Package com.vaadin.ui

Class MenuBar.MenuItem

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Enclosing class:

    public class MenuBar.MenuItem
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    A composite class for menu items and sub-menus. You can set commands to be fired on user click by implementing the MenuBar.Command interface. You can also add multiple MenuItems to a MenuItem and create a sub-menu.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • MenuItem

        public MenuItem​(String caption,
                        Resource icon,
                        MenuBar.Command command)
        Constructs a new menu item that can optionally have an icon and a command associated with it. Icon and command can be null, but a caption must be given.
        text - The text associated with the command
        command - The command to be fired
    • Method Detail

      • hasChildren

        public boolean hasChildren()
        Checks if the item has children (if it is a sub-menu).
        True if this item has children
      • addSeparator

        public MenuBar.MenuItem addSeparator()
        Adds a separator to this menu. A separator is a way to visually group items in a menu, to make it easier for users to find what they are looking for in the menu.
      • addItem

        public MenuBar.MenuItem addItem​(String caption,
                                        MenuBar.Command command)
        Add a new item inside this item, thus creating a sub-menu. Command can be null, but a caption must be given.
        caption - the text for the menu item
        command - the command for the menu item
      • addItem

        public MenuBar.MenuItem addItem​(String caption,
                                        Resource icon,
                                        MenuBar.Command command)
                                 throws IllegalStateException
        Add a new item inside this item, thus creating a sub-menu. Icon and command can be null, but a caption must be given.
        caption - the text for the menu item
        icon - the icon for the menu item
        command - the command for the menu item
        IllegalStateException - If the item is checkable and thus cannot have children.
      • addItemBefore

        public MenuBar.MenuItem addItemBefore​(String caption,
                                              Resource icon,
                                              MenuBar.Command command,
                                              MenuBar.MenuItem itemToAddBefore)
                                       throws IllegalStateException
        Add an item before some item. If the given item does not exist the item is added at the end of the menu. Icon and command can be null, but a caption must be given.
        caption - the text for the menu item
        icon - the icon for the menu item
        command - the command for the menu item
        itemToAddBefore - the item that will be after the new item
        IllegalStateException - If the item is checkable and thus cannot have children.
      • getCommand

        public MenuBar.Command getCommand()
        For the associated command.
        The associated command, or null if there is none
      • getIcon

        public Resource getIcon()
        Gets the objects icon.
        The icon of the item, null if the item doesn't have an icon
      • getParent

        public MenuBar.MenuItem getParent()
        For the containing item. This will return null if the item is in the top-level menu bar.
        The containing MenuBar.MenuItem , or null if there is none
      • getChildren

        public List<MenuBar.MenuItem> getChildren()
        This will return the children of this item or null if there are none.
        List of children items, or null if there are none
      • getText

        public String getText()
        Gets the objects text
        The text
      • getSize

        public int getSize()
        Returns the number of children.
        The number of child items
      • getId

        public int getId()
        Get the unique identifier for this item.
        The id of this item
      • setCommand

        public void setCommand​(MenuBar.Command command)
        Set the command for this item. Set null to remove.
        command - The MenuCommand of this item
      • setIcon

        public void setIcon​(Resource icon)
        Sets the icon. Set null to remove.
        icon - The icon for this item
      • setText

        public void setText​(String text)
        Set the text of this object.
        text - Text for this object
      • removeChild

        public void removeChild​(MenuBar.MenuItem item)
        Remove the first occurrence of the item.
        item - The item to be removed
      • removeChildren

        public void removeChildren()
        Empty the list of children items.
      • setParent

        protected void setParent​(MenuBar.MenuItem parent)
        Set the parent of this item. This is called by the addItem method.
        parent - The parent item
      • setEnabled

        public void setEnabled​(boolean enabled)
      • isEnabled

        public boolean isEnabled()
      • setVisible

        public void setVisible​(boolean visible)
      • isVisible

        public boolean isVisible()
      • isSeparator

        public boolean isSeparator()
      • setStyleName

        public void setStyleName​(String styleName)
      • getStyleName

        public String getStyleName()
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(String description)
        Sets the items's description. See getDescription() for more information on what the description is. This method will trigger a RepaintRequestEvent.
        description - the new description string for the component.
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription()

        Gets the items's description. The description can be used to briefly describe the state of the item to the user. The description string may contain certain XML tags:

        Tag Description Example
        <b> bold bold text
        <i> italic italic text
        <u> underlined underlined text
        <br> linebreak N/A
        item list
        • item1
        • item2

        These tags may be nested.

        item's description String
      • isCheckable

        public boolean isCheckable()
        Gets the checkable state of the item - whether the item has checked and unchecked states. If an item is checkable its checked state (as returned by isChecked()) is indicated in the UI.

        An item is not checkable by default.

        true if the item is checkable, false otherwise
      • setCheckable

        public void setCheckable​(boolean checkable)
                          throws IllegalStateException
        Sets the checkable state of the item. If an item is checkable its checked state (as returned by isChecked()) is indicated in the UI.

        An item is not checkable by default.

        Items with sub items cannot be checkable.

        checkable - true if the item should be checkable, false otherwise
        IllegalStateException - If the item has children
      • isChecked

        public boolean isChecked()
        Gets the checked state of the item (checked or unchecked). Only used if the item is checkable (as indicated by isCheckable()). The checked state is indicated in the UI with the item, if the item is checkable.

        An item is not checked by default.

        The CSS style corresponding to the checked state is "-checked".

        true if the item is checked, false otherwise
      • setChecked

        public void setChecked​(boolean checked)
        Sets the checked state of the item. Only used if the item is checkable (indicated by isCheckable()). The checked state is indicated in the UI with the item, if the item is checkable.

        An item is not checked by default.

        The CSS style corresponding to the checked state is "-checked".
