Class MethodProperty<T>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Property<T>, Property.ReadOnlyStatusChangeNotifier, Property.ValueChangeNotifier, Serializable

    public class MethodProperty<T>
    extends AbstractProperty<T>

    Proxy class for creating Properties from pairs of getter and setter methods of a Bean property. An instance of this class can be thought as having been attached to a field of an object. Accessing the object through the Property interface directly manipulates the underlying field.

    It's assumed that the return value returned by the getter method is assignable to the type of the property, and the setter method parameter is assignable to that value.

    A valid getter method must always be available, but instance of this class can be constructed with a null setter method in which case the resulting MethodProperty is read-only.

    MethodProperty implements Property.ValueChangeNotifier, but does not automatically know whether or not the getter method will actually return a new value - value change listeners are always notified when setValue is called, without verifying what the getter returns.

    Vaadin Ltd.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • MethodProperty

        public MethodProperty​(Object instance,
                              String beanPropertyName)

        Creates a new instance of MethodProperty from a named bean property. This constructor takes an object and the name of a bean property and initializes itself with the accessor methods for the property.

        The getter method of a MethodProperty instantiated with this constructor will be called with no arguments, and the setter method with only the new value as the sole argument.

        If the setter method is unavailable, the resulting MethodProperty will be read-only, otherwise it will be read-write.

        Method names are constructed from the bean property by adding get/is/are/set prefix and capitalising the first character in the name of the given bean property.

        instance - the object that includes the property.
        beanPropertyName - the name of the property to bind to.
      • MethodProperty

        public MethodProperty​(Class<? extends T> type,
                              Object instance,
                              String getMethodName,
                              String setMethodName)

        Creates a new instance of MethodProperty from named getter and setter methods. The getter method of a MethodProperty instantiated with this constructor will be called with no arguments, and the setter method with only the new value as the sole argument.

        If the setter method is null, the resulting MethodProperty will be read-only, otherwise it will be read-write.

        type - the type of the property.
        instance - the object that includes the property.
        getMethodName - the name of the getter method.
        setMethodName - the name of the setter method.
      • MethodProperty

        public MethodProperty​(Class<? extends T> type,
                              Object instance,
                              Method getMethod,
                              Method setMethod)

        Creates a new instance of MethodProperty with the getter and setter methods. The getter method of a MethodProperty instantiated with this constructor will be called with no arguments, and the setter method with only the new value as the sole argument.

        If the setter method is null, the resulting MethodProperty will be read-only, otherwise it will be read-write.

        type - the type of the property.
        instance - the object that includes the property.
        getMethod - the getter method.
        setMethod - the setter method.
      • MethodProperty

        public MethodProperty​(Class<? extends T> type,
                              Object instance,
                              String getMethodName,
                              String setMethodName,
                              Object[] getArgs,
                              Object[] setArgs,
                              int setArgumentIndex)

        Creates a new instance of MethodProperty from named getter and setter methods and argument lists. The getter method of a MethodProperty instantiated with this constructor will be called with the getArgs as arguments. The setArgs will be used as the arguments for the setter method, though the argument indexed by the setArgumentIndex will be replaced with the argument passed to the setValue(Object newValue) method.

        For example, if the setArgs contains A, B and C, and setArgumentIndex = 1, the call methodProperty.setValue(X) would result in the setter method to be called with the parameter set of {A, X, C}

        type - the type of the property.
        instance - the object that includes the property.
        getMethodName - the name of the getter method.
        setMethodName - the name of the setter method.
        getArgs - the fixed argument list to be passed to the getter method.
        setArgs - the fixed argument list to be passed to the setter method.
        setArgumentIndex - the index of the argument in setArgs to be replaced with newValue when setValue(Object newValue) is called.
    • Method Detail

      • getType

        public final Class<? extends T> getType()
        Returns the type of the Property. The methods getValue and setValue must be compatible with this type: one must be able to safely cast the value returned from getValue to the given type and pass any variable assignable to this type as an argument to setValue.
        type of the Property
      • isReadOnly

        public boolean isReadOnly()
        Tests if the object is in read-only mode. In read-only mode calls to setValue will throw ReadOnlyException and will not modify the value of the Property.
        Specified by:
        isReadOnly in interface Property<T>
        isReadOnly in class AbstractProperty<T>
        true if the object is in read-only mode, false if it's not
      • getValue

        public T getValue()
        Gets the value stored in the Property. The value is resolved by calling the specified getter method with the argument specified at instantiation.
        the value of the Property
      • setArguments

        public void setArguments​(Object[] getArgs,
                                 Object[] setArgs,
                                 int setArgumentIndex)

        Sets the setter method and getter method argument lists.

        getArgs - the fixed argument list to be passed to the getter method.
        setArgs - the fixed argument list to be passed to the setter method.
        setArgumentIndex - the index of the argument in setArgs to be replaced with newValue when setValue(Object newValue) is called.
      • invokeSetMethod

        protected void invokeSetMethod​(T value)
        Internal method to actually call the setter method of the wrapped property.
        value -
      • fireValueChange

        public void fireValueChange()
        Sends a value change event to all registered listeners. Public for backwards compatibility, visibility may be reduced in future versions.
        fireValueChange in class AbstractProperty<T>
      • getInstance

        public Object getInstance()
        The instance used by this property
        the instance used for fetching the property value
      • setInstance

        public void setInstance​(Object instance)
        Sets the instance used by this property.

        The new instance must be of the same type as the old instance

        To be consistent with setValue(Object), this method will fire a value change event even if the value stays the same

        instance - the instance to use