Interface GridMultiSelectionModel<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of items in grid
All Superinterfaces:
GridSelectionModel<T>, SelectionModel<Grid<T>,T>, SelectionModel.Multi<Grid<T>,T>, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface GridMultiSelectionModel<T> extends GridSelectionModel<T>, SelectionModel.Multi<Grid<T>,T>
Multiselection model interface for Grid.
Vaadin Ltd
  • Method Details

    • asMultiSelect

      MultiSelect<Grid<T>,T> asMultiSelect()
      Gets a wrapper to use this multiselection model as a multiselect in Binder.
      the multiselect wrapper
    • addMultiSelectionListener

      Registration addMultiSelectionListener(MultiSelectionListener<Grid<T>,T> listener)
      Adds a selection listener that will be called when the selection is changed either by the user or programmatically.
      listener - the multi selection listener, not null
      a registration for the listener
    • addClientItemToggleListener

      Registration addClientItemToggleListener(ComponentEventListener<ClientItemToggleEvent<T>> listener)
      Adds a client item toggle listener that will be called when the user toggles the selection state of an item on the client-side.

      This event follows MultiSelectionEvent and provides details about the item that was toggled, its new selection state, and whether the shift key was pressed during the selection. This can be helpful for implementing features like range selection.

      listener - the client item toggle listener, not null
      a registration for the listener
    • setSelectAllCheckboxVisibility

      void setSelectAllCheckboxVisibility(GridMultiSelectionModel.SelectAllCheckboxVisibility selectAllCheckBoxVisibility)
      Sets the select all checkbox visibility mode.

      The default value is GridMultiSelectionModel.SelectAllCheckboxVisibility.DEFAULT, which means that the checkbox is only visible if the grid's data provider is in-memory.

      The select all checkbox will never be shown if the Grid uses lazy loading with unknown item count, i.e. no items count query provided to it, and even setting GridMultiSelectionModel.SelectAllCheckboxVisibility.VISIBLE won't make it visible.

      selectAllCheckBoxVisibility - the visiblity mode to use
      See Also:
    • getSelectAllCheckboxVisibility

      GridMultiSelectionModel.SelectAllCheckboxVisibility getSelectAllCheckboxVisibility()
      Gets the current mode for the select all checkbox visibility.
      the select all checkbox visibility mode
      See Also:
    • isSelectAllCheckboxVisible

      boolean isSelectAllCheckboxVisible()
      Returns whether the select all checkbox will be visible with the current setting of setSelectAllCheckboxVisibility(SelectAllCheckboxVisibility) and the type of data set to the Grid (in-memory or lazy).

      The select all checkbox will never be shown if the Grid uses lazy loading with unknown item count, meaning that no count callback has been provided. It will also not be shown if the grid is configured to use conditional selection via Grid.setItemSelectableProvider(SerializablePredicate)

      true if the checkbox will be visible with the current settings
      See Also:
    • setSelectionColumnFrozen

      void setSelectionColumnFrozen(boolean frozen)
      Sets the selection column's frozen state.
      frozen - whether to freeze or unfreeze the selection column
    • isSelectionColumnFrozen

      boolean isSelectionColumnFrozen()
      Gets the the selection column's frozen state.
      whether the selection column is frozen
    • setDragSelect

      void setDragSelect(boolean dragSelect)
      If true, grid rows can be selected or deselected by dragging the mouse cursor over grid's selection column.
      dragSelect - true to enable drag select feature, false for disabling it
    • isDragSelect

      boolean isDragSelect()
      Gets whether grid drag select is enabled or not.
      true if drag select feature is enabled, false otherwise