Class BootstrapResponse

    • Constructor Detail

      • BootstrapResponse

        public BootstrapResponse​(BootstrapHandler handler,
                                 VaadinRequest request,
                                 VaadinSession session,
                                 Class<? extends UI> uiClass,
                                 UIProvider uiProvider)
        Creates a new bootstrap event.
        handler - the bootstrap handler that is firing the event
        request - the Vaadin request for which the bootstrap page should be generated
        session - the session for which the bootstrap page should be generated
        uiClass - the class of the UI that will be displayed on the page
        uiProvider - the UI provider for the bootstrap
    • Method Detail

      • getBootstrapHandler

        public BootstrapHandler getBootstrapHandler()
        Gets the bootstrap handler that fired this event
        the bootstrap handler that fired this event
      • getRequest

        public VaadinRequest getRequest()
        Gets the request for which the generated bootstrap HTML will be the response. This can be used to read request headers and other additional information. Please note that VaadinRequest#getBrowserDetails() will not be available because the bootstrap page is generated before the bootstrap javascript has had a chance to send any information back to the server.
        the Vaadin request that is being handled
      • getSession

        public VaadinSession getSession()
        Gets the service session to which the rendered view belongs.
        the Vaadin service session
      • getUiClass

        public Class<? extends UI> getUiClass()
        Gets the class of the UI that will be displayed on the generated bootstrap page.
        the class of the UI
      • getUIProvider

        public UIProvider getUIProvider()
        Gets the UI provider that is used to provide information about the bootstapped UI.
        the UI provider