Class NullValidator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Validator, Serializable

    public class NullValidator
    extends Object
    implements Validator
    This validator is used for validating properties that do or do not allow null values. By default, nulls are not allowed.
    Vaadin Ltd.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • NullValidator

        public NullValidator​(String errorMessage,
                             boolean onlyNullAllowed)
        Creates a new NullValidator.
        errorMessage - the error message to display on invalidation.
        onlyNullAllowed - Are only nulls allowed?
    • Method Detail

      • isNullAllowed

        public final boolean isNullAllowed()
        Returns true if nulls are allowed otherwise false.
      • setNullAllowed

        public void setNullAllowed​(boolean onlyNullAllowed)
        Sets if nulls (and only nulls) are to be allowed.
        onlyNullAllowed - If true, only nulls are allowed. If false only non-nulls are allowed. Do we allow nulls?
      • getErrorMessage

        public String getErrorMessage()
        Gets the error message that is displayed in case the value is invalid.
        the Error Message.
      • setErrorMessage

        public void setErrorMessage​(String errorMessage)
        Sets the error message to be displayed on invalid value.
        errorMessage - the Error Message to set.