Class CompositeValidator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Validator, Serializable

    public class CompositeValidator
    extends Object
    implements Validator
    The CompositeValidator allows you to chain (compose) many validators to validate one field. The contained validators may be required to all validate the value to validate or it may be enough that one contained validator validates the value. This behaviour is controlled by the modes AND and OR.
    Vaadin Ltd.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • CompositeValidator

        public CompositeValidator()
        Construct a composite validator in AND mode without error message.
    • Method Detail

      • validate

        public void validate​(Object value)
                      throws Validator.InvalidValueException
        Validates the given value.

        The value is valid, if:

        • MODE_AND: All of the sub-validators are valid
        • MODE_OR: Any of the sub-validators are valid
        If the value is invalid, validation error is thrown. If the error message is set (non-null), it is used. If the error message has not been set, the first error occurred is thrown.

        Specified by:
        validate in interface Validator
        value - the value to check.
        Validator.InvalidValueException - if the value is not valid.
      • getErrorMessage

        public String getErrorMessage()
        Gets the error message for the composite validator. If the error message is null, original error messages of the sub-validators are used instead.
      • addValidator

        public void addValidator​(Validator validator)
        Adds validator to the interface.
        validator - the Validator object which performs validation checks on this set of data field values.
      • removeValidator

        public void removeValidator​(Validator validator)
        Removes a validator from the composite.
        validator - the Validator object which performs validation checks on this set of data field values.
      • getSubValidators

        public Collection<Validator> getSubValidators​(Class validatorType)
        Gets sub-validators by class.

        If the component contains directly or recursively (it contains another composite containing the validator) validators compatible with given type they are returned. This only applies to AND mode composite validators.

        If the validator is in OR mode or does not contain any validators of given type null is returned.

        validatorType - The type of validators to return
        Collection of validators compatible with given type that must apply or null if none found.
      • setErrorMessage

        public void setErrorMessage​(String errorMessage)
        Sets the message to be included in the exception in case the value does not validate. The exception message is typically shown to the end user.
        errorMessage - the error message.