Class CollaborationMessageList

    • Constructor Detail

      • CollaborationMessageList

        public CollaborationMessageList​(UserInfo localUser,
                                        String topicId)
        Creates a new collaboration message list component with the provided topic id.

        It renders messages received by a CollaborationMessageInput or a custom submitter component connected to this list via setSubmitter(CollaborationMessageSubmitter)

        If a null topic id is provided, the component won't display any messages, until connecting to a non-null topic with setTopic(String).

        localUser - the information of the end user, not null
        topicId - the id of the topic to connect to, or null to not connect the component to any topic
      • CollaborationMessageList

        public CollaborationMessageList​(UserInfo localUser,
                                        String topicId,
                                        CollaborationMessagePersister persister)
        Creates a new collaboration message list component with the provided topic id and persister of CollaborationMessage items from/to an external source (e.g. a database).

        It renders messages received by a CollaborationMessageInput or a custom submitter component connected to this list via setSubmitter(CollaborationMessageSubmitter)

        If a null topic id is provided, the component won't display any messages, until connecting to a non-null topic with setTopic(String).

        localUser - the information of the end user, not null
        topicId - the id of the topic to connect to, or null to not connect the component to any topic
        persister - the persister to read/write messages to an external source
    • Method Detail

      • setTopic

        public void setTopic​(String topicId)
        Sets the topic to use with this component. The connection to the previous topic (if any) and existing messages are removed. A connection to the new topic is opened and the list of messages in the new topic are populated to this component.

        If the topic id is null, no messages will be displayed.

        topicId - the topic id to use, or null to not use any topic
      • setSubmitter

        public void setSubmitter​(CollaborationMessageSubmitter submitter)
        Sets a submitter to handle the append of messages to the list. It can be used to connect a custom input component as an alternative to the provided CollaborationMessageInput. If set to null the existing submitter will be disconnected from the list.
        submitter - the submitter, or null to remove the current submitter
      • setImageProvider

        public void setImageProvider​(CollaborationAvatarGroup.ImageProvider imageProvider)
        Sets an image provider callback for dynamically loading avatar images for a given user. The image can be loaded on-demand from a database or using any other source of IO streams.

        If no image callback is defined, then the image URL defined by UserInfo.getImage() is directly passed to the browser. This means that avatar images need to be available as static files or served dynamically from a custom servlet. This is the default.

        Usage example:

         collaborationMessageList.setImageProvider(userInfo -> {
             StreamResource streamResource = new StreamResource(
                     "avatar_" + userInfo.getId(), () -> {
                         User userEntity = userRepository
                         byte[] profilePicture = userEntity.getProfilePicture();
                         return new ByteArrayInputStream(profilePicture);
             return streamResource;
        imageProvider - the image provider to use, or null to use image URLs directly from the user info object
      • setMessageConfigurator

        public void setMessageConfigurator​(CollaborationMessageList.MessageConfigurator messageConfigurator)
        Sets a configurator callback for the messages. It can be used for customizing the properties of the MessageListItem objects after the component has generated them, before sending them to the user's browser.

        Usage example:

         messageList.setMessageConfigurator((message, user) -> {
        messageConfigurator - the configurator to set, or null to remove the current configurator