by which the items shown in the drop-down list are filtered.

In multiple selection mode, the component shows the items in a vertical list box, identical to ListSelect.

The Select component allows filtering the items available for selection. The component shows as an input box for entering text. The text entered in the input box is used for filtering the available items shown in a drop-down list. Pressing Enter will complete the item in the input box. Pressing Up- and Down-arrows can be used for selecting an item from the drop-down list. The drop-down list is paged and clicking on the scroll buttons will change to the next or previous page. The list selection can also be done with the arrow keys on the keyboard. The shown items are loaded from the server as needed, so the number of items held in the component can be quite large.

Vaadin provides two filtering modes: FILTERINGMODE_CONTAINS matches any item that contains the string given in the text field part of the component and FILTERINGMODE_STARTSWITH matches only items that begin with the given string. The filtering mode is set with setFilteringMode(). Setting the filtering mode to the default value FILTERINGMODE_OFF disables filtering.

Select select = new Select("Enter containing substring");


/* Fill the component with some items. */
final String[] planets = new String[] {
        "Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars",
        "Jupiter", "Saturn", "Uranus", "Neptune" };

for (int i = 0; i < planets.length; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < planets.length; j++) {
        select.addItem(planets[j] + " to " + planets[i]);

The above example uses the containment filter that matches to all items containing the input string. As shown in Figure 5.38, “Filtered Selection” below, when we type some text in the input area, the drop-down list will show all the matching items.

The OptionGroup class provides selection from alternatives using a group of radio buttons in single selection mode. In multiple selection mode, the items show up as check boxes.

OptionGroup optiongroup = new OptionGroup("My Option Group");

// Use the multiple selection mode.

Figure 5.41, “Option Button Group in Single and Multiple Selection Mode” shows the OptionGroup in both single and multiple selection mode.

You can create check boxes individually using the CheckBox class, as described in Section 5.12, “CheckBox. The advantages of the OptionGroup component are that as it maintains the individual check box objects, you can get an array of the currently selected items easily, and that you can easily change the appearance of a single component.

The TwinColSelect field provides a multiple selection component that shows two lists side by side, with the left column containing unselected items and the right column the selected items. The user can select items from the list on the left and click on the ">>" button to move them to the list on the right. Items can be deselected by selecting them in the right list and clicking on the "<<" button.

TwinColSelect is always in multi-select mode, so its property value is always a collection of the item IDs of the selected items, that is, the items in the right column.

The selection columns can have their own captions, separate from the overall component caption, which is managed by the containing layout. You can set the column captions with setLeftColumnCaption() and setRightColumnCaption().

final TwinColSelect select =
    new TwinColSelect("Select Targets to Destroy");

// Set the column captions (optional)
select.setLeftColumnCaption("These are left");
select.setRightColumnCaption("These are done for");
// Put some data in the select
String planets[] = {"Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars",
        "Jupiter", "Saturn", "Uranus", "Neptune"};
for (int pl=0; pl<planets.length; pl++)

// Set the number of visible items

The resulting component is shown in Figure 5.44, “Twin Column Selection”.

The setRows() method sets the height of the component by the number of visible items in the selection boxes. Setting the height with setHeight() to a defined value overrides the rows setting.

Setting the Select, NativeSelect, or OptionGroup components to multiple selection mode with the setMultiSelect() method changes their appearance to allow selecting multiple items.

Select and NativeSelect

These components appear as a native HTML selection list, as shown in Figure 5.45, “Select Component with Adding New Items Allowed”. By holding the Ctrl or Shift key pressed, the user can select multiple items.

The option group, which is a radio button group in single selection mode, will show as a check box group in multiple selection mode. See Section 5.13.5, “Radio Button and Check Box Groups with OptionGroup.

The TwinColSelect, described in Section 5.13.6, “Twin Column Selection with TwinColSelect, is a special multiple selection mode that is not meaningful for single selection.


As in single selection mode, the selected items are set as the property of the Select object. In multiple selection mode, the property is a Collection of currently selected items. You can get and set the property with the getValue() and setValue() methods as usual.

A change in the selection will trigger a ValueChangeEvent, which you can handle with a Propery.ValueChangeListener. As usual, you should use setImmediate(true) to trigger the event immediately when the user changes the selection. The following example shows how to handle selection changes with a listener.

public class SelectExample
           extends CustomComponent
           implements Property.ValueChangeListener {
    // Create a Select object with a caption.
    Select select = new Select("This is a Select component");

    VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();
    Label status = new Label("-");
    SelectExample () {
        setCompositionRoot (layout);

        // Fill the component with some items.
        final String[] planets = new String[] {
            "Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars",
            "Jupiter", "Saturn", "Uranus", "Neptune"};
        for (int i=0; i<planets.length; i++)

        // By default, the change event is not triggered
        // immediately when the selection changes.
        // This enables the immediate events.
        // Listen for changes in the selection.


    /* Respond to change in the selection. */
    public void valueChange(Property.ValueChangeEvent event) {
        // The event.getProperty() returns the Item ID (IID) 
        // of the currently selected item in the component.
        status.setValue("Currently selected item ID: " +