Uses of Class
Packages that use CalendarDay Package Description com.vaadin.client.ui -
Uses of CalendarDay in com.vaadin.client.ui
Method parameters in com.vaadin.client.ui with type arguments of type CalendarDay Modifier and Type Method Description void
VCalendar. updateMonthGrid(int daysCount, List<CalendarDay> days, Date today)
Updates the events in the Month viewvoid
VCalendar. updateMonthView(int firstDayOfWeek, Date today, int daysInMonth, Collection<CalendarEvent> events, List<CalendarDay> days)
Re-renders the whole month viewvoid
VCalendar. updateWeekGrid(int daysCount, List<CalendarDay> days, Date today, String[] realDayNames)
Re-render the week gridvoid
VCalendar. updateWeekView(int scroll, Date today, int daysInMonth, int firstDayOfWeek, Collection<CalendarEvent> events, List<CalendarDay> days)
Re-renders the whole week view