Class DatePicker.DatePickerI18n

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static class DatePicker.DatePickerI18n extends Object implements Serializable
The internationalization properties for DatePicker.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • DatePickerI18n

      public DatePickerI18n()
  • Method Details

    • getMonthNames

      public List<String> getMonthNames()
      Gets the name of the months.
      the month names
    • setMonthNames

      public DatePicker.DatePickerI18n setMonthNames(List<String> monthNames)
      Sets the name of the months, starting from January and ending on December.
      monthNames - the month names
      this instance for method chaining
    • getWeekdays

      public List<String> getWeekdays()
      Gets the name of the week days.
      the week days
    • setWeekdays

      public DatePicker.DatePickerI18n setWeekdays(List<String> weekdays)
      Sets the name of the week days, starting from Sunday and ending on Saturday.
      weekdays - the week days names
      this instance for method chaining
    • getWeekdaysShort

      public List<String> getWeekdaysShort()
      Gets the short names of the week days.
      the short names of the week days
    • setWeekdaysShort

      public DatePicker.DatePickerI18n setWeekdaysShort(List<String> weekdaysShort)
      Sets the short names of the week days, starting from sun and ending on sat.
      weekdaysShort - the short names of the week days
      this instance for method chaining
    • getDateFormats

      public List<String> getDateFormats()
      Get the list of custom date formats that are used for formatting the date displayed in the text field, and for parsing the user input
      list of date patterns or null
    • setDateFormat

      public DatePicker.DatePickerI18n setDateFormat(String dateFormat)
      Sets a custom date format to be used by the date picker. The format is used for formatting the date displayed in the text field, and for parsing the user input.

      The format is a string pattern using specific symbols to specify how and where the day, month and year should be displayed. The following symbols can be used in the pattern:

      • yy - 2 digit year
      • yyyy - 4 digit year
      • M - Month, as 1 or 2 digits
      • MM - Month, padded to 2 digits
      • d - Day-of-month, as 1 or 2 digits
      • dd - Day-of-month, padded to 2 digits

      For example dd/MM/yyyy, will format the 20th of June 2021 as 20/06/2021.

      Using a custom date format overrides the locale set in the date picker.

      Setting the format to null will revert the date picker to use the locale for formatting and parsing dates.

      dateFormat - A string with a date format pattern, or null to remove the previous custom format
      this instance for method chaining
    • setDateFormats

      public DatePicker.DatePickerI18n setDateFormats(String primaryFormat, String... additionalParsingFormats)
      Sets custom date formats to be used by the date picker. The primary format is used for formatting the date displayed in the text field, and for parsing the user input. Additional parsing formats can be specified to support entering dates in multiple formats. The date picker will first attempt to parse the user input using the primary format. If parsing with the primary format fails, it will attempt to parse the input using the additional formats in the order that they were specified. The additional parsing formats are never used for formatting the date. After entering a date using one of the additional parsing formats, it will still be displayed using the primary format.

      See setDateFormat(String) on how date patterns are structured.

      Using custom date formats overrides the locale set in the date picker.

      Setting the primary format to null will revert the date picker to use the locale for formatting and parsing dates.

      primaryFormat - A string with a date format pattern, or null to remove the previous custom format
      additionalParsingFormats - Additional date format patterns to be used for parsing
      this instance for method chaining
    • getFirstDayOfWeek

      public int getFirstDayOfWeek()
      Gets the first day of the week.

      0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday, 3 for Wednesday, 4 for Thursday, 5 for Friday, 6 for Saturday.

      the index of the first day of the week
    • setFirstDayOfWeek

      public DatePicker.DatePickerI18n setFirstDayOfWeek(int firstDayOfWeek)
      Sets the first day of the week.

      0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday, 3 for Wednesday, 4 for Thursday, 5 for Friday, 6 for Saturday.

      firstDayOfWeek - the index of the first day of the week
      this instance for method chaining
      IllegalArgumentException - if firstDayOfWeek is invalid
    • getToday

      public String getToday()
      Gets the translated word for today.
      the translated word for today
    • setToday

      public DatePicker.DatePickerI18n setToday(String today)
      Sets the translated word for today.
      today - the translated word for today
      this instance for method chaining
    • getCancel

      public String getCancel()
      Gets the translated word for cancel.
      the translated word for cancel
    • setCancel

      public DatePicker.DatePickerI18n setCancel(String cancel)
      Sets the translated word for cancel.
      cancel - the translated word for cancel
      this instance for method chaining
    • getReferenceDate

      public LocalDate getReferenceDate()
      Gets the referenceDate.
      the reference date
    • setReferenceDate

      public DatePicker.DatePickerI18n setReferenceDate(LocalDate referenceDate)
      Sets the referenceDate. The reference date is used to determine the century when parsing two-digit years. The century that makes the date closest to the reference date is applied. The default value is the current date. Example: for a reference date of 1970-10-30; years {10, 40, 80} become {2010, 1940, 1980}.
      referenceDate - the date used to base relative dates on
      this instance for method chaining
    • getBadInputErrorMessage

      public String getBadInputErrorMessage()
      Gets the error message displayed when the field contains user input that the server is unable to convert to type LocalDate.
      the error message or null if not set
    • setBadInputErrorMessage

      public DatePicker.DatePickerI18n setBadInputErrorMessage(String errorMessage)
      Sets the error message to display when the field contains user input that the server is unable to convert to type LocalDate.

      Note, custom error messages set with DatePicker.setErrorMessage(String) take priority over i18n error messages.

      errorMessage - the error message to set, or null to clear
      this instance for method chaining
    • getRequiredErrorMessage

      public String getRequiredErrorMessage()
      Gets the error message displayed when the field is required but empty.
      the error message or null if not set
      See Also:
    • setRequiredErrorMessage

      public DatePicker.DatePickerI18n setRequiredErrorMessage(String errorMessage)
      Sets the error message to display when the field is required but empty.

      Note, custom error messages set with DatePicker.setErrorMessage(String) take priority over i18n error messages.

      errorMessage - the error message or null to clear it
      this instance for method chaining
      See Also:
    • getMinErrorMessage

      public String getMinErrorMessage()
      Gets the error message displayed when the selected date is earlier than the minimum allowed date.
      the error message or null if not set
      See Also:
    • setMinErrorMessage

      public DatePicker.DatePickerI18n setMinErrorMessage(String errorMessage)
      Sets the error message to display when the selected date is earlier than the minimum allowed date.

      Note, custom error messages set with DatePicker.setErrorMessage(String) take priority over i18n error messages.

      errorMessage - the error message or null to clear it
      this instance for method chaining
      See Also:
    • getMaxErrorMessage

      public String getMaxErrorMessage()
      Gets the error message displayed when the selected date is later than the maximum allowed date.
      the error message or null if not set
      See Also:
    • setMaxErrorMessage

      public DatePicker.DatePickerI18n setMaxErrorMessage(String errorMessage)
      Sets the error message to display when the selected date is later than the maximum allowed date.

      Note, custom error messages set with DatePicker.setErrorMessage(String) take priority over i18n error messages.

      errorMessage - the error message or null to clear it
      this instance for method chaining
      See Also: