Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
UI.doInit(VaadinRequest request,
int uiId)
Internal initialization method, should not be overridden.
protected void |
UI.init(VaadinRequest request)
Initializes this UI.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
WebComponentUI.doInit(VaadinRequest request,
int uiId) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Optional<Locale> |
LocaleUtil.getExactLocaleMatch(VaadinRequest request,
List<Locale> providedLocales)
Get the exact locale match for the given request in the provided locales.
static Optional<Locale> |
LocaleUtil.getLocaleMatchByLanguage(VaadinRequest request,
List<Locale> providedLocales)
Get the locale matching the language of the request locale in the
provided locales.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Router.initializeUI(UI ui,
VaadinRequest initRequest)
Enables navigation for a new UI instance.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Wrapper for
HttpServletRequest . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static VaadinRequest |
Gets the currently processed Vaadin request.
static VaadinRequest |
Gets the currently processed Vaadin request.
VaadinRequest |
Gets the request currently in progress.
VaadinRequest |
Gets the request that triggered the initialization.
VaadinRequest |
Get the initial request for the settings.
VaadinRequest |
Gets the request for which the generated bootstrap HTML will be the
VaadinRequest |
Gets the Vaadin/HTTP request.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
InlineTargets.addInlineDependency(Inline inline,
VaadinRequest request)
Inline contents from classpath file to head of initial page.
protected boolean |
SynchronizedRequestHandler.canHandleRequest(VaadinRequest request)
Check whether a request may be handled by this handler.
protected BootstrapHandler.BootstrapContext |
BootstrapHandler.createAndInitUI(Class<? extends UI> uiClass,
VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response,
VaadinSession session) |
protected BootstrapHandler.BootstrapContext |
BootstrapHandler.createBootstrapContext(VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response,
UI ui,
Function<VaadinRequest,String> contextPathCallback)
protected VaadinSession |
VaadinService.createVaadinSession(VaadinRequest request)
Creates a new Vaadin session for this service and request.
static Locale |
ServletHelper.findLocale(VaadinSession session,
VaadinRequest request)
static Locale |
HandlerHelper.findLocale(VaadinSession session,
VaadinRequest request)
Helper to find the most most suitable Locale.
UI |
VaadinService.findUI(VaadinRequest request)
Finds the
UI that belongs to the provided request. |
VaadinSession |
VaadinService.findVaadinSession(VaadinRequest request)
Attempts to find a Vaadin service session associated with this request.
String |
VaadinServletService.getContextRootRelativePath(VaadinRequest request) |
abstract String |
VaadinService.getContextRootRelativePath(VaadinRequest request)
Returns relative context path for given request.
protected VaadinSession |
VaadinService.getExistingSession(VaadinRequest request,
boolean allowSessionCreation) |
String |
VaadinServletService.getMainDivId(VaadinSession session,
VaadinRequest request) |
abstract String |
VaadinService.getMainDivId(VaadinSession session,
VaadinRequest request)
Creates and returns a unique ID for the DIV where the UI is to be
SystemMessages |
VaadinService.getSystemMessages(Locale locale,
VaadinRequest request)
Gets the system message to use for a specific locale.
protected static Class<? extends UI> |
BootstrapHandler.getUIClass(VaadinRequest request)
Returns the UI class mapped for servlet that handles the given request.
void |
VaadinService.handleRequest(VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response)
Handles the incoming request and writes the response into the response
boolean |
SynchronizedRequestHandler.handleRequest(VaadinSession session,
VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response) |
boolean |
RequestHandler.handleRequest(VaadinSession session,
VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response)
Called when a request needs to be handled.
protected void |
VaadinService.handleSessionExpired(VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response)
Called when the session has expired and the request handling is therefore
boolean |
SessionExpiredHandler.handleSessionExpired(VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response)
Called when the a session expiration has occurred and a notification needs
to be sent to the user.
static boolean |
HandlerHelper.isRequestType(VaadinRequest request,
HandlerHelper.RequestType requestType)
Returns whether the given request is of the given type.
static boolean |
ServletHelper.isRequestType(VaadinRequest request,
ServletHelper.RequestType requestType)
static void |
VaadinService.reinitializeSession(VaadinRequest request)
Discards the current session and creates a new session with the same
protected boolean |
VaadinServletService.requestCanCreateSession(VaadinRequest request) |
protected abstract boolean |
VaadinService.requestCanCreateSession(VaadinRequest request)
Checks whether it's valid to create a new service session as a result of
the given request.
void |
VaadinService.requestEnd(VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response,
VaadinSession session)
Called after the framework has handled a request and the response has
been written.
void |
VaadinService.requestStart(VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response)
Called before the framework starts handling a request.
void |
VaadinService.setCurrentInstances(VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response)
Sets the this Vaadin service as the current service and also sets the
current Vaadin request and Vaadin response.
boolean |
UnsupportedBrowserHandler.synchronizedHandleRequest(VaadinSession session,
VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response) |
abstract boolean |
SynchronizedRequestHandler.synchronizedHandleRequest(VaadinSession session,
VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response)
Identical to
SynchronizedRequestHandler.handleRequest(VaadinSession, VaadinRequest, VaadinResponse)
except the VaadinSession is locked before this is called and
unlocked after this has completed. |
boolean |
BootstrapHandler.synchronizedHandleRequest(VaadinSession session,
VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response) |
void |
WebBrowser.updateRequestDetails(VaadinRequest request)
For internal use only.
protected void |
UnsupportedBrowserHandler.writeBrowserTooOldPage(VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response)
Writes a page encouraging the user to upgrade to a more current browser.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected BootstrapHandler.BootstrapContext |
BootstrapHandler.createBootstrapContext(VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response,
UI ui,
Function<VaadinRequest,String> contextPathCallback)
Constructor and Description |
BootstrapContext(VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response,
VaadinSession session,
UI ui,
Function<VaadinRequest,String> contextCallback)
Creates a new context instance using the given parameters.
BootstrapPageResponse(VaadinRequest request,
VaadinSession session,
VaadinResponse response,
org.jsoup.nodes.Document document,
UI ui,
VaadinUriResolver uriResolver)
Create a new bootstrap page response.
InitialPageSettings(VaadinRequest request,
UI ui,
AfterNavigationEvent afterNavigationEvent,
WebBrowser browser)
Create new initial page settings object.
SessionInitEvent(VaadinService service,
VaadinSession session,
VaadinRequest request)
Creates a new event.
SystemMessagesInfo(Locale locale,
VaadinRequest request,
VaadinService service)
Creates an instance based on the given locale, request and service.
Constructor and Description |
BootstrapContext(VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response,
VaadinSession session,
UI ui,
Function<VaadinRequest,String> contextCallback)
Creates a new context instance using the given parameters.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected boolean |
WebComponentProvider.canHandleRequest(VaadinRequest request) |
protected boolean |
WebComponentBootstrapHandler.canHandleRequest(VaadinRequest request) |
protected boolean |
UidlRequestHandler.canHandleRequest(VaadinRequest request) |
protected boolean |
HeartbeatHandler.canHandleRequest(VaadinRequest request) |
protected BootstrapHandler.BootstrapContext |
WebComponentBootstrapHandler.createAndInitUI(Class<? extends UI> uiClass,
VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response,
VaadinSession session) |
protected BootstrapHandler.BootstrapContext |
WebComponentBootstrapHandler.createBootstrapContext(VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response,
UI ui,
Function<VaadinRequest,String> callback) |
protected void |
StreamReceiverHandler.doHandleMultipartFileUpload(VaadinSession session,
VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response,
StreamReceiver streamReceiver,
StateNode owner)
Streams content from a multipart request to given StreamVariable.
protected void |
StreamReceiverHandler.doHandleXhrFilePost(VaadinSession session,
VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response,
StreamReceiver streamReceiver,
StateNode owner,
long contentLength)
Used to stream plain file post (aka
protected String |
WebComponentProvider.generateNPMResponse(String tagName,
VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response)
Generate the npm response for the web component.
protected long |
StreamReceiverHandler.getContentLength(VaadinRequest request)
The request.getContentLength() is limited to "int" by the Servlet
protected org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItemIterator |
StreamReceiverHandler.getItemIterator(VaadinRequest request) |
protected Collection<Part> |
StreamReceiverHandler.getParts(VaadinRequest request) |
protected String |
WebComponentBootstrapHandler.getRequestUrl(VaadinRequest request)
Returns the request's base url to use in constructing and initialising
protected String |
WebComponentBootstrapHandler.getServiceUrl(VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response)
Returns the service url needed for initialising the UI.
boolean |
StreamRequestHandler.handleRequest(VaadinSession session,
VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response) |
boolean |
SessionRequestHandler.handleRequest(VaadinSession session,
VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response) |
boolean |
PwaHandler.handleRequest(VaadinSession session,
VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response) |
boolean |
PushRequestHandler.handleRequest(VaadinSession session,
VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response) |
boolean |
FaviconHandler.handleRequest(VaadinSession session,
VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response) |
void |
StreamReceiverHandler.handleRequest(VaadinSession session,
VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response,
StreamReceiver streamReceiver,
String uiId,
String securityKey)
Handle reception of incoming stream from the client.
void |
StreamResourceHandler.handleRequest(VaadinSession session,
VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response,
StreamResource streamResource)
Handle sending for a stream resource request.
void |
ServerRpcHandler.handleRpc(UI ui,
Reader reader,
VaadinRequest request)
Reads JSON containing zero or more serialized RPC calls (including legacy
variable changes) and executes the calls.
boolean |
UidlRequestHandler.handleSessionExpired(VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response) |
boolean |
PushRequestHandler.handleSessionExpired(VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response) |
boolean |
HeartbeatHandler.handleSessionExpired(VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response) |
protected boolean |
StreamReceiverHandler.isMultipartUpload(VaadinRequest request) |
boolean |
WebComponentProvider.synchronizedHandleRequest(VaadinSession session,
VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response) |
boolean |
WebComponentBootstrapHandler.synchronizedHandleRequest(VaadinSession session,
VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response) |
boolean |
UidlRequestHandler.synchronizedHandleRequest(VaadinSession session,
VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response) |
boolean |
HeartbeatHandler.synchronizedHandleRequest(VaadinSession session,
VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response)
Handles a heartbeat request for the given session.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected BootstrapHandler.BootstrapContext |
WebComponentBootstrapHandler.createBootstrapContext(VaadinRequest request,
VaadinResponse response,
UI ui,
Function<VaadinRequest,String> callback) |
Constructor and Description |
RpcRequest(String jsonString,
VaadinRequest request)
Creates an instance based on the given JSON received through the
given request.
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