Most web applications need forms. The Form component in Vaadin offers an easy way to create forms where the fields can be automatically generated from a data source that is bound to the form. The BeanItem adapter allows the data sources to be just JavaBeans or Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs) with just the setter and getter methods. Form manages buffering so that the form contents can be committed to the data source only when filling the form is complete, and before that, the user can discard any changes.

The Form component is also a layout, with a bounding box, a caption, a description field, and a special error indicator. As such, it can also be used within logical forms to group input fields.

To begin with the Form, it is a UI component with a layout suitable for its purpose. A Form has a caption, a description, a layout that contains the fields, an error indicator, and a footer, as illustrated in Figure 5.61, “Layout of the Form Component” below. Unlike with other components, the caption is shown within the border. (See the details below on how to enable the border with CSS, as it may not be enabled in the default style.)

Unlike most components, Form does not accept the caption in the constructor, as forms are often captionless, but you can give the caption with the setCaption(). While the description text, which you can set with setDescription(), is shown as a tooltip in most other components, a Form displays it in top of the form box as shown in the figure above.

Form form = new Form();
form.setCaption("Form Caption");
form.setDescription("This is a description of the Form that is " +
        "displayed in the upper part of the form. You normally " +
        "enter some descriptive text about the form and its " +
        "use here.");

Form has FormLayout as its default layout, but you can set any other layout with setLayout(). See Section 6.5, “FormLayout for more information. Note that the Form itself handles layout for the description, the footer and other common elements of the form. The user-set layout only manages the contained fields and their captions.

The Form is most of all a container for fields so it offers many kinds of automation for creating and managing fields. You can, of course, create fields directly in the layout, but it is usually more desirable to bind the fields to the connected data source.

// Add a field directly to the layout. This field will
// not be bound to the data source Item of the form.
form.getLayout().addComponent(new TextField("A Field"));

// Add a field and bind it to an named item property.
form.addField("another", new TextField("Another Field"));

Binding forms and their fields to data objects is described further in Section 5.19.2, “Binding Form to Data” below.

The Form has a special error indicator inside the form. The indicator can show the following types of error messages:

  • Errors set with the setComponentError() method of the form. For example:
    form.setComponentError(new UserError("This is the error indicator of the Form."));
  • Errors caused by a validator attached to the Form with addValidator().
  • Errors caused by validators attached to the fields inside forms, if setValidationVisible(true) is set for the form. This type of validation is explained futher in Section 5.19.3, “Validating Form Input” below.
  • Errors from automatic validation of fields set as required with setRequired(true) if an error message has also been set with setRequiredError().

Only a single error is displayed in the error indicator at a time.

Finally, Form has a footer area. The footer is a HorizontalLayout by default, but you can change it with setFooter().

// Set the footer layout.
form.setFooter(new VerticalLayout());

        new Label("This is the footer area of the Form. "+
                  "You can use any layout here. "+
                  "This is nice for buttons."));

// Have a button bar in the footer.
HorizontalLayout okbar = new HorizontalLayout();

// Add an Ok (commit), Reset (discard), and Cancel buttons
// for the form.
Button okbutton = new Button("OK", form, "commit");
okbar.setComponentAlignment(okbutton, Alignment.TOP_RIGHT);
okbar.addComponent(new Button("Reset", form, "discard"));
okbar.addComponent(new Button("Cancel"));

The main purpose of the Form component is that you can bind it to a data source and let the Form generate and manage fields automatically. The data source can be any class that implements the Item interface, which is part of the Vaadin Data Model, as described in Chapter 9, Binding Components to Data. You can either implement the Item interface yourself, which can be overly complicated, or use the ready BeanItem adapter to bind the form to any JavaBean object. You can also use PropertysetItem to bind the form to an ad hoc set of Property objects, resembling a Map.

Let us consider the following simple JavaBean with proper setter and getter methods for the member variables.

/** A simple JavaBean. */
public class PersonBean {
    String name;
    String city;
    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setCity(String city) { = city;

    public String getCity() {
        return city;

We can now bind this bean to a Form using the BeanItem adapter as follows.

// Create a form and use FormLayout as its layout.
final Form form = new Form();

// Set form caption and description texts
form.setCaption("Contact Information");
form.setDescription("Please specify name of the person and the city where the person lives in.");

// Create the custom bean.
PersonBean bean = new PersonBean();

// Create a bean item that is bound to the bean.
BeanItem item = new BeanItem(bean);

// Bind the bean item as the data source for the form.

The Form uses FormLayout layout by default and automatically generates the fields for each of the bean properties, as shown in Figure 5.62, “Form Automatically Generated from a Bean” below.

The automatically determined order of the fields can be undesirable. To set the order properly, you can use the setVisibleItemProperties() method of the Form, which takes an ordered collection as its parameter. Fields that are not listed in the collection are not included in the form.

// Set the order of the items in the form.
Vector order = new Vector();

The form uses the property identifiers as the captions of the fields by default. If you want to have more proper captions for the fields, which is often the case, you need to use a FieldFactory to create the fields, as is shown in the section below.

The form generates the fields automatically using very coarse logic. A String, int, or double will result in a TextField alike, regardless of the meaning of the field. You might want to have a city name to be input with a combo box, for example. You can create such custom fields by implementing the createField() method in the FormFieldFactory interface.

The default implementation, DefaultFieldFactory is shared with the Table component: it also implements the TableFieldFactory interface. This allows the DefaultFieldFactory to create the fields for both purposes with the same logic. It is usually simplest to just extend the default implementation instead of implementing the interfaces from scratch. You should consult the source code of DefaultFieldFactory to see how it works; you may want to reimplement createFieldByPropertyType(), which actually creates the fields by type, instead of the createField().

Below is an example of implementing the FormFieldFactory interface for a specific form, using the names of the fields of the form to create the editable field components.

class MyFieldFactory implements FormFieldFactory {
    public Field createField(Item item, Object propertyId,
                             Component uiContext) {
        // Identify the fields by their Property ID.
        String pid = (String) propertyId;
        if ("name".equals(pid)) {
            return new TextField("Name");
        } else if ("city".equals(pid)) {
            Select select = new Select("City");
            select.addItem("New York");
            return select;
        return null; // Invalid field (property) name.

You set a Form to use a custom field factory with setFormFieldFactory():

form.setFormFieldFactory(new MyFieldFactory());

The earlier example will now look as shown in Figure 5.63, “Form Fields Generated with a FormFieldFactory.

Validation of the form input is one of the most important tasks in handling forms. The fields in Vaadin can be bound to validators. The validation provides feedback about bad input and the forms can also manage validation results and accept the input only if all validations are successful. Fields can also be set as required, which is a special built-in validator. The validators work on the server-side.

Validators check the validity of input and, if the input is invalid, can provide an error message through an exception. Validators are classes that implement the Validator interface. The interface has two methods that you must implement: isValid() that returns the success or failure as a truth value, and validate(), which reports a failure with an exception. The exception can be associated with an error message describing the details of the error.

Simple validators that only need to produce a single error message in case the validation fails can inherit from AbstractValidator or AbstractStringValidator. The Vaadin also provides a number of standard validators, including IntegerValidator and DoubleValidator for validating numerical input, StringLengthValidator, EmailValidator and the more general RegexpValidator for checking that a string matches a Java regular expression:

// Postal code that must be 5 digits (10000-99999).
TextField field = new TextField("Postal Code");

// Create the validator
Validator postalCodeValidator = new RegexpValidator(
    "[1-9][0-9]{4}", "Postal code must be a number 10000-99999.");

If you are using a custom FieldFactory to generate the fields, you may want to set the validators for fields there. It is useful to have the form in immediate mode:

// Set the form to act immediately on user input. This is
// necessary for the validation of the fields to occur immediately
// when the input focus changes and not just on commit.

Validation is done always when you call the commit() method of the Form.

// The Commit button calls form.commit().
Button commit = new Button("Commit", form, "commit");

If any of the validators in the form fail, the commit will fail and a validation exception message is displayed in the error indicator of the form. If the commit is successful, the input data is written to the data source. Notice that commit() also implicitly sets setValidationVisible(true) (if setValidationVisibleOnCommit() is true, as is the default). This makes the error indicators visible even if they were previously not visible.

For cases in which more complex error handling is required, the validator can also implement the Validator interface directly:

// Create the validator
Validator postalCodeValidator = new Validator() {

    // The isValid() method returns simply a boolean value, so
    // it can not return an error message.
    public boolean isValid(Object value) {
        if (value == null || !(value instanceof String)) {
            return false;

        return ((String) value).matches("[1-9][0-9]{4}");

    // Upon failure, the validate() method throws an exception
    // with an error message.
    public void validate(Object value)
                throws InvalidValueException {
        if (!isValid(value)) {
            if (value != null &&
                value.toString().startsWith("0")) {
                throw new InvalidValueException(
                    "Postal code must not start with a zero.");
            } else {
                throw new InvalidValueException(
                    "Postal code must be a number 10000-99999.");