Class DisableOnClickController<C extends Component & HasEnabled>

Type Parameters:
C - Type of the component that uses this controller.
All Implemented Interfaces:

@JsModule("./disableOnClickFunctions.js") public class DisableOnClickController<C extends Component & HasEnabled> extends Object implements Serializable
An internal controller for handling disabling a component when it is clicked. Not intended to be used publicly.

When setDisableOnClick(boolean) is enabled, the component will be immediately disabled upon clicking, both on the client-side and server-side, to prevent multiple clicks or submissions while the server processes the event.

This controller requires that the component implements HasEnabled.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • DisableOnClickController

      public DisableOnClickController(C component)
      Creates a new controller for the given component.
      component - the component to control, not null
  • Method Details

    • setDisableOnClick

      public void setDisableOnClick(boolean disableOnClick)
      Sets whether the component should be disabled when clicked.

      When set to true, the component will be immediately disabled on the client-side when clicked, preventing further clicks until re-enabled from the server-side.

      disableOnClick - whether the component should be disabled when clicked
    • isDisableOnClick

      public boolean isDisableOnClick()
      Gets whether the component is set to be disabled when clicked.
      whether the component is set to be disabled on click
    • onSetEnabled

      public void onSetEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Forces the client-side component's disabled property to be updated immediately.

      This method should be called from the component's HasEnabled.setEnabled(boolean) method.

      enabled - value to set