Class SizeWithUnit

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SizeWithUnit
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    A class for representing a value-unit pair. Also contains utility methods for parsing such pairs from a string.
    Vaadin Ltd
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • SizeWithUnit

        public SizeWithUnit​(float size,
                            Sizeable.Unit unit)
        Constructs a new SizeWithUnit object representing the pair (size, unit).
        size - a numeric value
        unit - a unit
    • Method Detail

      • getSize

        public float getSize()
        Returns the numeric value stored in this object.
        the value of this (value, unit) pair
      • getUnit

        public Sizeable.Unit getUnit()
        Returns the unit stored in this object.
        the unit of this (value, unit) pair
      • parseStringSize

        public static SizeWithUnit parseStringSize​(String s,
                                                   Sizeable.Unit defaultUnit)
        Returns an object whose numeric value and unit are taken from the string s. If s does not specify a unit and defaultUnit is not null, defaultUnit is used as the unit. If defaultUnit is null and s is a nonempty string representing a unitless number, an exception is thrown. Null or empty string will produce {-1,Unit#PIXELS}.
        s - the string to be parsed
        defaultUnit - The unit to be used if s does not contain any unit. Use null for no default unit.
        an object containing the parsed value and unit
      • parseStringSize

        public static SizeWithUnit parseStringSize​(String s)
        Returns an object whose numeric value and unit are taken from the string s. Null or empty string will produce {-1,Unit#PIXELS}. An exception is thrown if s specifies a number without a unit.
        s - the string to be parsed
        an object containing the parsed value and unit