Class ValidationController<C extends Component & HasValidator<V> & HasValidation,V>

Type Parameters:
C - Type of the component that uses this controller.
V - Type of the value of the extending component.
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ValidationController<C extends Component & HasValidator<V> & HasValidation,V> extends Object implements Serializable
An internal controller for managing the validation state of a component. Not intended to be used publicly.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ValidationController

      public ValidationController(C component)
  • Method Details

    • setManualValidation

      public void setManualValidation(boolean enabled)
      Sets whether manual validation mode is enabled.

      When enabled, the validate(V) method skips validation, allowing the invalid state and error messages to be controlled manually.

      enabled - true to enable manual validation, false to disable
    • validate

      public void validate(V value)
      Validates the given value using the component's validator and sets the invalid and errorMessage properties based on the result. If a custom error message is provided with #setErrorMessage(String), it is used. Otherwise, the error message from the validator is used.

      The method skips validation if the manual validation mode is enabled, see setManualValidation(boolean).

      value - the value to validate