Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SerializableSupplier<Boolean> |
GridArrayUpdater.UpdateQueueData.getHasExpandedItems() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected DataCommunicator<T> | element,
CompositeDataGenerator<T> dataGenerator,
U arrayUpdater,
SerializableSupplier<ValueProvider<T,String>> uniqueKeyProviderSupplier)
Build a new
DataCommunicator object for the given Grid
instance. |
void |
GridArrayUpdater.UpdateQueueData.setHasExpandedItems(SerializableSupplier<Boolean> hasExpandedItems) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <R> Result<R> |
Result.of(SerializableSupplier<R> supplier,
SerializableFunction<Exception,String> onError)
Returns a Result representing the result of invoking the given supplier.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static SerializableSupplier<Locale> |
Supplier that attempts to resolve a locale from the current UI.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T> DataProvider<T,String> |
InMemoryDataProviderHelpers.filteringByCaseInsensitiveString(InMemoryDataProvider<T> dataProvider,
ValueProvider<T,String> valueProvider,
SerializableBiPredicate<String,String> predicate,
SerializableSupplier<Locale> localeSupplier)
Wraps a given data provider so that its filter tests the given predicate
with the lower case string provided by the given value provider.
Constructor and Description |
HierarchicalDataCommunicator(CompositeDataGenerator<T> dataGenerator,
HierarchicalArrayUpdater arrayUpdater,
SerializableConsumer<elemental.json.JsonArray> dataUpdater,
StateNode stateNode,
SerializableSupplier<ValueProvider<T,String>> uniqueKeyProviderSupplier)
Construct a new hierarchical data communicator backed by a
TreeDataProvider . |
Constructor and Description |
ComponentRenderer(SerializableSupplier<COMPONENT> componentSupplier)
Creates a new ComponentRenderer that uses the componentSupplier to
generate new
Component instances. |
ComponentRenderer(SerializableSupplier<COMPONENT> componentSupplier,
SerializableBiConsumer<COMPONENT,SOURCE> itemConsumer)
Creates a new ComponentRenderer that uses the componentSupplier to
generate new
Component instances, and the itemConsumer to set the
related items. |
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