Class FlyweightCell

  • public class FlyweightCell
    extends Object
    A FlyweightCell represents a cell in the Grid or Escalator at a certain point in time.

    Since the FlyweightCell follows the Flyweight-pattern any instance of this object is subject to change without the user knowing it and so should not be stored anywhere outside of the method providing these instances.

    Vaadin Ltd
    • Constructor Detail

      • FlyweightCell

        public FlyweightCell​(FlyweightRow row,
                             int column)
    • Method Detail

      • getRow

        public int getRow()
        Returns the row index of the cell
      • getColumn

        public int getColumn()
        Returns the column index of the cell
      • getElement

        public getElement()
        Returns the element of the cell. Can be either a TD element or a TH element.
      • getColSpan

        public int getColSpan()
        Return the colspan attribute of the element of the cell.
      • setElement

        public void setElement​( element)
        Sets the DOM element for this FlyweightCell, either a TD or a TH. It is the caller's responsibility to actually insert the given element to the document when needed.
        element - the element corresponding to this cell, cannot be null
      • setColSpan

        public void setColSpan​(int numberOfCells)