Class Crud<E>

Type Parameters:
E - the bean type
All Implemented Interfaces:
AttachNotifier, DetachNotifier, HasElement, HasSize, HasStyle, HasTheme, Serializable

@Tag("vaadin-crud") @NpmPackage(value="@vaadin/polymer-legacy-adapter",version="24.6.3") @NpmPackage(value="@vaadin/crud",version="24.6.3") @JsModule("@vaadin/polymer-legacy-adapter/style-modules.js") @JsModule("@vaadin/crud/src/vaadin-crud.js") @JsModule("@vaadin/crud/src/vaadin-crud-edit-column.js") public class Crud<E> extends Component implements HasSize, HasTheme, HasStyle
A component for performing CRUD operations on a data backend (e.g entities from a database).
Vaadin Ltd
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Crud

      public Crud(Class<E> beanType, Grid<E> grid, CrudEditor<E> editor)
      Instantiates a new Crud using a custom grid.
      beanType - the class of items
      grid - the grid with which the items listing should be displayed
      editor - the editor for manipulating individual items
      See Also:
    • Crud

      public Crud(Class<E> beanType, CrudEditor<E> editor)
      Instantiates a new Crud for the given bean type and uses the supplied editor. Furthermore, it displays the items using the built-in grid.
      beanType - the class of items
      editor - the editor for manipulating individual items
      See Also:
    • Crud

      public Crud()
      Instantiates a new Crud with no grid, editor and runtime bean type information. The editor and bean type must be initialized before a Crud is put into full use therefore this constructor only exists for partial initialization in order to support template binding.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • onAttach

      protected void onAttach(AttachEvent attachEvent)
      Description copied from class: Component
      Called when the component is attached to a UI.

      This method is invoked before the AttachEvent is fired for the component.

      Make sure to call super.onAttach when overriding this method.
      onAttach in class Component
      attachEvent - the attach event
    • edit

      public void edit(E item, Crud.EditMode editMode)
      Initiates an item edit from the server-side. This sets the supplied item as the working bean and opens the edit dialog.
      item - the item to be edited
      editMode - the edit mode
    • setOpened

      public void setOpened(boolean opened)
      Opens or closes the editor. In most use cases opening or closing the editor is automatically done by the component and this method does not need to be called.
      opened - true to open or false to close
    • setDirty

      public void setDirty(boolean dirty)
      Set the dirty state of the Crud.

      A dirty Crud has its editor Save button enabled. Ideally a Crud automatically detects if it is dirty based on interactions with the form fields within it but in some special cases (e.g with composites) this might not be automatically detected. For such cases this method could be used to explicitly set the dirty state of the Crud editor.

      NOTE: editor Save button will not be automatically enabled in case its enabled state was changed with getSaveButton()

      dirty - true if dirty and false if otherwise.
      See Also:
    • getBeanType

      public Class<E> getBeanType()
      Gets the runtime bean type information
      the bean type
    • setBeanType

      public void setBeanType(Class<E> beanType)
      Sets the runtime bean type information. If no grid exists a built-in grid is created since the bean type information is now known. When injecting a Crud with @Id this method must be called before the crud is put into use.
      beanType - the bean type
    • getGrid

      public Grid<E> getGrid()
      Gets the grid
      the grid
    • setGrid

      public void setGrid(Grid<E> grid)
      Sets the grid
      grid - the grid
    • getEditor

      public CrudEditor<E> getEditor()
      Gets the crud editor.
      the crud editor
    • setEditor

      public void setEditor(CrudEditor<E> editor)
      Sets the editor. When injecting a Crud with @Id this method must be called before the crud is put into use.
      editor - the editor
    • setEditorPosition

      public void setEditorPosition(CrudEditorPosition editorPosition)
      Sets how editor will be presented on desktop screen.

      The default position is CrudEditorPosition.OVERLAY.

      editorPosition - the editor position, never null
      See Also:
    • getEditorPosition

      public CrudEditorPosition getEditorPosition()
      Gets the current editor position on the desktop screen.

      The default position is CrudEditorPosition.OVERLAY.

      the editor position
    • setEditOnClick

      public void setEditOnClick(boolean editOnClick)
      Sets the option to open item to edit by row click.

      If enabled, it removes the edit column created by CrudGrid.

      editOnClick - true to enable it (false, by default).
    • isEditOnClick

      public boolean isEditOnClick()
      Gets whether click on row to edit item is enabled or not.
      true if enabled, false otherwise
    • setToolbar

      public void setToolbar(Component... components)
      Sets the content of the toolbar.
      components - the content to be set
    • setI18n

      public void setI18n(CrudI18n i18n)
      Sets the internationalized messages to be used by this crud instance.
      i18n - the internationalized messages
      See Also:
    • setToolbarVisible

      public void setToolbarVisible(boolean value)
      Controls visiblity of toolbar
      value -
    • getToolbarVisible

      public boolean getToolbarVisible()
      Gets visiblity state of toolbar
      true if toolbar is visible false otherwise
    • getNewButton

      public Component getNewButton()
      Gets the Crud new item button
      the new item button
    • setNewButton

      public void setNewButton(Component button)
      Sets the Crud new item button
      button -
    • getDeleteButton

      public Button getDeleteButton()
      Gets the Crud editor delete button
      the delete button
    • getSaveButton

      public Button getSaveButton()
      Gets the Crud save button

      NOTE: State of the button set with HasEnabled.setEnabled(boolean) will remain even if dirty state of the crud changes

      the save button
      See Also:
    • getCancelButton

      public Button getCancelButton()
      Gets the Crud cancel button
      the cancel button
    • addThemeVariants

      public void addThemeVariants(CrudVariant... variants)
      Adds theme variants to the component.
      variants - theme variants to add
    • removeThemeVariants

      public void removeThemeVariants(CrudVariant... variants)
      Removes theme variants from the component.
      variants - theme variants to remove
    • addNewListener

      public Registration addNewListener(ComponentEventListener<Crud.NewEvent<E>> listener)
      Registers a listener to be notified when the user starts to create a new item.
      listener - a listener to be notified
      a handle that can be used to unregister the listener
    • addEditListener

      public Registration addEditListener(ComponentEventListener<Crud.EditEvent<E>> listener)
      Registers a listener to be notified when the user starts to edit an existing item.
      listener - a listener to be notified
      a handle that can be used to unregister the listener
    • addSaveListener

      public Registration addSaveListener(ComponentEventListener<Crud.SaveEvent<E>> listener)
      Registers a listener to be notified when the user tries to save a new item or modifications to an existing item.
      listener - a listener to be notified
      a handle that can be used to unregister the listener
    • addCancelListener

      public Registration addCancelListener(ComponentEventListener<Crud.CancelEvent<E>> listener)
      Registers a listener to be notified when the user cancels a new item creation or existing item modification in progress.
      listener - a listener to be notified
      a handle that can be used to unregister the listener
    • addDeleteListener

      public Registration addDeleteListener(ComponentEventListener<Crud.DeleteEvent<E>> listener)
      Registers a listener to be notified when the user tries to delete an existing item.
      listener - a listener to be notified
      a handle that can be used to unregister the listener
    • getDataProvider

      public DataProvider<E,?> getDataProvider()
      Gets the data provider supplying the grid data.
      the data provider for the grid
    • setDataProvider

      public void setDataProvider(DataProvider<E,?> provider)
      Sets the data provider for the grid.
      provider - the data provider for the grid
    • addEditColumn

      public static void addEditColumn(Grid<?> grid)
      A helper method to add an edit column to a grid. Clicking on the edit cell for a row opens the item for editing in the editor.
      grid - the grid in which to add the edit column
      See Also:
    • addEditColumn

      public static void addEditColumn(Grid<?> grid, CrudI18n crudI18n)
      A helper method to add an edit column to a grid. Clicking on the edit cell for a row opens the item for editing in the editor. Additionally, the i18n object is used for setting the aria-label for the button, improving accessibility.
      grid - the grid in which to add the edit column
      crudI18n - the i18n object for localizing the accessibility of the edit column
    • removeEditColumn

      public static void removeEditColumn(Grid<?> grid)
      Removes the crud edit column from a grid
      grid - the grid from which to remove the edit column
      See Also:
    • hasEditColumn

      public static boolean hasEditColumn(Grid<?> grid)
      Checks if an edit column has been added to the Grid using Crud.addEditColumn(Grid)
      grid - the grid to check
      true if an edit column is present or false if otherwise
      See Also: