Class GeneratedVaadinUpload<R extends GeneratedVaadinUpload<R>>
- java.lang.Object
- com.vaadin.flow.component.Component
- com.vaadin.flow.component.upload.GeneratedVaadinUpload<R>
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Direct Known Subclasses:
@Deprecated @Tag("vaadin-upload") @NpmPackage(value="@vaadin/polymer-legacy-adapter",version="23.5.12") @NpmPackage(value="@vaadin/upload",version="23.5.12") @NpmPackage(value="@vaadin/vaadin-upload",version="23.5.12") @JsModule("@vaadin/polymer-legacy-adapter/style-modules.js") @JsModule("@vaadin/upload/src/vaadin-upload.js") public abstract class GeneratedVaadinUpload<R extends GeneratedVaadinUpload<R>> extends Component implements HasStyle
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
is a Web Component for uploading multiple files with drag and drop support.Example:
The following shadow DOM parts are available for styling:
Part name Description primary-buttons
Upload container upload-button
Upload button drop-label
Label for drop indicator drop-label-icon
Icon for drop indicator file-list
File list container The following state attributes are available for styling:
Attribute Description Part name nodrop
Set when drag and drop is disabled (e. g., on touch devices) :host
A file is being dragged over the element :host
A dragged file is valid with maxFiles
- See Also:
- Serialized Form
Nested Class Summary
Nested Classes Modifier and Type Class Description static class
GeneratedVaadinUpload.FileRejectEvent<R extends GeneratedVaadinUpload<R>>
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.static class
GeneratedVaadinUpload.FilesChangeEvent<R extends GeneratedVaadinUpload<R>>
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.static class
GeneratedVaadinUpload.MaxFilesReachedChangeEvent<R extends GeneratedVaadinUpload<R>>
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.static class
GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadAbortEvent<R extends GeneratedVaadinUpload<R>>
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.static class
GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadBeforeEvent<R extends GeneratedVaadinUpload<R>>
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.static class
GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadErrorEvent<R extends GeneratedVaadinUpload<R>>
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.static class
GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadProgressEvent<R extends GeneratedVaadinUpload<R>>
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.static class
GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadRequestEvent<R extends GeneratedVaadinUpload<R>>
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.static class
GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadResponseEvent<R extends GeneratedVaadinUpload<R>>
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.static class
GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadRetryEvent<R extends GeneratedVaadinUpload<R>>
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.static class
GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadStartEvent<R extends GeneratedVaadinUpload<R>>
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.static class
GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadSuccessEvent<R extends GeneratedVaadinUpload<R>>
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description GeneratedVaadinUpload()
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods Modifier and Type Method Description protected Registration
addFileRejectListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.FileRejectEvent<R>> listener)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected Registration
addFilesChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.FilesChangeEvent<R>> listener)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected Registration
addMaxFilesReachedChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.MaxFilesReachedChangeEvent<R>> listener)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected void
addToAddButton(Component... components)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected void
addToDropLabel(Component... components)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected void
addToDropLabelIcon(Component... components)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected void
addToFileList(Component... components)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected Registration
addUploadAbortListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadAbortEvent<R>> listener)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected Registration
addUploadBeforeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadBeforeEvent<R>> listener)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected Registration
addUploadErrorListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadErrorEvent<R>> listener)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected Registration
addUploadProgressListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadProgressEvent<R>> listener)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected Registration
addUploadRequestListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadRequestEvent<R>> listener)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected Registration
addUploadResponseListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadResponseEvent<R>> listener)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected Registration
addUploadRetryListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadRetryEvent<R>> listener)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected Registration
addUploadStartListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadStartEvent<R>> listener)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected Registration
addUploadSuccessListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadSuccessEvent<R>> listener)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected String
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected String
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected elemental.json.JsonArray
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected String
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected elemental.json.JsonObject
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected elemental.json.JsonObject
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected double
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected double
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected String
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected String
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected double
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected boolean
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected boolean
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected boolean
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected boolean
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected void
remove(Component... components)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected void
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected void
setAccept(String accept)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected void
setCapture(String capture)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected void
setFiles(elemental.json.JsonArray files)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected void
setFormDataName(String formDataName)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected void
setHeaders(elemental.json.JsonObject headers)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected void
setI18n(elemental.json.JsonObject i18n)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected void
setMaxFiles(double maxFiles)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected void
setMaxFileSize(double maxFileSize)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected void
setMethod(String method)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected void
setNoAuto(boolean noAuto)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected void
setNodrop(boolean nodrop)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected void
setTarget(String target)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected void
setTimeout(double timeout)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected void
setWithCredentials(boolean withCredentials)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.protected void
uploadFiles(elemental.json.JsonObject files)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.-
Methods inherited from class com.vaadin.flow.component.Component
addListener, findAncestor, fireEvent, from, get, getChildren, getElement, getEventBus, getId, getListeners, getLocale, getParent, getTranslation, getTranslation, getTranslation, getTranslation, getTranslation, getTranslation, getUI, hasListener, isAttached, isTemplateMapped, isVisible, onAttach, onDetach, onEnabledStateChanged, scrollIntoView, set, setElement, setId, setVisible
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.vaadin.flow.component.AttachNotifier
Methods inherited from interface com.vaadin.flow.component.DetachNotifier
Methods inherited from interface com.vaadin.flow.component.HasElement
Methods inherited from interface com.vaadin.flow.component.HasStyle
addClassName, addClassNames, getClassName, getClassNames, getStyle, hasClassName, removeClassName, removeClassNames, setClassName, setClassName
Method Detail
@Deprecated protected boolean isNodropBoolean()
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Define whether the element supports dropping files on it for uploading. By default it's enabled in desktop and disabled in touch devices because mobile devices do not support drag events in general. Setting it false means that drop is enabled even in touch-devices, and true disables drop in all devices.
This property is not synchronized automatically from the client side, so the returned value may not be the same as in client side.
- Returns:
- the
property from the webcomponent
@Deprecated protected void setNodrop(boolean nodrop)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Define whether the element supports dropping files on it for uploading. By default it's enabled in desktop and disabled in touch devices because mobile devices do not support drag events in general. Setting it false means that drop is enabled even in touch-devices, and true disables drop in all devices.
- Parameters:
- the boolean value to set
@Deprecated protected String getTargetString()
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
The server URL. The default value is an empty string, which means that window.location will be used.
This property is not synchronized automatically from the client side, so the returned value may not be the same as in client side.
- Returns:
- the
property from the webcomponent
@Deprecated protected void setTarget(String target)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
The server URL. The default value is an empty string, which means that window.location will be used.
- Parameters:
- the String value to set
@Deprecated protected String getMethodString()
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
HTTP Method used to send the files. Only POST and PUT are allowed.
This property is not synchronized automatically from the client side, so the returned value may not be the same as in client side.
- Returns:
- the
property from the webcomponent
@Deprecated protected void setMethod(String method)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
HTTP Method used to send the files. Only POST and PUT are allowed.
- Parameters:
- the String value to set
@Deprecated protected elemental.json.JsonObject getHeadersJsonObject()
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Key-Value map to send to the server. If you set this property as an attribute, use a valid JSON string, for example:
<vaadin-upload headers=' "X-Foo": "Bar"
'>}This property is not synchronized automatically from the client side, so the returned value may not be the same as in client side.
- Returns:
- the
property from the webcomponent
@Deprecated protected void setHeaders(elemental.json.JsonObject headers)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Key-Value map to send to the server. If you set this property as an attribute, use a valid JSON string, for example:
<vaadin-upload headers=' "X-Foo": "Bar"
'>}- Parameters:
- the JsonObject value to set
@Deprecated protected double getTimeoutDouble()
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Max time in milliseconds for the entire upload process, if exceeded the request will be aborted. Zero means that there is no timeout.
<p>This property is not synchronized automatically from the client side, so the returned value may not be the same as in client side.
- Returns:
- the
property from the webcomponent
@Deprecated protected void setTimeout(double timeout)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Max time in milliseconds for the entire upload process, if exceeded the request will be aborted. Zero means that there is no timeout.
- Parameters:
- the double value to set
@Synchronize(property="files", value="files-changed") @Deprecated protected elemental.json.JsonArray getFilesJsonArray()
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
The array of files being processed, or already uploaded.
Each element is a
object with a number of extra properties to track the upload process:uploadTarget
: The target URL used to upload this file.elapsed
: Elapsed time since the upload started.elapsedStr
: Human-readable elapsed time.remaining
: Number of seconds remaining for the upload to finish.remainingStr
: Human-readable remaining time for the upload to finish.progress
: Percentage of the file already uploaded.speed
: Upload speed in kB/s.size
: File size in bytes.totalStr
: Human-readable total size of the file.loaded
: Bytes transferred so far.loadedStr
: Human-readable uploaded size at the moment.status
: Status of the upload process.error
: Error message in case the upload failed.abort
: True if the file was canceled by the user.complete
: True when the file was transferred to the server.uploading
: True while transferring data to the server.This property is synchronized automatically from client side when a 'files-changed' event happens.
- Returns:
- the
property from the webcomponent
@Deprecated protected void setFiles(elemental.json.JsonArray files)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
The array of files being processed, or already uploaded.
Each element is a
object with a number of extra properties to track the upload process:uploadTarget
: The target URL used to upload this file.elapsed
: Elapsed time since the upload started.elapsedStr
: Human-readable elapsed time.remaining
: Number of seconds remaining for the upload to finish.remainingStr
: Human-readable remaining time for the upload to finish.progress
: Percentage of the file already uploaded.speed
: Upload speed in kB/s.size
: File size in bytes.totalStr
: Human-readable total size of the file.loaded
: Bytes transferred so far.loadedStr
: Human-readable uploaded size at the moment.status
: Status of the upload process.error
: Error message in case the upload failed.abort
: True if the file was canceled by the user.complete
: True when the file was transferred to the server.uploading
: True while transferring data to the server.
- Parameters:
- the JsonArray value to set
@Deprecated protected double getMaxFilesDouble()
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Limit of files to upload, by default it is unlimited. If the value is set to one, native file browser will prevent selecting multiple files.
This property is not synchronized automatically from the client side, so the returned value may not be the same as in client side.
- Returns:
- the
property from the webcomponent
@Deprecated protected void setMaxFiles(double maxFiles)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Limit of files to upload, by default it is unlimited. If the value is set to one, native file browser will prevent selecting multiple files.
- Parameters:
- the double value to set
@Synchronize(property="maxFilesReached", value="max-files-reached-changed") @Deprecated protected boolean isMaxFilesReachedBoolean()
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Specifies if the maximum number of files have been uploaded
This property is synchronized automatically from client side when a 'max-files-reached-changed' event happens.
- Returns:
- the
property from the webcomponent
@Deprecated protected String getAcceptString()
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Specifies the types of files that the server accepts. Syntax: a comma-separated list of MIME type patterns (wildcards are allowed) or file extensions. Notice that MIME types are widely supported, while file extensions are only implemented in certain browsers, so avoid using it. Example: accept="video/*,image/tiff" or accept=".pdf,audio/mp3"
This property is not synchronized automatically from the client side, so the returned value may not be the same as in client side.
- Returns:
- the
property from the webcomponent
@Deprecated protected void setAccept(String accept)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Specifies the types of files that the server accepts. Syntax: a comma-separated list of MIME type patterns (wildcards are allowed) or file extensions. Notice that MIME types are widely supported, while file extensions are only implemented in certain browsers, so avoid using it. Example: accept="video/*,image/tiff" or accept=".pdf,audio/mp3"
- Parameters:
- the String value to set
@Deprecated protected double getMaxFileSizeDouble()
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Specifies the maximum file size in bytes allowed to upload. Notice that it is a client-side constraint, which will be checked before sending the request. Obviously you need to do the same validation in the server-side and be sure that they are aligned.
This property is not synchronized automatically from the client side, so the returned value may not be the same as in client side.
- Returns:
- the
property from the webcomponent
@Deprecated protected void setMaxFileSize(double maxFileSize)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Specifies the maximum file size in bytes allowed to upload. Notice that it is a client-side constraint, which will be checked before sending the request. Obviously you need to do the same validation in the server-side and be sure that they are aligned.
- Parameters:
- the double value to set
@Deprecated protected String getFormDataNameString()
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Specifies the 'name' property at Content-Disposition
This property is not synchronized automatically from the client side, so the returned value may not be the same as in client side.
- Returns:
- the
property from the webcomponent
@Deprecated protected void setFormDataName(String formDataName)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Specifies the 'name' property at Content-Disposition
- Parameters:
- the String value to set
@Deprecated protected boolean isNoAutoBoolean()
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Prevents upload(s) from immediately uploading upon adding file(s). When set, you must manually trigger uploads using the
methodThis property is not synchronized automatically from the client side, so the returned value may not be the same as in client side.
- Returns:
- the
property from the webcomponent
@Deprecated protected void setNoAuto(boolean noAuto)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Prevents upload(s) from immediately uploading upon adding file(s). When set, you must manually trigger uploads using the
method- Parameters:
- the boolean value to set
@Deprecated protected boolean isWithCredentialsBoolean()
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Set the withCredentials flag on the request.
This property is not synchronized automatically from the client side, so the returned value may not be the same as in client side.
- Returns:
- the
property from the webcomponent
@Deprecated protected void setWithCredentials(boolean withCredentials)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Set the withCredentials flag on the request.
- Parameters:
- the boolean value to set
@Deprecated protected String getCaptureString()
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Pass-through to input's capture attribute. Allows user to trigger device inputs such as camera or microphone immediately.
This property is not synchronized automatically from the client side, so the returned value may not be the same as in client side.
- Returns:
- the
property from the webcomponent
@Deprecated protected void setCapture(String capture)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Pass-through to input's capture attribute. Allows user to trigger device inputs such as camera or microphone immediately.
- Parameters:
- the String value to set
@Deprecated protected elemental.json.JsonObject getI18nJsonObject()
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
The object used to localize this component. For changing the default localization, change the entire i18n object or just the property you want to modify.
The object has the following JSON structure and default values:
{ dropFiles: { one: 'Drop file here many: 'Drop files here }, addFiles: { one: 'Select File...', many: 'Upload Files...' }, cancel: 'Cancel', error: { tooManyFiles: 'Too Many Files.', fileIsTooBig: 'File is Too Big.', incorrectFileType: 'Incorrect File Type.' }, uploading: { status: { connecting: 'Connecting...', stalled: 'Stalled.', processing: 'Processing File...', held: 'Queued' }, remainingTime: { prefix: 'remaining time: ', unknown: 'unknown remaining time' }, error: { serverUnavailable: 'Server Unavailable', unexpectedServerError: 'Unexpected Server Error', forbidden: 'Forbidden' } }, units: { size: ['B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'] }, formatSize: function(bytes) { // returns the size followed by the best suitable unit }, formatTime: function(seconds, [secs, mins, hours]) { // returns a 'HH:MM:SS' string } }<p>This property is not synchronized automatically from the client side, so the returned value may not be the same as in client side.
- Returns:
- the
property from the webcomponent
@Deprecated protected void setI18n(elemental.json.JsonObject i18n)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
The object used to localize this component. For changing the default localization, change the entire i18n object or just the property you want to modify.
The object has the following JSON structure and default values:
{ dropFiles: { one: 'Drop file here many: 'Drop files here }, addFiles: { one: 'Select File...', many: 'Upload Files...' }, cancel: 'Cancel', error: { tooManyFiles: 'Too Many Files.', fileIsTooBig: 'File is Too Big.', incorrectFileType: 'Incorrect File Type.' }, uploading: { status: { connecting: 'Connecting...', stalled: 'Stalled.', processing: 'Processing File...', held: 'Queued' }, remainingTime: { prefix: 'remaining time: ', unknown: 'unknown remaining time' }, error: { serverUnavailable: 'Server Unavailable', unexpectedServerError: 'Unexpected Server Error', forbidden: 'Forbidden' } }, units: { size: ['B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'] }, formatSize: function(bytes) { // returns the size followed by the best suitable unit }, formatTime: function(seconds, [secs, mins, hours]) { // returns a 'HH:MM:SS' string } }
- Parameters:
- the JsonObject value to set
@Deprecated protected void uploadFiles(elemental.json.JsonObject files)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Triggers the upload of any files that are not completed
- Parameters:
- Missing documentation!
@Deprecated protected Registration addFileRejectListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.FileRejectEvent<R>> listener)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Adds a listener forfile-reject
events fired by the webcomponent.- Parameters:
- the listener- Returns:
- a
for removing the event listener
@Deprecated protected Registration addUploadAbortListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadAbortEvent<R>> listener)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Adds a listener forupload-abort
events fired by the webcomponent.- Parameters:
- the listener- Returns:
- a
for removing the event listener
@Deprecated protected Registration addUploadBeforeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadBeforeEvent<R>> listener)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Adds a listener forupload-before
events fired by the webcomponent.- Parameters:
- the listener- Returns:
- a
for removing the event listener
@Deprecated protected Registration addUploadErrorListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadErrorEvent<R>> listener)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Adds a listener forupload-error
events fired by the webcomponent.- Parameters:
- the listener- Returns:
- a
for removing the event listener
@Deprecated protected Registration addUploadProgressListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadProgressEvent<R>> listener)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Adds a listener forupload-progress
events fired by the webcomponent.- Parameters:
- the listener- Returns:
- a
for removing the event listener
@Deprecated protected Registration addUploadRequestListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadRequestEvent<R>> listener)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Adds a listener forupload-request
events fired by the webcomponent.- Parameters:
- the listener- Returns:
- a
for removing the event listener
@Deprecated protected Registration addUploadResponseListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadResponseEvent<R>> listener)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Adds a listener forupload-response
events fired by the webcomponent.- Parameters:
- the listener- Returns:
- a
for removing the event listener
@Deprecated protected Registration addUploadRetryListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadRetryEvent<R>> listener)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Adds a listener forupload-retry
events fired by the webcomponent.- Parameters:
- the listener- Returns:
- a
for removing the event listener
@Deprecated protected Registration addUploadStartListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadStartEvent<R>> listener)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Adds a listener forupload-start
events fired by the webcomponent.- Parameters:
- the listener- Returns:
- a
for removing the event listener
@Deprecated protected Registration addUploadSuccessListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadSuccessEvent<R>> listener)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Adds a listener forupload-success
events fired by the webcomponent.- Parameters:
- the listener- Returns:
- a
for removing the event listener
@Deprecated protected Registration addFilesChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.FilesChangeEvent<R>> listener)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Adds a listener forfiles-changed
events fired by the webcomponent.- Parameters:
- the listener- Returns:
- a
for removing the event listener
@Deprecated protected Registration addMaxFilesReachedChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.MaxFilesReachedChangeEvent<R>> listener)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Adds a listener formax-files-reached-changed
events fired by the webcomponent.- Parameters:
- the listener- Returns:
- a
for removing the event listener
@Deprecated protected void addToAddButton(Component... components)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Adds the given components as children of this component at the slot 'add-button'.- Parameters:
- The components to add.- See Also:
- MDN page about slots, Spec website about slots
@Deprecated protected void addToDropLabelIcon(Component... components)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Adds the given components as children of this component at the slot 'drop-label-icon'.- Parameters:
- The components to add.- See Also:
- MDN page about slots, Spec website about slots
@Deprecated protected void addToDropLabel(Component... components)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Adds the given components as children of this component at the slot 'drop-label'.- Parameters:
- The components to add.- See Also:
- MDN page about slots, Spec website about slots
@Deprecated protected void addToFileList(Component... components)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Adds the given components as children of this component at the slot 'file-list'.- Parameters:
- The components to add.- See Also:
- MDN page about slots, Spec website about slots
@Deprecated protected void remove(Component... components)
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Removes the given child components from this component.- Parameters:
- The components to remove.- Throws:
- if any of the components is not a child of this component.
@Deprecated protected void removeAll()
Deprecated.since v23.3, generated classes will be removed in v24.Removes all contents from this component, this includes child components, text content as well as child elements that have been added directly to this component using theElement