Class ObjectProperty<T>

    • Constructor Detail

      • ObjectProperty

        public ObjectProperty​(T value)
        Creates a new instance of ObjectProperty with the given value. The type of the property is automatically initialized to be the type of the given value.
        value - the Initial value of the Property.
      • ObjectProperty

        public ObjectProperty​(T value,
                              Class<T> type)
        Creates a new instance of ObjectProperty with the given value and type. Since Vaadin 7, only values of the correct type are accepted, and no automatic conversions are performed.
        value - the Initial value of the Property.
        type - the type of the value. The value must be assignable to given type.
      • ObjectProperty

        public ObjectProperty​(T value,
                              Class<T> type,
                              boolean readOnly)
        Creates a new instance of ObjectProperty with the given value, type and read-only mode status. Since Vaadin 7, only the correct type of values is accepted, see ObjectProperty(Object, Class).
        value - the Initial value of the property.
        type - the type of the value. value must be assignable to this type.
        readOnly - Sets the read-only mode.
    • Method Detail

      • getType

        public final Class<T> getType()
        Returns the type of the ObjectProperty. The methods getValue and setValue must be compatible with this type: one must be able to safely cast the value returned from getValue to the given type and pass any variable assignable to this type as an argument to setValue.
        type of the Property
      • getValue

        public T getValue()
        Gets the value stored in the Property.
        the value stored in the Property
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(T newValue)
                      throws Property.ReadOnlyException
        Sets the value of the property. Note that since Vaadin 7, no conversions are performed and the value must be of the correct type.
        newValue - the New value of the property.
        Property.ReadOnlyException - if the object is in read-only mode