Package com.vaadin.ui

Class GridLayout.Area

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Enclosing class:

    public class GridLayout.Area
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    Defines a rectangular area of cells in a GridLayout.

    Also maintains a reference to the component contained in the area.

    The area is specified by the cell coordinates of its upper left corner (column1,row1) and lower right corner (column2,row2). As otherwise with GridLayout, the column and row coordinates start from zero.

    Vaadin Ltd.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • Area

        public Area​(Component component,
                    int column1,
                    int row1,
                    int column2,
                    int row2)

        Construct a new area on a grid.

        component - the component connected to the area.
        column1 - The column of the upper left corner cell of the area. The leftmost column has index 0.
        row1 - The row of the upper left corner cell of the area. The topmost row has index 0.
        column2 - The column of the lower right corner cell of the area. The leftmost column has index 0.
        row2 - The row of the lower right corner cell of the area. The topmost row has index 0.
    • Method Detail

      • overlaps

        public boolean overlaps​(GridLayout.Area other)
        Tests if this Area overlaps with another Area.
        other - the other Area that is to be tested for overlap with this area
        true if other area overlaps with this on, false if it does not.
      • getComponent

        public Component getComponent()
        Gets the component connected to the area.
        the Component.
      • getColumn1

        public int getColumn1()
        Gets the column of the top-left corner cell.
        the column of the top-left corner cell.
      • getColumn2

        public int getColumn2()
        Gets the column of the bottom-right corner cell.
        the column of the bottom-right corner cell.
      • getRow1

        public int getRow1()
        Gets the row of the top-left corner cell.
        the row of the top-left corner cell.
      • getRow2

        public int getRow2()
        Gets the row of the bottom-right corner cell.
        the row of the bottom-right corner cell.