Uses of Class
Packages that use ErrorLevel Package Description com.vaadin.client com.vaadin.client.ui com.vaadin.client.ui.orderedlayout com.vaadin.server com.vaadin.shared com.vaadin.shared.ui com.vaadin.shared.ui.tabsheet -
Uses of ErrorLevel in com.vaadin.client
Methods in com.vaadin.client that return ErrorLevel Modifier and Type Method Description ErrorLevel
TooltipInfo. getErrorLevel()
Gets the error level.Methods in com.vaadin.client with parameters of type ErrorLevel Modifier and Type Method Description void
TooltipInfo. setErrorLevel(ErrorLevel errorLevel)
Sets the error level.static void
WidgetUtil.ErrorUtil. setErrorLevelStyle( element, String prefix, ErrorLevel errorLevel)
Sets the error level style name for the given element and removes all previously applied error level style names.boolean
VCaption. updateCaptionWithoutOwner(String caption, boolean disabled, boolean hasDescription, boolean hasError, ErrorLevel errorLevel, String iconURL, String iconAltText)
VErrorMessage. updateErrorLevel(ErrorLevel errorLevel)
Sets the correct error level style name for the error message and removes all previous style names.Constructors in com.vaadin.client with parameters of type ErrorLevel Constructor Description TooltipInfo(String tooltip, String errorMessage, Object identifier, ErrorLevel errorLevel)
Constructs a new tooltip info instance. -
Uses of ErrorLevel in com.vaadin.client.ui
Methods in com.vaadin.client.ui with parameters of type ErrorLevel Modifier and Type Method Description void
VPanel. setErrorIndicatorVisible(boolean showError, ErrorLevel errorLevel)
For internal use only.void
VFormLayout.ErrorFlag. updateError(String errorMessage, ErrorLevel errorLevel, boolean hideErrors)
VFormLayout.VFormLayoutTable. updateError( widget, String errorMessage, ErrorLevel errorLevel, boolean hideErrors)
Uses of ErrorLevel in com.vaadin.client.ui.orderedlayout
Methods in com.vaadin.client.ui.orderedlayout with parameters of type ErrorLevel Modifier and Type Method Description void
Slot. setCaption(String captionText, Icon icon, List<String> styles, String error, ErrorLevel errorLevel, boolean showError, boolean required, boolean enabled, boolean captionAsHtml)
Set the caption of the slot -
Uses of ErrorLevel in com.vaadin.server
Methods in com.vaadin.server that return ErrorLevel Modifier and Type Method Description ErrorLevel
ErrorMessage.ErrorLevel. convertToShared()
Converts this to an error level that can be used on the client side. -
Uses of ErrorLevel in com.vaadin.shared
Fields in com.vaadin.shared declared as ErrorLevel Modifier and Type Field Description ErrorLevel
AbstractComponentState. errorLevel
Level of error -
Uses of ErrorLevel in com.vaadin.shared.ui
Methods in com.vaadin.shared.ui that return ErrorLevel Modifier and Type Method Description static ErrorLevel
ErrorLevel. valueOf(String name)
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.static ErrorLevel[]
ErrorLevel. values()
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. -
Uses of ErrorLevel in com.vaadin.shared.ui.tabsheet
Fields in com.vaadin.shared.ui.tabsheet declared as ErrorLevel Modifier and Type Field Description ErrorLevel
TabState. componentErrorLevel
The error level of the component.