Class StringLengthValidator

    • Constructor Detail

      • StringLengthValidator

        public StringLengthValidator​(String errorMessage)
        Creates a new StringLengthValidator with a given error message.
        errorMessage - the message to display in case the value does not validate.
      • StringLengthValidator

        public StringLengthValidator​(String errorMessage,
                                     Integer minLength,
                                     Integer maxLength,
                                     boolean allowNull)
        Creates a new StringLengthValidator with a given error message and minimum and maximum length limits.
        errorMessage - the message to display in case the value does not validate.
        minLength - the minimum permissible length of the string or null for no limit. A negative value for no limit is also supported for backwards compatibility.
        maxLength - the maximum permissible length of the string or null for no limit. A negative value for no limit is also supported for backwards compatibility.
        allowNull - Are null strings permissible? This can be handled better by setting a field as required or not.
    • Method Detail

      • isValidValue

        protected boolean isValidValue​(String value)
        Checks if the given value is valid.
        Specified by:
        isValidValue in class AbstractValidator<String>
        value - the value to validate.
        true for valid value, otherwise false.
      • isNullAllowed

        public final boolean isNullAllowed()
        Returns true if null strings are allowed.
        true if allows null string, otherwise false.
      • getMaxLength

        public Integer getMaxLength()
        Gets the maximum permissible length of the string.
        the maximum length of the string or null if there is no limit
      • getMinLength

        public Integer getMinLength()
        Gets the minimum permissible length of the string.
        the minimum length of the string or null if there is no limit
      • setNullAllowed

        public void setNullAllowed​(boolean allowNull)
        Sets whether null-strings are to be allowed. This can be better handled by setting a field as required or not.
      • setMaxLength

        public void setMaxLength​(Integer maxLength)
        Sets the maximum permissible length of the string.
        maxLength - the maximum length to accept or null for no limit
      • setMinLength

        public void setMinLength​(Integer minLength)
        Sets the minimum permissible length.
        minLength - the minimum length to accept or null for no limit