Interface | Description |
HeartbeatListener |
Listener for listening to the heartbeat of the application.
Class | Description |
AbstractAttachDetachEvent |
Internal helper for
AttachEvent and DetachEvent . |
AbstractFieldSupport<C extends Component & HasValue<AbstractField.ComponentValueChangeEvent<C,T>,T>,T> |
Encapsulates all the logic required for a typical field implementation.
ComponentMetaData |
Immutable meta data related to a component class.
ComponentMetaData.DependencyInfo |
Dependencies defined for a
Component class. |
ComponentMetaData.HtmlImportDependency | |
ComponentMetaData.SynchronizedPropertyInfo |
Synchronized properties defined for a
Component class. |
CompositionEvent |
Abstract class for composition events.
DeadlockDetectingCompletableFuture<T> |
A completable future that will throw from blocking operations if the current
thread holds the session lock.
DependencyList |
List for storing dependencies/files (JavaScript, Stylesheets) to be loaded
and included on the client side.
DependencyTreeCache<T> |
A caching tree traverser for collecting and parsing dependencies.
EventDataCache |
Cache for tracking global information related to
types. |
HeartbeatEvent |
Event created for a application heartbeat from the client.
HtmlDependencyParser | Deprecated
Due for removal because of additional cache layer
HtmlImportParser |
Helper for finding the HTML imports of a resource.
KeyboardEvent |
Abstract class for keyboard events.
PendingJavaScriptInvocation |
A pending JavaScript result that can be sent to the client.
UIInternals |
Holds UI-specific methods and data which are intended for internal use by the
UIInternals.JavaScriptInvocation |
Page.executeJs(String, Serializable...) invocation that has not
yet been sent to the client. |
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